Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • The layers are rendered in the order they appear in the layout editor, maybe the new one is below the old one, check for that.

  • Greenworks currently supports up to version 0.33.3, so you can't use 0.34 anyways.


  • This issue started after installing the latest version.

    At first the issue was that if I close construct with the tilemap window closed (only when it is not docked), when I open construct again and select it from the view panel, it doesn't show up.

    If I leave it selected, exit and return, it comes back again.

    I tried resetting all dialogs from the Preferences screen to see if it'll fix it.

    But this caused a another issue with the z order window, by default it is off, but now even if I turn it on, exit and return, I still don't see it.

    I tried resetting a couple of times, and I still can't manage to get the z order window to show up.

    Note: If I run an older version of construct, I can see it, then when I return to the new version it shows up too.

  • Fullscreen does not trigger the resize event.

    You can keep the browser.innerWidth and height to variables and check if they change, then reposition your sprites.

  • Ashely, this issue is seemed to be resolved in the latest beta, at least for me.

    gigawaller, if you can confirm it on your side, this can be marked as resolved.

  • Great, simple enough, cant believe I did not think of it, cheers!

  • Thanks for the quick answer!

    Can this be applied to one specific dictionary?

    The thing is most of my dictionaries holds user data and I do want to save those, but one is used for texts and translations, which keeps getting bigger with each language.

  • I'm guessing probably not, but still, does anybody knows if there is a way to exclude dictionaries from being saved with the official save feature?

  • Ajax is used to read any of the files stored within your game's directory and get back the data.

    Ajax.lastdata will show you the file's content, so if you make a file called stuff.txt and write "more stuff" inside it, then request it with ajax you will get the string "more stuff" back.

    You can access files that the C2 project uses or external files you imported yourself, and import data into your game, like a json or a txt file.

    You don't need to fetch video files to play them, the video plugin can read the files stored under the files folder, just write the file name with the correct extension in the video plugin settings or in the load action.

  • It's probably some webGL effect you got on the layout or that specific layer.

    Try setting Preview Effects to OFF in the project settings.

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  • I meant this or this, but I guess if your player can travel outside the screen bounds and you don't want the collision to occur outside the screen then you would need it.

  • Are you guys limiting/filtering your collision checking by picking objects first?

    For obstacles the player can interact with I usually pick the instances with onScreen, pickNearest or by checking the distance first, before checking collision.

    What kind of tricks are you guys using?

  • Still getting this issue in the current version of C2 (265).

    > I didn't notice the fix for the second issue in the latest beta, it works fine with r263.

    Didn't notice it working fine in r263, 262-263 was the version where I noticed the bug first.

    Just the second issue, where jumping in place on a vertically moving platform pushed you to the side.

    The other issue, landing on corners and getting pushed out is still unsolved.