Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • I have tried returning the contents of NWjs.ClipboardText every frame but it doesn't return anything. Its as if NWjs: Set clipboard text to Text.PlainText doesnt actually do anything. ANy ideas? Here is the code..

    + System: On start of layout

    -> SpeechRecognition: Request speech recognition (language "en", Continuous mode, Interim results)

    + SpeechRecognition: On speech recognition result

    -> Text: Set text to SpeechRecognition.InterimTranscript

    + System: Every tick

    -> NWjs: Set clipboard text to Text.PlainText

    -> ClipboardText: Set text to "Clip="&NWjs.ClipboardText


    Construct 3 version: r171.3

  • Okay. If I'm reading the suggestion correctly, basically it means that if a an object is pinned to another pinned object then it should automatically pin to the root (parent/root object) automatically in engine code.(?)

    Even if that's not the suggestion, that sounds like it would work. It would basically automate the workaround we have to currently do manually .


  • Even though there is an order, the movement lag shouldn't happen. That's still a bug isn't it?

  • Great. I haven't actually got a use case animation that I need to test yet. I was really going to wait until it was production ready before trying it out. Using Spriter is really my only other option but I much prefer to use Spine than Spriter in my workflow.

    What kind of fps are you getting on your device with multiple animated Spine objects? Is there maybe a test capx /apk I could try out on device?


  • Please Mikal continue to work on this!! I beg you! This would be super awesome if it got to a stage where we could use it on mobile without performance issues.

  • Thanks, I just downloaded and tested everything and it seems to work flawlessly without the need to switch back to C2 runtime. I was putting off testing it until there was some kind of confirmation..I didn't realise that testing it would be so quick!

    No issues at all. Happy Days! :)

  • How did I never find that? Great stuff. Thanks!!

  • Anyone Know the shortcut keys for:

    Preview Layout

    Preview Project

    Remote Preview

    Debug Layout



  • Can I bump this for answer. Anyone know? Cheers

  • I've been using Unity since day one and I'm currently on the fence as to which system to currently use between C3 and Unity in my next project. I used MMF2 fusion for my last project which was great, but suffers heavily in performance against the new C3 runtime.

    Unity can do everything, but it's big and clunky these days and I seem to spend more time compiling, upgrading the editor or trying to find stuff(data, assets, settings..) within the complex UI rather than doing any actual game development. When things break its a case of deleting library folders and waiting 30 minutes each time to reload everything..This really ruins the flow. I was running Unity 2019 yesterday and it crashed on me about 5 times during the day.

    C3 doesn't do any 3D (Big shame :() and has some small weaknesses against Unity 3D (no Spine support, fonts etc) but it seems super fast to develop and it runs super fast too, export sizes are something like 10-20 times smaller than Unity too.

    ALso My Unity test Project is around 1 Gig (once I've added all the plugins etc) whereas my C3 test project with practically the same results is a couple of meg. It never crashed on me.

    I only wish C3 did just a tiny bit of 3d. I'm still not sure if the C3 runtime fully supports skeletal animation though (Spriter/Spine)

  • Well, I've used it a couple of months back. You can't animate anything skeletal so the only way to animate a character for example seems to be to switch between models each frame. Of course most of the games made with it seem to be just abstract hyper casula so if balls and cubes is your thing then it seems great.

    Also, I literally ran it for just an hour or so and it crashed a lot. Maybe they've fixed some things since then.

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  • Hi, does anyone know if the Spriter plugin actually supports the construct 3 runtime yet or do I still need to set the runtime to the old (slower) COnstruct 2 runtime still?



  • Sure its here:

    Click the bottom right button to call the popup. You will see the lag on the popup buttons.

    On e_menus event sheet (line 12) you can see that Im positioning the button text every frame at the same position as the button sprite (buttpon_generic)

  • Well I tried the sub folder re-arrangement idea but that had no effect for me. My objects still have the lag :(

    Unfortunately to pin each object based on offsets from the root object would be ridiculously time consuming just to get around this 'engine' bug, so really that's not an option.

  • So it's based on the order they are added to the project? In my project I added the button text (which is lagging) to the project way after I added the initial sprite (button base) so not sure this is correct. If however this is the case, is there a way to re-order how they were added without having to delete and reimport.

    Btw..surely this is quite a major c3 bug that should be fixed right?