Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • Im starting to think this maybe all due to my project's high resolution. Its currently at 1708 x 960 which is pretty high.

    Is there an easy way to reduce the resolution project wide for testing, or would I manually need to rescale and re-position every sprite one by one just to test this theory?

    I tried setting the canvas size in code to half which has the effect of zooming everything in...and then scaling each layer by 0.5 but the layer scaling doesn't seem to do anything at all.(?!)..nor does layout scale

    Having said this, my project setting for fullscreen resolution is already set to low.

  • Thanks. I just sent you an email.

  • Thanks. I just tried that, but I see exactly the same janking all over the place :(

  • Yes, tried it without it. The fps is fine, some things are smooth but objects moving right to left just jank even when its all running at solid 60fps+ on Android.

  • I am specifically testing on Android. I am seeing cpu readings of around 50%-70%, fps is now a solid 61 but I still get the Jank all the time which just hurts my eyes.

    Honestly I don't think I can release it like this, its almost like the fps reading is saying one thing but the reality is that the game is jerky.

    It's just not what I expect of a 60fps experience.

    I don't think I should first have to optimize to try to reach 60fps and then STILL see problems with the framerate even when Im at 60fps.

    I just tried the same test on a Huwai Mate Pro device. Its a much more powerful device than the A7 Tablet . It uses around 20% CPU on this device, the janking is far less, but the fact is that it still happens.

    Why should this janking happen at all if the device easily can run the game at a high frame rate and low CPU count?

    For me this is a bug in C3. If it can't run completely smoothly while reading 60fps+ then there is something wrong surely.?!?

  • No parallax on any layer.

    I switched off all layers except from the front plants.

    The frame rate in this case starts at solid 61 and doesn't move under 60.

    I still see the jank although it is slightly less. Every few (4-7) seconds there is quite a big jump in the position of the plants.

  • You can see a video here:

    The level runs at close to 60fps but you can noticeably see the plants in the foreground janking. Its less noticeable on the video than in real life but hopefully you can see that its not 60fps buttery smooth.

    I don't use any pinning, only scene graph hierarchies, but these aren't present on the janking foreground plants.

    My camera is fixed and isn't moving or being updated at this point in the game.

  • I'd also like to say that I've been working on the project for over a year now and this issue is so serious that I'll need to switch engines if I can't resolve it. Something I really don't want to do.

    I've been happily and confidently going by (the 60 fps) )readings on the fps counter until now and even decided to update the minimum device specs to something more modern to overcome the fps issues I previously was encountering, but for the kind of work I'm just now doing on the project, the janking issues are so glaringly obvious, its just not feasible to release in this kind of state.

    If the scirra team can offer any advice that would be great :)

  • I set it to unlimited (ticks only) and the fps averages around 90 fps on a device build however the jittering is still exactly the same. There is no notable difference to the eye.

    With framerate mode set to Unlimited (full frames) I get around 55-60fps but again the jittering is still present.

    As as side note, I also tried exporting without using dt and using VSynced FPS mode, but I still see the same issues even though its running at 60fps.

    For example, instead of:


    I use:


    On PC it runs at 60 fps as well, but everything is buttery smooth to the eye.

    Same issues with Worker mode on or off..makes no difference.

    Im using 293.3 stable and the tablet is a Samsung A7 Lite

    If Im already at 60fps on device but there is this random jittering everywhere, then there's no way I can even optimize to improve things. What use is an fps reading if there is janking all the time regardless? This is a big roadblock for me.

  • Unfortunately no, it's a side scroller with hi res graphics.

  • Hi, on device my FPS counter reads almost 60fps constantly but I can visibly see objects stuttering as they move across the screen...Scrolling right to left. These objects all use DT to control movement.

    What is going on and how should i fix this? Thanks


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  • I want to increase a variable relative to the amount another variable is decreased. I think its called 'negative correlation'.

    I realise that this his is rather a math question than C3 specific, but in my case I want to decrease a Sin period as the speed of my object increases.


  • I have a tween that is triggered at the start but when I try to change values at runtime the tween either seems to stop or has no effect.

    I want to have a slider bar that adjust the rate of a looping/ping ponging rotation.

    Do I need to stop the tween and create a new tween completely or something weird like that?


  • I have a mesh 20 columns by 2 rows. I want to scroll its texture from right to left.

    Possible? How?! :)

