Stutterring but reads 60fps

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  • you can still observe stutter in any game at high-ish fps if the frame times vary alot.

  • Yes, tried it without it. The fps is fine, some things are smooth but objects moving right to left just jank even when its all running at solid 60fps+ on Android.

  • Yes, tried it without it. The fps is fine, some things are smooth but objects moving right to left just jank even when its all running at solid 60fps+ on Android.

    What is the code for the right to left movement?

  • Self.X-(train_speed*(Self.speed_adjust))/70?

    Change to

    lerp(self.X, Self.X-(train_speed*(Self.speed_adjust)), dt*4)

  • Thanks. I just tried that, but I see exactly the same janking all over the place :(

  • Thanks. I tried that, but I see exactly the same janking all over the place :(

    If you want an extra pair of eyes on your project, i wouldn't mind taking a look:


  • Thanks. I just sent you an email.

  • Im starting to think this maybe all due to my project's high resolution. Its currently at 1708 x 960 which is pretty high.

    Is there an easy way to reduce the resolution project wide for testing, or would I manually need to rescale and re-position every sprite one by one just to test this theory?

    I tried setting the canvas size in code to half which has the effect of zooming everything in...and then scaling each layer by 0.5 but the layer scaling doesn't seem to do anything at all.(?!)..nor does layout scale

    Having said this, my project setting for fullscreen resolution is already set to low.

  • Thanks. I just sent you an email.

    Just got back from moms place ^_^ mothers day aye


  • Will send again later, I'm also doing Sunday things :) cheers

  • Looks like it got sent already. Maybe its in your trash? I sent again though to be sure. Its from S*


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  • Unfortunately still no resolution on this. Still seeing significant jank even though its running at over 60fps and no objects are being created or destroyed during runtime.

    Im out of ideas :(

  • Whenever I get desperate, I take a copy of my project and slowly tear it apart, like delete sections of it (maybe whatever event sheet groups that use the most CPU in the debugger preview), and test each time, to see when the stuttering stops. You might find some specific feature is causing the jank.

    Recently, I tried my project on a 4k monitor, and I noticed that even tho I had solid 60fps or 1000fps when vsync off, it was still jittering badly. Turns out it was me "pasting" on drawing canvas every tick, it didn't like that I was doing it every tick on a 4k sized drawing canvas. Obvious now that I see it, but I wonder why was my fps was seemingly fine.

  • You state that the things in the foreground move janky? but the things in the background moves smooth(er)?

    If your viewport is 1920p wide, and the objects are moving from right to left in one second (which it seems like the plants in the foreground do approx, and our cactus example), then they will be moved with 30-40pixels every tick, at 60fps. so they will not move smooth. If your viewport is even bigger the "jumps" will be even longer.

    But maybe you refer to something else.. :)

  • Its most noticeable on the foreground plants because they are moving faster but its happening on all the moving objects.

    Unfortunately the Janking isn't even and predictable. Sometimes its janks a few pixels and sometimes it janks a lot more, all the time at random intervals so in all the end effect is very hard on the eyes even while the app is running at 60fps. I would expect it to be silky smooth.

    My main prediction now is that the screen resolution is just too high to refresh efficiently, but I cant seem to change layer scales or layout scale to match a new canvas size.

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