Gillis's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Eyez. I completely agree with that.

    Your game looks fun!

    I like the idea of a free web edition that runs in a limited fixed resolution to help build an audience and a full screen paid edition. Ads in my book would be off the canvas or maybe visible in a full screen browser game... It is true that some people just don't lke ads and will not tolerate them no matter what.

    Happy creating guys.

  • I think ads on a website are acceptable (off the canvas) as long as they are not everywhere To have a single adChoice or amazon type strip banner docked on the top right seems acceptable. I will even click on them if I like the website and then quickly back out. target _blank is a must for canvas games anyways.


  • Have you guys had good response from indiegamestand?

  • Thanks all. I have had an amazing outpouring of support so far.


  • Thanks all! Video up!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Thanks guys!

    OddConfection Thanks for the excellent advice.

  • It is finally done! Made completely with C2! I would be thankful for any votes!


  • You can easily do collisions with particles like this...


  • I had this same problem when using the save \ load features. Objects would exist but would disappear after a load and just act strange. Can you attribute the disappearances with occurring after a "load" Switching to Webstorage fixed it for me.

    I didn't do a bug report either due to project size.

    Good luck.

  • My game is quite large and I found that using save/load worked well and was super easy but after a load sometimes objects would disappear randomly and I have a feeling that somehow items were left as artifact UIDs... I don't know. I switched to a webstorage save system where I save only the arrays and variables that I need to save and things work much better. I just like having the control of what you are saving... Having said all of that, I think the save\load is such an amazing feature. It can work for a quick solution. (Why haven't I submitted a bug?... I use addons and I have an excellent workarround) For saving things like bindable keyboard key values Webstorage is a great choice too.

  • nevermind guys. The last time I tried audio without preload was version 70 It is working much better now without preload

  • Does anyone have a copy of this? The link is dead.

  • Is there a way to unload audio that was preloaded? For instance I have a dialog audio clip play that will never play again?

    Or if I ask another question. What is the most reliable way to play non-preloaded audio? Is there a specific set of actions you use?

    I have had issues playing audio reliably without the full pre-load but that might just be me ... so I have just been foolishly preloading every sound and the memory ramifications have been huge.



  • FYI. My issue was a bug in my code where I was creating objects on a hidden layer.

  • Why not program you own overlap detection by checking to see if the enemy object exists within an x-y range relative to the player? This can be achieved with 4 lines of code.

    This worked for me in your capx.

