Gillis's Forum Posts

  • I ran into an issue when testing the Generic SNES USB PC controller that only has d-pad.. so I ended up getting an assertion error when my key bindings windows opens since I am showing a graphic grid for dead zones on gamepad that calculates off an axis that does not exist. Is there a "Gamepad" object condition to check to see if Axis(X) exists? I couldn't find one. I might put in a feature request.



  • I haven't adequately tested to rule out a mistake in code yet. I certainly will submit a bug if one is warranted but I am not 100% sure it's a bug yet. I also need to test on different computers and browsers. Since my project uses pause and loop plugins it will likely not be considered a true bug. I have discovered that if you implement my above listed workaround the overlay 'clone' object disappears when the original disappears UNLESS you make the other 'clone' object on a SEPARATE LAYER (<-This seems to be critical in getting this working)... so there might be something to this but I'm still digging.



  • I know this is closed but I have seen this happen with extremely complex enemies and I want to share how I fixed this. If you have sprites that disappear but still are there one thing you can do is make a simplified clone of the object with the exact same animations and then make a for each loop that does a match on the UIDs. Then match the animation and mirroring to the parent UID. This is a good practice anyways as it leaves the underlying object with the gobs of code and the image displayed independent... similar to how you should handle walk... anyways i thought I would share. This issue used to plague me too and now I add a 'married dummy clone' on top and life is good.

    This is for anyone who finds this thread and is dying inside trying to fix vanishing complex objects.



  • "Solid - Ignore Select Solid" has been a feature I have dreamed about but it currently not implemented... There are ways to do this if you don't use the Solid behavior and check X,Y Coords against said object but it's a lot of hard coding. Sorry I dont have a demo capx but there are some floating around on here.

  • You could try my quad based pathfinding...

  • I remember fixing this by using double quotes around the font name instead of single quotes. good luck... but ultimately use Sprite fonts!!

  • Same here. seems to be the new beta. How about you guys?

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win8.1 64bit


    Construct 2 Version ID

    171 32Bit

  • I figured something else out with webfonts. They are far more likely to work consistently if you keep them out of the 'on start' condition and leave them in the main

  • Is this in yet. Has anyone heard anything?

  • I am having the same issue with 'is overlapping' and particles not being detected in the latest release... although I haven't updated in about 3 months. Can you open a bug case for this issue?

  • space Ape - Thanks for the suggestion.. I tried this but it wasn't quite right because it looses solid for everything and that wont work for what I want. I am currently using a work around similar to this.

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  • Thanks for your idea. I thought of that but it does not work because I still need the 'beetle' to be solid but not interact with the player.   I want to be able to determine what objects are not seen as solid to another object.

  • I think it would be great to be able to define an object as solid (like we have now), but to also be able to specify objects that not register as a collision. this way you would not get so many traffic jams with enemies.

    This is a feature I really really want.



  • Thanks C-7. I am a fan of Blight too. I think I will keep working on it and just see what happens. FYI for others going to launch KS... KS Feature = 500000~ views. No feature = maybe 1000~ views.

  • Thank you. Yeah. I keep hoping for a feature but I still haven't gotten one on KS. I am having trouble getting traffic.