GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • You most certainly do. Chill out, and try to treat people who are attempting to help you with a little respect.

    Here is a capx. I don't know exactly how the Megaman X dash works, but I assume this is what you mean. It should certainly be enough to get you going.

  • Just going to jump in here and say that I too am all ears if anyone has any suggestions.

    This issue has been one of the most frustrating parts of C2 that I've encountered. I now design with families in mind from the beginning, so it doesn't really affect me too much, but for newcomers and those moving from the free to personal editions, it's a real killer.

  • There's no point in uploading your entire game; I doubt anybody would download 500MB then trawl through it to find your issue.

    Your best bet is to try to first try to isolate the problem in your game: Save a copy of your game and strip out all the visuals and extra stuff, leaving just the audio. If the problem persists, keep stripping out stuff until it goes away. At that point, you should be able to figure out exactly what's causing the trouble - it's very likely to be just an error in your code, maybe an endless loop or something else sucking up resources.

    If none of that is fruitful, test it on multiple browsers, as well as node-webkit. And if you've got access to another PC, test it on that, too.

  • Both events are triggering in the same tick, so they're cancelling each other out. It's a long way round, but I'd suggest the following method:

    Give your sound object an instance boolen "OnOff" or whatever.

    Use a single On touched event that toggles the boolean state.

    Then create two more events, one that tests if "OnOff" is true, the other tests if its not (inverted condition). Set your audio silence and animation states accordingly.

  • Bear in mind that, on Android, APKs are limited to 50MB, so you'll have to find another way to download the additional assets to the user's device.

  • I'm not sure why you'd want grid movement, though. Surely the player can align themselves to ledges to prepare for the jump? Personally, I'd find restrictive grid movement to be annoying to the player, and I think it'd be a waste of development time to get it working. Even a highly technical platformer like Prince of Persia doesn't restrict player movement in such a way.

    With regards to edge grabbing, there are two examples in the How Do I FAQ. I'd suggest working through those and coming back if you get stuck.

  • I don't see how the mouse object would interfere - that's a little odd - but I'm glad it's at least working now.

  • If you're asking for a packaged solution, then you're in the wrong place. If you're asking for advice: do the intro tutorials, read everything in the manual, trawl the forums and just start working on something.

    You've already got the basics mapped out in your head by the looks of things, so I'm sure you'll put together something sooner than you'd expect.

    We're here to help if you get stuck with any specifics, but showing that you've put in some effort first is a good idea.

  • You need to use the Touch.Alpha/Beta/Gamma properties to set the position (or bullet angle, or whatever you're using) and angle of your object.

    Here's a little example capx [r140] that shows all three values in action.

    And here is a slightly more advanced example.

  • It would be convenient, and it's also very doable with a simple expression.

    Use the action Set position, and enter whatever relative position you'd like into the X and Y boxes, such as ObjectB.X+50, ObjectB.Y-150. Alternatively, if you want the object to always be locked to another, use the Pin behaviour once you've moved ObjectA into its initial position.

  • Actually, oddly enough, there is no tutorial for using the gamepad object. The manual entry, however, does explain exactly what the 0 and 1 means. If you're not willing to do at least a modicum of research on your own, then you're going to have a lot more trouble than just getting gamepad movement to work.

  • The exact instance of the floor object has already been picked ("found") in the event I described, so at any point in that event you refer to the floor object (such as by UID, or in an expression), you're referring to that instance.

  • Yup.

    Also, just in case you hadn't noticed, the touch object can emulate the mouse object as well (it's enabled by default) - useful for testing mobile apps on desktop.

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  • If you're planning to export with CocoonJS (and Intel XDK too, I believe), the button object isn't supported, so you'll have to use sprites anyway.

    When you say spam, do you mean click-spamming? To prevent this, give each sprite a timer that is activated upon each click, and only allow clicks once that timer has expired: use the Compare two values condition in the On touched object event, and check if the expression Sprite.Timer.CurrentTime("AntiSpam") is equal to 0.

  • andreyin: That's the exact expression that I posted in this very thread :P

    You might notice that the expression doesn't do exactly what the OP requested, but since there's still some confusion about this, here's the expression that you use to get aiming with the right analogue stick: angle(0,0,Gamepad.Axis(0,2),Gamepad.Axis(0,3)).

    Note the axes specified there - those refer to the right stick, whereas 0 and 1 (as in my first post in this thread) refer to the left stick.

    The example capx that I posted in the other thread earlier.