GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Scirra Community!

    Im proud to present to you the first stage in my upcoming platformer - The Adventures of Froghead! (Works best in Chrome!)

    (Link to the game is temporarily disabled - will be back better than before in a couple of days).


    (Note: this video is now a bit dated, there has been some major gameplay changes- Mostly focusing on the difficulty issues.)

    Everything you see is a work in progress and some elements are not in a complete state (Paticularly the title page which might seem out of context right now but will make sense later).

    I would really love to hear what you think and your thoughts on what I could improve.

  • You were right Geo, this is definately my new fav in the ka-boom series. The difficulty is good. All the extra action is great.

    Well done.

  • If at some point in the future you need help im sure there will be a few people happy to give it (myself included). But im also pretty sure you will pick it up quickly if thats how far you got in a week.

    What might help is Telles Sandbox demo in the arcade (he has the cap included) - I havent actually broken it down yet but it has many poses kind of similar to your setup.

  • Hey Rfisher, You should check through the blogs, Ashley has made a pretty detailed post about browsers - it might have saved you some trouble.

    Not sure why IE9 would ever outperform Chrome. Very cool that you got audio to work in IE9 though.

  • Nice work on this Era.

  • Just had another little go, seems to be improved, i got the multiball thing from the top and all the blocks just melted away :)

    Seemed like i had to knock the ball with the side of my head to get enough force to get the ball up, just bouncing on my head wasnt getting the distance.

  • Having the blocks trigger the bang sound is a really good idea!

    I did actually notice that freeze when i landed the ball on top of the block - but i didnt have time to test again (was using chrome). Pretty weird, have you got something triggering when you hit the top of the block or is it just totally random?

  • Wow, I loved it.

    So atmospheric! I wouldnt change anything so far. Looking forward to seeing more.

  • Bang bang, bangabang bang :)


    -I like what you have done with the graphics.

    -All of the colours are easy on the eye.

    -Bouncing the blocks you have knocked down back up to do more damage is a really nice mechanic (the effect looks nice too).

    -The song has a nice novelty effect when the game begins.


    -While the blocks themselves look really nice perfectly arranged in the middle - its not very functional that way. When you hit the front blocks the ball rebounds too fast because its too close and when you hit it up over the blocks there is a lot of wasted space. I would suggest raising the blocks up a bit more.

    -The song loses its novelty rather quickly.

    All in all I think its a really good start. Oh an by the way, I think your loading screen with the Johnny6 logo is genius.

  • I really like how you have done the graphics, also the movement is nice. I think it shows massive potential.

    Ill wait for the stage to come out before I give any crit.

    Nice work AJ.

  • Nice work Naelian.

    Agree with Ugot, being able to drag the pieces off the canvas would have been nice (its a bit of a jumbled mess when you first start) - but on the flipside it might have made the difficulty a bit too easy, if you were going to add this you might have to take away the shadow of the puzzle so its more traditional.

    Great work on your first game.

  • Lol, that was great. What a weird game - I had never heard of it.

    Very good for a laugh :) Did you spend a long time making it?

  • Good presentation, its a shame you ran out of time, dust would have really taken it to the next level.

    Still, very polished looking UI and a fun game.

  • I havent played this in ages, its a lot better now Peteer (not that it was ever bad). Love the animation in the menus + all of the upgrades from prev versions.

    There was a bug with the music for me in chrome, when I died and played the second time the music stayed at a low volume.

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  • Superb graphics guys. With smooth animations this would be awesome.

    Looks like it will be a good game.