GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Keep in mind that you may have conditions that are in conflict.

    Say you hit space while moving (he tries to slash) but then you also hit forward (which might be making your character set the animation to walk instead).

    Without a cap.x its pretty hard to give you an answer, as you could have coded up your game in 1 of 1 million ways.

  • Hey Kau,

    That last event on the sheet reads "every tick - destroy spawner". So your spawner is currently not getting a chance to do anything.

  • Much much better now, no eye adjustments necessary! Lol :)

  • Thanks Rory, ha yeah it was a very random idea to run with! I wanted to do something a little different.

    I'll take into account your advice re the Bevel and Emboss for future games. Cheers.

  • Thanks mate :) I appreciate it.

  • Its pretty cool.

    Nice idea having the music playing seperately in the BG. I like it the overall production in general.

    I would have preferred it if instead of getting hit by the tree top you simply drove underneath it instead.

    I must have played too much of the original GTA because my first instinct in this game is to run people over haha! :)

  • Hey all,

    Ive been a bit quiet lately but The Adventures Of Froghead is finally complete! If anyone wants to see how it turned out then you can check it out at:

    Cheers! <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Haha, points for novelty Wilfryed.

    Cool start. I think the stars in the background might be moving a bit too fast they played on my eyes a bit (that or its my

    It will be great once you add some really retro sound effects in.

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  • It wasnt that long ago I felt just like that as well. Sorry i should have linked the faq, here it is: (Thank Kyatric for the list)

    This is now your C2 bible (along with the C2 manual of course!). Have a look at all of the examples you can get your hands on. If you dont understand a term, like lerp or one of the advanced functions then go to the manual and read it a few times.

    With persistance you will be amazed how quickly you pick it all up.

  • Hey Mugen,

    Check out the FAQ, but this is how I would approach it. Make a sprite button for your menu (when you click it the rest of the menu options appear as you envision it). For me I have them sliding in off the side of the screen.

    From there its just a bunch more sprite buttons that have specific functions for when you click them.

    After you get a handle on the buttons then muck around with variables.

    Hope it helps.

  • Agree with both above about W,A,S,D.

    I can see where you are going with this, its really smooth to play. I enjoy the fact that you hit a little slower than usual - but the monster movement should be slow enough that they wont hit you before you can finish your hit animation imo.

    That or you could have the monsters nearby get pushed back a little. I could see the Zelda shield mechanic being implemented pretty easy as well.

    Keep it up.

  • Looking awesome.

  • In Froghead I am using 31 layers, I really love C2 :)

  • Oh ok, I was using Ie9 so maybe it bugged at the end of the first stage. I'll try again in a few days with chrome.

  • Looks pretty nice so far! I really like the style of the placeholder art + music. Great atmosphere.

    I think you have achieved your goal, it was simple but provided a challenge.

    Perhaps you could recharge your energy over time instead of picking up magic pots (firing the staff is fun, but the mechanics make you not want to shoot unless you absolutely have to). It would also be nice with some gravity on the bullets, you could shoot up and over blocks (I can imagine it fitting in with the style of game your making).

    Just some quick thoughts anyway, look forward to more!