gabmusic's Forum Posts

  • You helped me a lot! Thanks, bro. Dop2000 always help me too. He's pro in this subject, I'm waiting his sugestion lol

    When I get a sofisticated solution, I'll share with you!

  • Ok, I used this action: apply impulse at angle > distance(Player1.X, Player1.Y, enemy1.X, enemy1.Y)/1750

    The number 1750 is result of several tests. This value hits the green tank perfectly.

    The problem is: if I move over the terrain (changing my X and Y), the yellow tank doenst hit the green everytime.

    My goal was to find a 'magical' number or expression that would hit the green tank everytime, then I would have just to change this number by a random interval around it. Did you get my idea?

    What do you think?

  • Hey Bro! Thank you very much for your tips! I'll try something in this line and I'll give a feedback as soon as possible.

    But, and if the tanks are not in same Y coordinates?

  • Hello! Could you help me?

    I am making a singleplayer tank game (image below), and I need to apply a good solution for the enemy tank action. It needs to fire a projectile describing a parabola with a certain probability of hiting the player. It would be nice if it could walk randomly also. The projectile has physics behavior.

    I tried several things, but I havent get even close to it.

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  • Ashley Hey! I followed your advice and it worked!

    Thank you, you are accurate!

  • Ashley Tanks" I'll try it!

  • dop2000 Sorry, it's a tiled background. My mistake.

    The image size is the same, and there is no transparence.

    I'll send the capx soon.

  • Hello! Could you help me?

    How do I fix this? There's 3 tilemaps of mountains composing a paralax effect on the layout. But there's a line that appears on preview and it's exactly on the upper line of the tilemap box.

    I'm sure there is no such line on the image.

    So, why is this appearing? How do I fix?


  • dop2000

    Thanks a lot! It worked!!

  • dop2000 Thanks man. Sorry being repetitive, be patiente with me. I saw his example but I really didnt get how his expression works. But now you gave a nice tip. I will try erasing to make the shape a I want.

  • dop2000 Thanks a lot, I'll read it again.

  • Hi! I'm making a tank game, and I dont know how to write the formula for non-retangular shapes of terrain.

    Look this example on the image below? How do I make this with 'set tiles' function?


  • I've solutioned it. Well, manually. I deleted the bugged sprites and made new ones, then replaced them on the sheet.

    Could you explain better what could have happened?

    Thanx for response.

  • My favorite way to do terrain is with a tilemap. You probably want to generate the terrain with events instead of using the editor. Destroying terrain is just one event as well. ... .capx?dl=1

    For falling terrain you'd have to do something else. Perhaps a sprite per column of dirt that you'd slice up when destroying circles out of them. It wouldn't work if you wanted each pixel of dirt to have it's own color. For that you'd have to just move tiles around which will be slow so you'll want to use a very low res terrain and maybe change the idea entirely since looping over a lot of positions like that is not something that's fast in events.

    I downloaded your .capx. How to you set the tiles on the shape you want? The "set tiles" dialog box seems to simple to me, and you made a complex shape with the tilemap.

  • I am making a tank game where you can select different projectiles to shot.

    All my projectiles were working fine, but after some time, some of them are not being spawned anymore.

    I decided to put all the projectiles sprites on layout and play the preview, and the bugged projectiles are not being created on beggining of layout...

    I have no idea what's going on. I'm pretty sure I didnt any modification in that part of game.

    Please, send me some mindlight because I cant even describe my problem properly.
