fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • How are you guys posting your score to the leaderboard?

    My leaderboard doesn't seem to display anything at the moment.

    You just use the 'Set score' action. then I guess the score you want to send is a variable. if the score you send is higher than the one alreade there it will update, otherwise not.

    Then retrieve the data as I described above.

    For me it works just fine.

  • Has anybody else seen the message "We are not reviewing apps at this time due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform" at the top of the app dashboard?

    I saw that earlier today yes. But that's ok again.

    But FB is in serious deep ***** looking over all permissions for apps and ****

  • You do not need facebook plugin.

  • Every single person that has a mobile newer than five years and are interested in gaming and/oror are younger than 50 has the most recent version, always, I would say

  • To be honest... I think you are just to old then..

    First, Instant games are mostly used on mobiles. And the button is there, right in Messenger. You really can't miss it.

  • Thanks for explaining.

    Ah that sucks, I thought it would be just like Android where it shows their generic leaderboard interface.

    As for the 'Share'. I've used the 'Invite' event, and it works fine for me (for inviting).

    AFAIK there are no "generic leaderboard interface" on facebook? All games has this built in, within the game. Which you will load. (look at the API ... aderboards )

    And this is only positive, since then you can design it as you want.

    Don't be so lazy <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    (just a side note, also in GooglePlay you can load leaderboard data and present it within the game. (works in the new plugin!)

    But yes, they also have "Open leaderboard" in their API.

  • If you are a newbie, sorry, but you will not be able to make such a game... no way

    If you are a highly skilled developer though, then yes it is possible to achieve such a game with C3!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • The event you show means you will load leaderboard data. you will not "open" anything. so no, you will not see that anything happens if you asign that to a button..

    use that event as a start though.

    then use

    On leaderboard loaded event-> then you can populate the leaderoard data into textfields for instance.


    set text: InstantGames.LeaderboardPlayerNameAt(1)

  • very interested in adding my titles on fb instant gaming with construct3. Does the plugin support

    ads? Monetization thru ads available ?

    Yes it does.

    Why don't you just open the editor and look?

  • XDK has nothing to do with this, you can use whatever (except XDK since it's dead! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ).

    just set up your FB plugin correctly linked to your appID.

    all settings are done in facebook developer and facebood AD manager.

  • here you have a guide how to get it to work, that I wrote.

  • I believe it is important to note for everyone that you need a Apple Developer team ID to submit an instant game.

    So the there will be an annual fee of 99 USD for those who not already has one!

  • i was able to find the game, open it and start it within messenger on my Samsung 6.0.

    Though it was terribly slow when flying around..? almost unplayable. Is that just me?

  • should be possible to include the API with a link. script

    then use the Browser plugin to call the functions
