> However would this still work if one of the enemy's required more damage to get destroyed? Would you just add another instance variable?
If you talking about just General "Health" without displaying the Health Animation Percentage then you could do it in many ways, the simplest one will be to create an Instance Variable "Health" then you can do.
On collision With Object
====>>>>Susstract 1 from "Health"
=========>>>>>>>Health <= 0: Destroy
And if you need to display the Health bar Progress then I leave you for you to figure it out as they are many ways to do it, you will have to find the one that suits your needs, they are many Tutorials that you could use.
> I have tried loads with image points, but no joy. I think its because a ball perhaps? I tried replacing the ball with a stick man and it worked perfect.
Set Position to Image Points it should work if you set up everything correctly unless is a bug.
The Shape of the objects doesn't affect in any way, the two important Factors here are:
When you set Object A Position to Object B ImagenPoint(X)
Object A:
Check the Imagen Point = 0
As this is the Default Coordinates of any Object that Constructs use to Position the objects on the Grid
Object B:
Check ImagenPoint(X) if the Image Point its placed in the right Location where Object A you need it to be
And then when you compare Both Image Points you will easily see if they gonna be positioned like you need to be and if not adjust the image Points as you need.
However, If you think that both have the Image Points in the Right Places, then without seeing a simple capx example will be hard for anyone to help you as it could be many things:
I would start from checking if Both Objects are in the same Layer or if they are on different Layers make sure that both have the same Parallax as if you place one of them in another Layer that has Example (Parallax = 0 ) you will have to translate the Coordinates from Layer To Layer
Hi Buddy,
Adding a health bar is fine. I ment specifically in your example. You have the blocks in black and the green health bar attached. What if one of those black blocks had a higher health limit? Because the uid is linked, is it possible to increase the health of a chosen black block?
Regarding the pin. I found a solution. If I changed the ball to a circle collision polygone it worked, but because of physics the ball jumped around. I created a new ball and it worked fine :-). I downloaded the sprite and had somthing weird happen in the pass. No sure what causes it but only ever had a few "glitches" with this sprite!
Again, thanks for all the help. If I don't here from you have a great new year dude.