ForConstruct's Forum Posts

  • Hello there!

    We released the EasyLeaderboard plugin (compatible with C3 and C2).

    It's a simple 3-column (position, name, score) leaderboard with a customizable appearance.

    All you need to do is set/update the entries (users) with a particular score and the plugin will do the rest for you.

    You find it in the Asset Store.

    If you have some questions join our Discord server or contact us via email: contact(at)

    Check out how the plugin works in the showcase:

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  • Hello there!

    We released the AnimatedText behavior (compatible with C3 and C2).

    It’s a behavior dedicated for text-based objects (mostly Text and SpriteFont). It makes the characters/letters of the text appear one-by-one, making an impression of the text being “typed live”.

    You find it in the Asset Store.

    If you have some questions join our Discord server or contact us via email: contact(at)

    Check out how the plugin works in the showcase:

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  • Hello there!

    We released the I18N (Internationalization) plugin (compatible with C3 and C2).

    It’s a Construct plugin created to translate text in game. Whenever it’s needed, it replaces a specific text with another indicated string - by design, in a different language.

    You find it in the Asset Store.

    If you have some questions join our Discord server or contact us via email: contact(at)

    Check out how the plugin works in the introduction video below:

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  • Hello,

    Today we've updated the list of YouTubers. If you don't have it yet, you find the list here.

    - 7 inactive channels removed,

    - 13 new channels added,

    - 223 channels in total.

    Next update - October.

    Cheers, Team

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  • We released The Ultimate Inventory System plugin (compatible with both C3 and C2). You find it in the Asset Store (check here).

    It’s a global plugin that allows for relatively easy and efficient implementation of an in-game inventory system.

    If you have some questions join our Discord server or contact us via email: contact(at)

    Check out the introduction video, what features you can have with our Ultimate Inventory System in your game

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  • Hello!

    We released Animated Counter behavior which is now available in the Asset Store.

    It’s compatible both with C2 and with C3.

    It’s a Construct behavior dedicated for text type objects, such as Text or Sprite Font. With dedicated actions and conditions you can easily make a displayed number gradually increase or decrease, making an impression of a real-time counting.

    If you have some questions, join our Discord server and feel free to ask.

    Check out an introduction video that briefly explains how the Animated Counter behavior works:

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  • Hello, today we've updated the list of portals.

    If you don't have it yet, you find it here.

    If you already have it - the list is just updated.

    What's in the update?

    - monthly visits (in July) per portal,

    - 14 new portals added,

    - 111 portals in total.

    Cheers, Team

  • Hi there!

    A typical mini-map for strategy games in your game? Or maybe a “full-sized” map like in RPGs (world map)?

    Have you ever thought about adding a map feature?

    Now there is a simple way to do it.

    We released the MiniMap plugin for both C2 and C3.

    As the name suggests - this plugin allows you for quick and easy implementation of an in-game map that shows the actual position of objects in the area (layout). If you plan to feature a real-time map in your game, our addon is for you.

    For more details about the MiniMap plugin, check Construct Asset Store.

    If you have some questions, join our Discord server.

    Check out an introduction video that briefly explains how it works

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Hello, today we've updated the list (you find it here):

    - 11 inactive channels removed,

    - 20 new channels added,

    - 220 channels in total.

    Next update - September.

    Cheers, Team

  • Hi there!

    If you need a platform, where thousands of players can play your game easily and free , consider adding it to Portals with free online games. Here we share with you some tips about this kind of portals and our List of Portals (check here), where you can publish your game.

    You can use these portals in two ways:

    • as a main platform you’ll release your game,
    • as a channel for a lite version or a demo of your game and inform new players about full version (e.g., Steam).
  • Hi there,

    Have you considered YouTubers as one of the channels to promote your game? If yes, we share our List of gaming YouTubers to make this part easier for you.

    For now, there are:

    - 200+ gaming channels (all platforms),

    - we are going to update it once a month (by removing inactive youtubers and adding new, active ones).

    The List and some hints you find on our website here.

    If you have some suggestions or other lists (not updated for a long time etc.) - we can review and update them. Just contact us via email with more details: contact[at]

  • We introduce the Levels Manager (compatible with both C3 and with C2) plugin we have designed at the request of our Construct developers community.

    If you also want to be able to suggest some useful addons we can design, join our Discord server and let us know.

    Levels Manager is now available in the Construct Asset Store.

    Levels Manager - about:

    Levels Manager’s purpose is to help you maintain the in-game levels (stages). This includes:

    • level availability (if the level/stage is unlocked or not),
    • level properties (points/score earned, difficulty level, achievements unlocked etc),
    • group by “worlds”,
    • set properties by the “world” or individually for each level (cascading hierarchy).

    It’s a suitable solution for plenty of games featuring game progression based on completion of consecutive stages such as:

    • platformers,
    • puzzles,
    • shooters,

    and more.

    Check out an introduction video that briefly explains how it works:

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  • Hi there!

    We introduce a Weapon System behavior which is now available in the New Asset Store.

    It’s compatible both with C2 and with C3.

    It is a Construct behavior that serves as manager of weapons and their properties. It is mostly designed for shooter games but can be used with any other game where a player or enemy can have multiple weapons with various properties. Not only guns but melee weapons as well or even magical spells.

    If you have some questions, join our Discord server.

    Here you can check out an introduction video that briefly explains how the Weapon System behavior works:

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  • Hi there!

    We introduce the Level (compatible both with C2 and with C3) - a behavior that serves as a tracker and manager of experience points and experience levels - a well known mechanic commonly used in role-play games as well as in other genres. It is a core mechanic of many games, almost a standard solution.

    It’s now available in the new Construct Asset Store (click here).

    If you have some questions join our Discord server.

    And check out an introduction video that briefly explains how it works:

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  • Hi there!

    Today we reintroduce the Globals 2.0 - a simple plugin that is designed to store and group variables for more efficient development, making things clean and ordered.

    You can wonder if it is the same as the free Globals plugin that can be found over the Internet. The answer is - No. Unlike Globals 2.0, the free Globals plugin can’t load or save data (variables) from/to JSON files.

    It's now compatible both with C2 and with C3.

    It is now available in the new Construct Asset Store (click here).

    If you have some questions join our Discord server.

    And check out an introduction video that briefly explains how it works:

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