Oh.. Put at event sheet
When sprite is mirror ( invert this ) > Then the width you want
Sprite l Is mirror X - Sprite l Set width + ..
What is the positive value? At the size or somewhere else ?
Sorry I kindaa confuse what yur question is
+ Bigger - Smaller
I already imported sounds. But its not playing.
Event sheet.. on start layout > play : your song name
Need chipmuck physic>???
thanks.... Thank you sooooo much.. Now it`s angry Pig simulation XD
refais23 I will try that later.. Thank you
spacedoubt Is it at Scirra store ?
Huy guys. Right now I`m making a shooting game. 1st weapon ia a bow.. And as the bullet of course gonna be some arrows. And i don`t want my arrow move like a bullet that move straight. I want it apply some gravity concept like this.
I want it moves like angry bird
hey if you want to do this the hard way..
Keyboard on __ press > sprite : set frame - ..
system wait : 0.8
sprite : set frame - ..
And looping it.. the hardest and ******** way i can think.. Might be working XD
Dude i don`t understand.. But if u ask for a suggestion about scrolling.. I will choose behaviour : Scroll to
Read has no readed- It`s pronounce read(rat/rad)
I already have it . Blender. Just all the tutorial I see does`nt match with my version i guess.. Like they just klik and then it flash.. But in my Blender Shift + x for delete only.... Nothing at it
I dunno man.. Sometime its happen to me too.. But then it vanish(the problem).. Dunno how al my animation become like at normal state
Have you try change the animation speed ?
If you have how many time you did ?
Is it like. First time run layout it`s look fine, but the second time without changing anything it suddenly become to fast . Is it ?
Huh Thanks a lot guys.. Sorry but i don`t think drawing using my hand gonna make this better. Should see my hand writting, It`s so teribble XD
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Just a hand and arm take 2 and a half hours... But i really enjoy making this.. Hope you guys wait for my new game. . I hope someone know a software for creating a cartoon easier. I just struggle using Ink skape right now.
Ofcourse you cant set the opacity of a button. Not even with the opacity of its layer. Maybe in CSS, that i dont know. Again. Use a big blue Sprite. Add Mouse object. Mouse > Condition > On object clicked Invisible Buttons indeed do not work.
Ofcourse you cant set the opacity of a button. Not even with the opacity of its layer.
Maybe in CSS, that i dont know.
Use a big blue Sprite.
Add Mouse object.
Mouse > Condition > On object clicked
Invisible Buttons indeed do not work.
You should try this...