farfetchd83's Forum Posts

  • Wouldn't it be more practical and logical to have a Set OVERALL Velocity action as well along the Compare Overall Velocity condition?

    To set the action to an overall of 50, like the condition, should X and Y be 25 each?

  • I want to check the speed of physics projectile that is shot, like a sling shot or something similar, but it is achieving too much speed sometimes... I want to check the speed at some precise moments but when I need to move the mouse to the PAUSE buttom on the debugger, I already lost the moment....

    Isnt there a key I can press so it pauses at any precise time?

    It also would help a lot to have a STEP BACK buttom, instead of only stepping frame by frame foward...

  • Oh boy, I have never used this behavior before, haha

    thanks a lot dop2000

  • Hey, noob question here... I have 25 sprites (all the same object) with the physics behavior, I have set a "every (random) seconds" a force to be applied to them, and all of them are moving (from the force applied) at the same time...

    How can make I make the action apply to each sprite separately without having to set an instant variable to each one of them and repeat the action for each instance ?

    So these objects would move at different random times, not synchronized... Hope you got what I mean.

    Thank you,

  • Hi you are probably referring to TIME SCALE, you can slow down or speed up the game at anytime

    add the action: system > set time scale

    1 is the original speed

    0.5 is half speed and so....

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  • Thank you Mr. OneHitWonder

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  • Hey! Quick question. From the "Animated SpriteFont effects" example from the Start Page, how could I have a text to be Shaky AND Rainbow at the same time? I can only enable one effect at once...

    Is it possible to have both effects in one text?

    I tried this to make wavy+rainbow as a test but dont work together:

  • Yes, I wonder how many people got confused by this and didn't go beyond 1. Even experienced users.

  • calminthenight that's my point, it actually won't!

    5 will be 5x times more efficient than 1 on Linear Dumpling! 1 is not the Limit and this is a very deceiving information. There's no need to have 1 as the limit number.

    Check my example.

    This is not only applicable to linear dumpling, there's many more properties like this that dont need to be limited by 1.

    Didnt anyone else notice this?

  • Why does properties such as Linear Dumpling on Physics behavior has a description instructing to use a coefficient between 0 and 1 if it will perfectly accept other number higher than 1 (5 for example) and work as it should?

  • thank you dop2000 !

    I got it. It's working great

  • Hi, I am trying to repeat an object being created and sound being played according to the number of variables, and everything is working fine but all objects and sound are playing at the same time, and I'd like to have an 0.25sec interval between each object and sound, what should I change here?

  • you better learn more about construct 3 and read at least the basics of the manual before publishing your apps

    about the icons, you have to change them on the project tab, there's 6 icon sizes and 1 loading logo you can customize

    for the screen to adjust to the window size, you need to choose in the project Properties the Full Screen Mode. Try SCALE INNER and see if it works for you.

  • thanks a lot man! winstreak

    that's great!