EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • Hi there,

    currently I am making a game where the player can move his tank left and right, where I want it to be able to go uphill and downwards.

    Now I've been searching the forums and seen many examples, but what I can't find is any example that works really well.

    Most examples have this 'bug' in them that if the player moves at low speed for example, the player bugs out unable for the system to decide which angle the player should be at. So you get this buggy superfast player flickering between the two angles.

    Also should I set the collision polygon to the bounding box of the tank? I tried making it very narrow as sometimes it would work better. But what's the best setting?

    Same for the offset. Is '10' the best setting for the offset? I don't quite understand what it does.

    And should I use every tick or rather every 0.01 seconds?

    This is what I got:

    I fiddled around wiith various settings but nothing perfect came out of it.

    And then there's the solid blocks. I tried leaving a little space between them, or overlap more, I really want the player to be able to smoothly drive the terrain up and down, back and forth.

    As you can see there are a lot of things going on. Did anyone find a really good example or made one I could use for this type of game?

    P.S. The speed and acceleration of the player tank also seems to play a role in how easy the tank climbs the hill (less buggy).

    I'd be very grateful if someone could help me out!

    Regards - R

  • Thanks Pandadoor! Yes I understand it. I implemented it, thanks again. Didn't even know one could call 'every <globalvariable> seconds'!

  • Hiya all,

    I'm almost finished with my game, but I don't yet understand how I can efficiently increase the difficulty.

    Basically your control a bomber aircraft and drop bombs on different heights. There's only one 'level'.

    There are two main 'enemies' the fighter aircraft coming in and the flak that's being shot at the player ( the bomber).

    This is what I have currently for the flak:

    And the fighter aircraft enemies:

    And what I only know how to increase difficulty:


    So let's say, how to increase the flak every 30 seconds, and the fighters coming in more often all gradually until impossible to survive.

    My head is spinning when I think about how to do this, if someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be grateful.


    • R
  • I think it works fm4FfanAT! Thanks so much! I'm learning something new every day.

    You mean like this right?

    Am going to try your way too korbaach, thanks!!

  • Hiya,

    Does this piece of coding make sense?

    Basically, if B17 (player) drops bombs (space) while it is within the event 40's y coordinates, it should add 10 points to Score. That part works.

    But if you drop a bomb outside the y coordinates (event 41) it should subtract 10 points from Score. For some reason 'nothing' happens, the score just stays the same.

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

    Regards R

  • Kind of an 'old' post of mine being bumped, I dropped the concept at the time since I was way in over my head - and still am. Working on a much smaller and different game at the moment! Are you saying you're working on a similar type of game Gearworkdragon?

    • R
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  • Thanks for your reply.

    I have still not found out why it doesn't work in my project.

    It was supposed to spawn on imagepoint 5 indeed, it did exist, it was an error of mine.

    I decided to take another approach and pin the Smoke to the B17 from the start, and make it invisible untill it needs to be visible. It looks less subtle ingame, but at least it works.

    Still wondering what the heck the problem is, it's supposed to work as you said.

  • Hiya,

    currently I have:

    I have trigger once otherwise it'll spawn infinite Fire and BomberSmokeBlack particles. Anyone know how to spawn it just that one time but not one time ever?

    Anyway, the problem is that both the Fire and BomberSmokeBlack particles always spawn on the origin point of the object B17. Even though I set it to imagepoints which are not center point at all.

    However, it does spawn the particles correctly when I set the B17 health to 50 or less initially.

    I managed to recreate the pin to imagepoint without using the plugin, before I started using the plugin, and I had the exact same result; it only spawns the two particles Fire and BomberSmokeBlack when B17 health is set to 50 or less initially.

    Thanks. - R

  • Thanks, blackhornet. Did the trick.

  • Thanks guys!

    What does 'loopindex' do exactly though? I want an object to spawn (drop) bombs, but have the bombs dropped shortly after each other.

    Now it seems like the bombs are dropped exactly 1 second after each other. I want to decrease that time, I tried changing loopindex+1 to loopindex+0.2 for example but that doesn't change anything. I'm confused.

    Thanks. - R

  • Hi all,

    searched the forums, did some testing but I might be overlooking something.

    I want to call a function a bunch of times in a row, I sense it's not the way to go, but I don't know any better at the moment.

    Instead of copy pasting with 'wait x seconds' between them, is it possible to have a function run an x amount of times in a row with waits between them?

    Thanks. Regards R

  • Hi chadorireborn,

    thanks so much. It's working perfectly now.

    Regards R

  • Hi all,

    I've been searching and fiddling but can't figure this one out.

    I have an object that has bullet behavior that moves to the right when created from a random Y position and fixed X position.

    I also have a player controlled object that can move freely with the arrow keys.

    I'd like the bullet to move towards the last position of the player when the bullet is created, however, not follow it. So basically the bullet would spawn and move in a straight line to the right and pass the player outside the window.

    Sorry if I'm overlooking something really simple. In my previous attempts the objects move towards Player.X but I'd like the bullet to pass the player by in a straight horizontal line.

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  • Would like to know as well.

  • Thanks so much guys, it works perfectly now. And the solution was so easy.
