EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • Hi Jeffige,

    thanks for your reply.

    So I delved into adding more conditions but I'm a little confused.

    For example;

    Tank1 drives at a speed of 20

    Vehicle1 drives at a speed of 27

    Vehicle2 drives at a speed of 35

    I'm confused as I'm not sure how it will unfold. I can't really grasp what conditions I need to add and how many?

    Perhaps you could post a small sample code?


  • Hi!

    Currently I got:

    Tank2 is overlapping Tank1 > set Tank2 bullet speed to 20

    <invert>Tank2 is overlapping Tank1 > set Tank2 bullet speed to 27

    This actually works for me, but not for the other vehicles. These other vehicles are exactly the same way programmed:

    Vehicle2 is overlapping Tank1 > set Vehicle2 bullet speed to 20

    <invert>Vehicle2 is overlapping Tank1 > set Vehicle2 bullet speed to 35

    I've no clue what's wrong.

    I also tried adding the solid behavior to all vehicles as a workaround but that didn't do anything, vehicles just kept overlapping.

    Basically, the vehicles and tanks all spawn on different y positions but I don't want them to overlap when one is going faster than the other.

    I did try detecting collision. However you cannot invert collision. I just want the fastest vehicle lagging behind a slower one, to resume its speed once the slower one is destroyed.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.



  • Hello all.

    Although I'd like nothing more but figure things out myself when Constructing, now and then I need some help, usually math and logic thingies involved.

    I'm amazed by the support given here on this forum. It's truly great.

    But seriously, how do you guys know all this math stuff, let alone kow how to figure out what you're writing? Now math is my weakest point probably. Or am I that noobish, haha. I see things coming by like 'floor' and 'cos' or 'dt' how do you guys know about this stuff?

    Do you perhaps have previous programming knowledge? That you studied (by yourself or in college)?

    Kinda jealous of all that knowledge. I'm more graphics oriented, but I just love to be able to be good at both programming and graphics.

    What did you find a good way to improve your programming efficiency? Tutorials? And what about math stuff? It's been a long while since I finished high school where I learned most of the (forgotten) math.

    Anyway, I'm lovin' Constuct 2. I'm learning new stuff every day. And this community is great!

    • R
  • Hi!

    Thanks, that did the trick. I now have:

    Every tick - Set value of variable 'Accuracy' to (100/ShotsFired)*ShotsHit[/code:7m75tmpo]
    That should be it right?
    Thanks again for your help!
  • Hello,

    I want a draggable block to only be draggable horizontal and vertically, but not diagonally.

    I can only choose from 'both' or 'horizontal' and 'vertical'. Would be nice to see an extra 'diagonal' option so I can choose 'both' as I expect it to be.

    In the meanwhile, does anyone know how to get the draggable block to move to horizontal and vertical only?


    • R
  • Looks like you need more than just Jimdo, coffee and good music.

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to figure out how to make an accuracy statistic at the end of the game.

    The player can fire a bullet with spacebar.

    I'm not sure how to do this. Math is my achilles' heel.

    The bullet can hit (an enemy) or miss (bullet goes outside screen).

    If anyone could help me out that'd be much appreciated.

    Regards - R

  • Hello there.

    I've tried several things but I can't really figure out how to get it to work. I understand it's got to do something with picking? But how.

    Basically 10 tanks (is a bullet) attack in sequential order. From the screen left to right.

    Now I have a total of 6 types of tanks, but in the screenshot of the first wave below there are 2.

    As you can see, I've no clue what I'm doing to get it to work.

    What I'd like is: when all tanks of the wave have either been destroyed or have travelled outside the screen to the right I'd like the game to wait 30 seconds before the next wave starts, to give the player some time to check out the upgrade menu.

    If possible, I'd like to combine it with a button function that can be clicked to start the next wave if you don't want to wait?

    Hopefully this is enough information.

    If you could help me out it'd be much appreciated.

    Regards R

  • Thanks Kaveljo!

    Your first solution worked like a charm. It was so easy, too.

    That's what I changed/have now.

    Thanks again!

  • Hi all,

    I was wondering.. how can I make a tank which has bullet behavior resume its speed after he has stopped to destroy an enemy?

    That's the part I have now.

    The T70 tank shoots every 6 seconds at the enemy 'Gun1Frame'. It takes two hits ( -50 health each time) before the Gun1Frame is destroyed.

    I can get the T70 tank to shoot at the Gun1Frame two times before it destroys it, and get it to stop to fire at the enemy, but it just won't resume its path again after destroying the Gun1Frame.

    Thanks for any help, if you need any more info, I can post it.


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  • Hey,

    There are also tons of premade sounds on http://freesound.org/

    Also, you can use Photoshop CS2 for free since a while now, for example on Techspot you can download it with the serial. (It's not illegal due to an error of Adobe a while back).

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Thanks so much!

    That worked perfectly.

    Regards R

  • Hello,

    I have an object 'tank' that is a bullet.

    I use the pintoimagepoint plugin to pin a particle effect to the tank (smoke) when the object is created.

    However, every 5 seconds, when a tank is created, the particle disappears. Basically it seems to hop from one tank to the next spawned one.

    How can I make all the tanks remain their pinned particle until I tell it to be destroyed?

    I'm using the pintoimagepoint plugin because I use 'choose' command to spawn tanks vertically and found it easy to use.



  • Hi,

    thanks for your reply.

    I tried the first suggestion, I pinned the chassis of the tank to be rotated onto a square that doesn't rotate but does hold the platform behavior. It actually worked worse than what I had now. It would get stuck more easily.

    I don't quite understand the physics suggestion, I mean I tried applying physics to the tank, but now it seems to climb the slope pixel layer by pixel layer.

    I thought coding the part was a good idea, I tried that however I'm not sure how to make the tank go 'up' at the right angle.

    So I tried fiddling with the bullet behaviour and custom controls but I can't quite figure that one out to make it work properly.

    Hmm.. about to give up on this one.. surely there must be a way.

  • Thanks R0j0hound!

    One of the first things I changed to your samples was the max. speed of the player moveable object to see if there's an issue.

    I find that in my own capx I encounter the same problem; the lower the max speed, the more difficult it gets to climb the terrain.

    Try setting the max speed at 40 for example with acceleration and decceleration of 30. You should see what I mean. The object gets 'stuck' and won't climb the terrain until you try moving it back and forth again.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks and regards - R