DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • asmina22,

    You can use the username to send notice that they have been mentioned in post. So have people PM you and you can respond here in this topic until you get enough rep points to pm.

  • How are you uploading it? Is your connection timing out perhaps?

    In chrome, firefox press F12 and UI loads at bottom. If you select resources tab and frames this is all the assets being loaded. stylesheets , images, scripts, fonts, etc

    You will usually see a red ! if something fails to load. At the moment, stylesheet has error message written saying it can't find that file - 404 error (which means it can't be found on server)

  • The game appears simple, until you get into it.

    As sosensible says, the AI is complicated (All good AI is complicated)

    I answered in a long winded way your other thread on it.

    You could find someone willing to do it for very little, but you won't get a very good game. And if you want an good game, it is going to cost a lot. Hourly rate this takes some time to develop - so you going to pay a fair amount for all the man hours.

    And exporting to iOS and android is a nightmare at the moment.

    Not trying to get you down - just grounding you. Now that you are grounded. Building games is truly a fantastic experience. I've had some of the best moments when I have been trying to do something for hours/days/weeks/months and it comes together. It's a drug (good drug) - I love it.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Sorry - lack of sleep. Are you talking about creating font sprites for construct 2.

    All my font sprites are .png

    Or you can individually create your own fonts in gimp/photoshop.

    Edit: Give Your Fonts Mono as discussed above is nice tool. You can generate your font sprites with whatever tool. Open your font graphic in photoshop and apply style to it - there are 1000's of free styles, you will never have to create your own - trust me.

    And I always save as .png

  • This is fantasic idea. I will try to add one or two in the next week

  • photoshop - see newest tutorials - got a nice video on it.

    photoshop CS2 can be downloaded for free from adobe is for non comercial use though.

    Gimp, same thing can make some awesome bitmap fonts.

    Found this site 4 days ago, pretty cool.

    menu text

    But tutorial is best bet, can be done with gimp (free commercial use)

    Tutorial - how to create sprite fonts

  • Have a look at this BoardGame

    This covers so much of the basics.

    Highlight spaces to move. Look at trigger when to touch each other and apply it to your game when black touches red.

    You are going to use instance variables to store current location, so if piece has to go back, it can.

    you don't need an image for each square, you can copy/clone/etc (drag it onto canvas so it is one image to multiple squares see manual / see example above.

    Loads to learn from that little tutorial.

    I started a board game and am still busy 5 months later. What I found best is to break it apart into components.






    etc etc etc etc (long list)

    And work on each component. Then put it together.

    I use a primary event sheet and include the individual component event sheets. This way I can toggle them on / off and easly edit/manage/fix etc etc.

    There is also a plugin made specifically for boardgames (I don't like using 3rd party plugins - for fear they don't get updated and months down the toilet) But it is an option.

    Enjoy the ride, there are more people making boardgames in creations section, watch their progress.

    Bottom line - variables and lots of checks.

    Suggest you browse manual about functions - write the code once and add it all over using a single function (saves you time cuts your events down drastically)

    Also, you will use if overlapping do this type stuff.

    Check the link I gave, that little boardgame has tons of basics.

    EDIT: Lol, don't use mouse object. Always Use touch. Touch works with mouse and screen touch. Especially if you going ipad, mobile etc. They don't have a mouse. So touch is multi platform.

  • Yes you can remove top line,

    Store total line numbers tokencount(text.text,newline) to a variable linenumbers

    I would use system:repeat x: x being tokencount(text.text,newline)

    Append text to a textbox line by line ->

    Textbox.text : Append : tokenat(text.text,linenumbers,newline)

    subtract 1 from variable linenumbers

    Well something like that.

    Warning! I tend to overcomplicate things sometimes. There may be simple way, just my brain isn't picking it up right now.

    Okay did this quickly: Very very raw, but proves it can be done :)

    Small demo

  • My dear friend I know very well that the Free version of Construct 2 can not be used for profit

    And I just ordered a program to make sprite because I do not want to create a game with images from the internet

    I was thinking of buying this program but honestly I look better and others because people like you should not moderate


    I think you got confused between the CS2 and the C2 Lol, CS2 is photoshop and cannot be used for commercial.

    The free version of CS2 is not for commercial use, though, if you were thinking of using it for that purpose.

    I use photoshop now, but GIMP was pretty good.

    and here is site I found 3 days ago, got some nice stuff

    2d game asset development

  • Oh, com'on - Lol - are you kidding me (I slaps hand through own face) lol.

    I can't believe I missed that. Was thinking something totally different.

    Thank you so much, "Learnt a very valuable lesson" Thank you so much.

  • Put newline at end of text that you are appending.

    Count newlines.

    Textbox don't fill up they just don't scroll down to last entry.

    See this topic, I've been overcomplicating something similiar.

    Newest entry first

  • In tutorial section, posted yesterday I think, nice video on making spritefonts.

    This solves the issue. Problem is most generated spritefonts as AnD4D says, require manually setting up letter spacing because it is always off a pixel here or there.

    And when I saw image (gone now) it looks like that is your problem (you catching letter next to it. above it. or below it.

    See "r" and "i" big space between - you need to manually set up letter spacing. "I" takes up less space which means more white space etc etc

  • Lol, if he could he would have already, I've stumbled across many such sites, a lot of the time it is rubbish, or pre 140 version. Most of these sites just trying to get you to click through some paid advertising link.

    And if he can get his hands on illegal copy (very easy to do) and he plans on making any money it will paint a road straight to his bank account/doorstep and he will get busted.

    When are these idiots going to realize that the minute you turn a profit, you get caught.

    Lol, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same kid from the other day.


    Feel free to delete my comment when you delete this thread, its taking up forums space.

  • Lol, I don't believe you can.

    I don't think I've ever seen button.text anywhere. I don't use buttons cause they aren't cross platform safe.

    I create image of button (far nicer and works cross platform), place text/spritefont on top and retrieve that text.text into variable etc

  • It's looking better and better. Will follow progress :)