DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Happens sometimes. When you get security error. Push back button in browser, and your post should be there. Copy it. Refresh page and paste it back.

    This work-a-round has saved me from retyping lengthy posts.

    Tick remember me box when logging in. This buys you a little time between log ins. But doesn't always work.

    The best solution would be Ashley's where you can have a "Secure Variable" to place a few sensitive things in.

    You could even use it for salting :)

    Bullets = 10 plus secured variable(.4534534543)

    Fire shot = 10 - 1 + secured variable(.4534534543)

    Cheat check. If bullets /= (variable bullets + secured variable) then goto cheating page.

    Will need to play around as probably example I gave won't work, but you get the gist of it.

  • Just emailed Tom as well. But just noticed after I sent email that it only happens when opening a file from Windows Explorer and an instance of C2 opens.

    Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open file via Explorer window (double click)



    Observed result:

    Says "A license file for Construct 2 was found, but there was an error loading it." reverts to free edition.

    Expected result:

    Open Construct 2, with open project file that was clicked.

    Browsers affected:


    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64 bit

    I have standard steam version and non steam business version on scirra account grizzly

    Construct 2 version:

    Latest beta R150

    I like the idea of a "secure variable". This should solve a lot of problems as we generally just require a handful of secure variables.

    And not a complete encryption.

    I'll +1 a secure variable feature


    Lol $55 per month - is extremely steep for something that is actually pretty simple and can easily be included into C2.

    browser game - yes, you can cheat/hack.

    Unfortunately you can cheat/hack on any game/any platform if you have the know how.

    I actually played yesterday with a (bad word) in CoD:Ghost that had implemented various hacks - pretty clever actually, but not cool.

    This is a game that takes great strides to prevent hacking/cheating (huge budget etc).

    If people are going to cheat/hack, then nothing you can do to stop them.

    But html 5 games in C2 is pretty easy to alter / steal would be great if a few extra security features were put into place (nothing is full proof) but a little salting never hurt anyone :)

  • Your approach is very versatile. Much easier to understand with the capx example.

    Yip, a score list will work nicely. But so many other uses too :)

  • Lol, yeah, very troublesome :)

    Thank you for capx - Wow, so cool with slider - I will play around with it. Thanks again.

    As for sprite font, I sort of moved away from textbox as it tends to give some problems on mobile etc. I just use sprite font now for everthing. Once you learn how to make your own - it really is better (more pretty at least).

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  • You have to assign a picture to your email you use here. Makes no difference what email you used to register. I have tons of emails each with its own gravatar. You have to add each different email to your account and assign a image to that email. Then it should propagate within a couple hours.

  • lennaert, Could you provide example capx please for a slow minded fool today. Can't wrap my head around it lol

    I created something similiar, but it is overly complicated. This seems so much simplier.

    My very over complicated example.

    Scrollable SpriteFont

  • Some aren't even tutorials, as I've noticed :-(

    Lately, there have been many duplicates.

    And there are others that teach you wonderful things in 3 sentences

    Can't we expect a little quality here? Finally, Construct 2 is not a kids' game


    Edit: deleted post about putting in tutorials limited to 1000 plus rep limit, but 3 sentence boy you linked to has over 2000. So scratch that idea

  • SpriteFont Limit - I am sure there is a limit (always is), but that should be way above your needs, my needs, and a few others all combined lol.

  • szymek

    Its got invisible layer on top, you got to position it correctly and your sprintfont box needs to be stretch the legnth of text. Which isn't ideal, especially for me who might need it to be longer/shorter.

    Here is what I have at the moment with complicated version - Lol.

    Scrollable SpriteFont

    It is being made for my purposes, so not exactly what you are after. Push blue button to populate with text and use up / down buttons on scrollbar to move through text.

    I use maths to scroll 13 lines, it rebuilds lines based on location etc etc etc etc lol

    Built for touch so no mouse scroll. But still want to include touching scroll bar itself.

    Edit: The comments are way old and a little outdated. I built in on 10 entries for round numbers - it is now 13

  • You got to build your own scroll bar - lol.

    I've been working a scrollbar for Spritefonts because it is very hard to customize textbox built in scrollbar.

    There are two ways, one is very easy but not ideal for my purpose...

    Maybe you might prefer it.

    Scroll Spritefont