DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Lol, thanks plinkie for clearing that up. A game that continues to play without a player - Um????

    Edit: Will have to edit exported project.

    candies.aniwey.net/[url=http://candies.aniwey.net/]Press F12 and view source You going to need to insert code into the exported project. Have a look at main.php should have answer. Or possibly a js file.


    Its sunday morning -

    Or possibly pull in data (current time when browser not suspended - time when browser was suspened and added that to variable cookies) via ajax from users pc clock.

  • I use layers. so game still runs in background no problem. Each layer is a new tab. I use it for my settings, options, screens etc. When they switch to those tabs it sets game layer visibility to 15 - 30% depending and puts layers visibility to 90 - 100%.

    So you never change layouts unless you want to.

    Obviously, I don't understand what you mean by tabs. But you can cycle layers without stopping game flow. Game is built upon layers after all.

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  • Purchased it for free - thanks, just waiting for my kindle to charge up - lol, been awhile.

    Thanks for find.


    Lol, didn't see his name - ROTFL.


    Don't expect a reply then... what you did was completely wrong and unethical. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  • Paradox,

    He isn't hiring. Period. Lol.

    Sure, if this is a job - no problem. Agree with Mr E bear that theunreal should ask seller first.

    As far as unethical, well, lets say depending on couple things this could be unlawful on top of that, depending on license of seller.

    The short answer is "We don't know the situation". If theunreal was a good friend - no problem, if he was looking to hire a developer - there are tons here willing to aid.

    The underlying issue is license. Word, photoshop, etc carry non comercial licenses as well as commercial. If it was made with such a license that deems it unlawful, it is enforceable by law. etc. Even if you made edits on top of a non commercial project, it is still unlawful to use it in commercial.

    theunreal, I don't think you need to worry, lol, I'm just stressing a point. If you brought it from a developer, I have no doubt he has business license. In fact you have little to worry about, but I would post in help wanted section as a formal job (even for no pay is fine) just phrase it different.

    For example: "I'm looking for a developer to do some work on my game"

    Its all about the details. And Yes I am blowing this way out of proportion, sorry for that. Just stressing a point.

  • Agree with zenox98, the restrictions are in place for a reason, and those restrictions are more than fair.

    If you don't mind steam, they are running a 33% off sale at the moment.

    They do reply, but expect response on Monday. As zenox98 said, its weekend. I think they have times published somewhere. All my emails were answered business days either same day, or next day.

  • Punxel, I understand. And agree 100%, take the discounted price if that is what you need to do. I did, I got 50% off on steam in july i think, and it wasn't worth the discount (to me at least) with all the issues I had.

    It got so bad/ I got so annoyed, I brought the business license here to get away from steam and it was money well spent (to me at least).

    But that is my experience, my journey. I'm sure yours will be different.

  • If C2 allows you to drag windows to another screen. Than why are you opening another instance of the program ?

    I dont know which software are you using. But none of newer software doesn't allow multiple instances.

    Try opening two instances of Unity <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    C2 doesn't allow you to drag tab out. It allows you to run 2 instances of game in C2 and browser side by side - very cool. Long list why, comes with working on bigger projects.

    And yes Unity does, useful to test projects on multiple Unity versions to check compatibility etc.

    Newer software - well, your newer software doesn't and my newer software does. I'll stick with mine as it suits how I like to work.


    Yeah, it works great, but it has also stopped working as well, then works again. It is a hack/work-around solution (a great solution) but not something I want to be reliant on. Same as not wanting to use external plugins as I don't like anything out of my control, or having to be reliant on.

    I like steam, I love C2, just not together and that was my original point. You buying same software with 2 user experiences. The scirra is the better user experience - its that simple.

  • weilies,

    Dont blame steam because CS2 doesnt let you

    C2 does allow, steam doesn't and that is the point. Inferior user experience for same piece of software. Blame is justified.


    You are opening two instances of CS2 in order to emulate it. Which is not good, anyway.

    Why not? lol, nothing wrong with it, I do it all the time with multiple softwares with ZERO issues over last decade. As long as your machine can handle the extra load - then no problem at all.

    And most of todays software will not allow this.

    Lol, of course you can open multiple instances of today's software. The tab interface is slowly taking over from launching a new instance. Which is fine because you just drag the tab out to launch a new instance.

  • weilies,

    From get go, you can't open more than one instance of software. You can't have two separate projects open. For example I have to monitors. i can't have one open in one monitor the other open in another monitor.

    You can't open any projects via the windows explorer window. So .capx won't open C2 because steam breaks the file association. You will have to manually open C2, click file menu, then open, then browse to desired file etc.

    My experience: You won't be able to close C2 - you will have to use task manager to force shutdown.

    You will have to shut down C2 every couple hours of use, else it becomes unstable and crashes. (something about the cache becoming corrupted)

    And a long list that I was told was completely unrelated to C2 steam, but completely disappeared since I switched to scirra version. Funny hey.

    Trust me software is worth it, and worth the extra price buying from scirra.

  • No Problem,

    I see you got aid/help. Sorry didn't offer any myself. I was running short on time yesterday. I agree with setting tile frame/animation.

    It looks good, interesting way on handling Inventory.

    No need to feel foolish, we all have different strengths and is totally dependent on what you have done previously. We can't all be experts on everything.

  • Agree with boony.

  • Having 4 kids my background noise is generally nickeldeon related :

    when their in bed ... siiiilllleeeeeennnceee    ;p

    Lol, Cbeebies, nickeldeon, etc - just want every non parent to endure what we have to lol.

    I've learned to love "Silence", especially when I work now.

    I have outside office, but when my little one joins me, he sits on my lap and watches Super simple songs on youtube on the 2nd monitor whilst I do some work on primary monitor - lol.

  • YES thats an option sure , but it would be nice to have it complete in preview here , but i will find a way ,no prob

    Ideally you could request from Ashley a empty stylesheet (texbox thing) that is included with exported project. If not used it is exported empty. And can be filled later then, or not at all.