DUTOIT's Forum Posts


    I though you were taking a well-deserved rest, man!?!

    Just can't stop yourself, huh

    Lol, its habit, but I will be cutting back a lot...

  • Good reading material

    Screenshots of what manual says:


    and in practice...


    You can also create a primary event sheet and use includes which include eventsheets. THis is nice to do, for example


    So you can place all your global variables in one event sheet and include them.

    But answer your question click layout properties drop down menu will list event sheets to associate with layout.

  • All seem to be promising. Looking forward to see some games


    Funny avatar, Bud. Hard to speak to a spider now and not to a Baby anymore. Need to get used to that.

    Yip, ran into some issues with fellow member(s) and scirra not banning trolls from months back. Not a place to show my babies face anymore.

    I am also taking time out/back seat from helping out, will still help, but drastically less.

    Anyways, I needed a image quick - I'll put a new one, better one at some time

    Edit: added new one

  • What is the theme you're fancying the most ?

    My Top three are...

    You are the world


    You are your own enemy


    Everything connected

  • What bluephaze said.

    You can compare the two and if score > BestScore then

    BestScore = CurrentScore

    webstorage set local key "bestscore" to bestscore

    Highscore text = Set "Best:"&BestScore

    (something like that)

    And remove the bestscore stuff from ? mark piece.

    I use functions as I can reuse the code over and over and over. Maybe a little too advanced for now.

  • 2retro

    You must only change best score if current score is greater than best score.

    I would create a function called savescore.

    Savescore does this...

    BestScore = CurrentScore

    webstorage set local key "bestscore" to bestscore

    Highscore text = Set "Best:"&BestScore

    (something like that)


    You can compare the two and if score > BestScore then

    Function: savescore

    Well something like this...

    Reason for issue: You are adding 1 to both score and bestscore where you should only be adding 1 to score and when score is better than bestscore, store score as new best score.

    Sorry, I wrote this quickly, its late here, hope its not to confusing - lol

  • Hi 2retro, got your pm, I am taking a break from helping in forums due to some members who pushed too far.

    I see you got a reply. So just to add to it int(x) changes to whole number and str(x) changes to string. X being whatever you want to change.

    Recommend reading this as it is the most important page in the manual - lol.

    Good luck. And you are welcome, glad the example capx helped you a bit.

    Remember that highscore will only be for that player, meaning each player will have their own highscore. Web Storage saves on players pc, not on the web.

    You can also change your variables to text instead of numbers then they will store as a string too. But remember if you want to treat them as whole numbers you must convert them to numbers (for calculations etc they will need to be numbers, else if for display purposes, then text (string) is fine.

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  • That's kind of like that Star Trek episode where the aliens only spoke in metaphors.

    If you don't know what the metaphor is referencing it means noting to you.

    Basically its out of scope to the computer.


    ...is looking for an expression that turns a string into a variable. No such functionality exists in C2

    Oh, I missed that, yip, no such functionality, I think your dictionary suggestion is right on target. Dictionary is a great choice as you can create both "name" and "key" so will suit this much better.

  • > megatronx,


    > Screenshot of blackhornet capx.


    > It does work.


    Thanks for that.

    blackhornet I can see now that there must be some misunderstanding. Basically tokenat(Item,ItemDat_Stat,"'") is returning the name of a global variable ( for example PlayDat_HP ), that holds a number. And I want to access that number within that call.

    tokenat(Item,ItemDat_Stat,"'") -> PlayDat_HP -> varPlayDat_HP -> Number [/code:1lqkcohk]
    @Ashley We do not have some kind of forcing string "" in to calling a var of the same name? Something like var("PlayDat_HP")?


    And itemDat_Stat is a variable right? And have you checked that variable is a number not text.

    I see you using itemDat_Stat as an index which requires it to be a number.

    Edit: I am going to have to play around a bit. Will look at this a little later

    Can you put together a small test capx just dummy variables with itemdat_stat and the tokenat culculation. I will try and mess around with it. Or a little more detail so I can build a simple example.

    Also regex might be a better fit for complicated searches etc

  • megatronx,

    Screenshot of blackhornet capx.

    It does work.

  • Either way, you weren't very nice to me. You made me really afraid to participate in the forum now.

    The Mods have just informed me that your ip is not the same. And therefore I owe you a huge apology. I was short with you, and then I accused you of being someone else. My mistake. I assure you that I will not bother you again - You have my word. I will never hassle you again in any way or form. I am truly sorry.

    I feel strongly about copyright, and those that abuse it, because we are artists and we have our works stolen/abused all the time. It literally takes food of off my family table. So those that don't care about copyright, don't care about me or my family. Enough said.

    I messed up, and you don't need me in your space. THis is a wonderful community. Don't let this ruin it.

    Best of luck with your games.


    Kyatric has informed me.

    And Ashesh WTF is he still doing around, and why am I getting PM's from him... he should be long gone!!!

  • I have no clue what DUTOIT is talking about. I payed for construct, I am not this ashesh person. I am not a troll. I made a legitimate topic with suggestions. I have made legitimate topics asking for help before, and I am thankful for the help I got. I am not an "I want this done for me brigade". I am legitimately willing to learn. However, I don't always pick up on simple things right away, even if I read the manual. Everyone learns things differently, and some people have learning disabilities. I really don't understand this. I started a legitimate topic, in the appropriate section, and now I am being accused of being a troll and this ashesh person. And people are acting like I am the bad guy. What gives?

    I apologize, the timing must be coincidence. I have no doubt the mods will check ip's and get to the bottom of it.

    Understand this is not the first time a person has had multiple accounts. Apologies you caught in middle.

    Ashesh pirated software, both construct and other software, he also got upset with me when I refused to help him on many many occasions. I draw a line when a kid ruins it for everybody. He took away a good thing that scirra did and flushed it down the toilet. Anyways. Hope your IP isn't his, and I AM SORRY.

    But scirra should have got rid of this troll months ago, and I have better things to do.


    Maybe monday I see someone in need of help and jump back in, but right now I really don't feel like helping anymore.

  • I am not this "ashesh" person. I am dialga-brite. Creator of Innocent Luna Game and Meloetta: Melody of Discord in a copy of MMF I bought and paid for. I never gave pirated copies of construct. I paid for it, and I have a medal to show it. I have no clue what you are talking about there, and it really hurts me that you make such assumptions.

    All I am guilty of is missing the fact that you can import all the frames at once with shift-click. And that was an honest mistake.

    It is coincidence then... amazing coincidence, to a couple minutes - lol.

    I apologize to you and ashesh you win - ashesh has robbed scirra from giving away licenses to kids with a dream. He robbed their dreams from them.

    And I don't need this in my life - so he has also robbed any contributions I make in regards to helping people.

    I don't need this in my life.

    The time I devoted to answering questions free of charge can be better used elsewhere.

    DialgaBrite, you wonder why all the good people stop helping in forums - because of characters like

    He/You win.

    And WHY does scirra still allow a troll to browse the forums?

  • And as I said in my last reply, it doesn't solve my problem. Is there really a reason why I can' just import a gif and have it insert all the frames? This worked REALLY well in MMF. Construct may be mostly better, but it has some weak points.

    Yes it does. And my vibe was correct. Did you bother doing the tutorial?

    First you will have to find a gif. For the Example i use this Fire...

    Step 1:

    First to do is you have to "Decompose" the gif. This you can do very simple on this Site: http://uk.bloggif.com/gif-extract

    Step 2:

    Now you can Download a ZIP file. Once you have downloaded the zip, you have to decompress it somewhere on you computer. In this Folder now shud be a couple of Pictures.

    Step 3:

    Well now you just make a new Sprite in your Project,

    According to manual:

    Right Click import frames

    It will open a browse folder.

    Go to that Folder unzipped folder and click first image hold shift and select last image and click open.

    And bob's your uncle.

    And I am sick of people giving me "warnings" which I always take with a grain of salt. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME! Just like nothing is going to happen to the creator of MegaPony, or the creator of Megaman Unlimited, or the creator of Mavericks 3 (those are all games with ripped graphics that I named, and GOOD games at that).

    Well something is going to happen. Brace yourself... I will no longer help you as you show zero respect to fellow artists.

    And I cannot be associated with thieves!

    No loss to you, i'm a nobody. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    Edit: Hello Ashesh,

    So you created a new account. Told you my vibe was right... YOU ARE A THIEF.

    For those not in the Know how, this guy was given a free copy of construct 2 personal edition, and he pirated it all over the internet.

    Ashley, Tom

    Here is his pm - he hates me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

  • Actually, I read the fabulous manual, did you read my badges? Those links say nothing about copying and pasting frames from one animation to another, and a sprite strip/sheet is a different thing from a gif. I am not as inexperienced as you think, you just got a bad vibe from me in that other topic. I already apologized, okay?

    Straight from the manual:

    [quote:v8k4v0in]Right-click a space in the animation frames bar for the following options:

    Add frame Add a new blank animation frame to the end of the sequence.

    Duplicate last frame Make a copy of the last animation frame and add it to the end of the sequence.

    Reverse frames Reverse the order of all the frames in the animation.

    Import frames Opens a dialog to select one or more image files from disk. All the selected image files are added as animation frames.

    Import sprite strip Import a sprite strip or tileset, where a single image contains a number of animation frames aligned to a grid. This is done with the Import Sprite Strip dialog.

    Reload files from disk Reload all the images from the project folder. This is useful if you have edited the images in the project folder while Construct 2 is open and want Construct 2 to recognise the changes. (This option is disabled if you're not using a project folder.)

    Thumbnail size Adjust the size of the thumbnail icons of each frame in the bar.

    As megatronx says you can import animations from tiles. Both tutorials will guide you through it.

    and yes, I got a bad vibe from your previous post, and as you can see I am still trying to help you, even though I got a bad vibe.

    And according to your badges, now that you bring them up - you haven't even read 20 pages of the manual.

    Be careful, copyright doesn't only apply to selling. It is in using, and even worse is giving away other peoples artwork for free. Just a heads up, and warning.