DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • my point of this post was too ask who know how to do multiplayer or how do you add multiplayer in your game and not exactly what it is . i dont think anyone read my first post

    We read your first post "Do anyone know how to do integrate game center for multiplayer support in there game"

    That is NOT "how to make multiplayer" or "how to add multiplayer".

    There are a number of folks making multiplayer games, myself included.

    You have a number of choices...

    Do you want to use the built in multiplayer plugin?


    Do you want to make your own?


    What duckfaceninja said.

    Seriously, you need to spend time making what you write understandable. We don't know "voodoo"<-

    And I haven't the time to decrypt cryptic messages.

    Infact it was answered on post 3

    Google: Multiplayer

  • Game center is achievements and chat like you see if u was playing a ps4 or some. multiplayer or game center its all the same

    Never used it - Gulp!, but then again I don't have ps4, and I do steam, origin, and uplay.

    Anyways, having access to a plugin is going to help you tons. I would change the title of the thread to reflect that you want to integrate multiplayer with Game center.

  • And since there is a plugin for GameCenter in C2 already you are all good to go. happy game making.

    I'm an idiot, lol.

    Shakes head in shame.... honestly I haven't used game center, so didn't put 2 and 2 together. Been using C2 for a year and never touched game center...

    lilvee1989, Well that will make the whole process easy - lol.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Multiplayer is the proper title thats what im trying to figure out

    Proper title is "How to integrate game center into multiplayer"

    What multiplayer? Your own custom made system, or the multiplayer plugin, or does game center run the multiplayer?

    I don't know how game center operates.

    Do they have some sort of api? Can they accept post/get etc etc

    Can you write your own system to integrate with theirs?

    Because there is no plugin, there is nothing available to do that... is it possible? (if they have a api etc - probably).

    But unless you have the knowledge to do this, then NO!, and I presume, if you had the knowledge you wouldn't be asking this question...

    Understand... this would be a pretty big job, and nobody is going to do it for free.

    I have no idea how game center works - but I would imagine this would require some very specilized skills, modifications...

    So "How to integrate game center into multiplayer"

    You pay someone... but the chances are very slim that you yourself can infact do this...(I am speaking from a point of view that I don't know how game center integrates games into their system)

    If you can write your own plugins, have no problem with sending/retrieveing info and interacting with api, then this is very doable.

    Lets Face Facts!

    Lets be honest, you have posted a bunch of How to I.... so you obviously are in over your head.

    You need to spend at least a year learning the tool "Construct2" and you will need to learn a vast amount to handle anything that is multiplayer, especially if you want to tie it into game center, and play with the big boys. Your skill level is not anywhere it needs to be.

    Your time would be best suited doing a lot of small things, learning as you go... or raise a huge amount of capital (because this is going to cost you lots)

  • Maybe I didn't get enough sleep but I have no Idea what you are saying...

    So by your title: "How to I set eventsheet off"

    I presume you are asking how to deactivate event sheet.

    Put eventsheet into a group and deactivate group then when you need to use the event sheet. Activate group.

  • There are two fool proof ways to do this...


    is you put them all into a family. You assign the family variables - variable 1, variable 2 etc

    Then you fill in those variables on each family member.


    You have one object called which has multiple frames, frame1 is monster 1, frame2 is face, frame 3 etc

    Now you drag that one object out 4 times and set the image frame for each...

    Actually attached is a capx, quicker than explaining.

  • Well I wouldn't say I'm ahead of anybody in terms of MP, it might be true that I'm using it more and longer than anybody else, given the complexity of my project

    That is the point - lol, you have dedicated more time to mp than anyone else.

    I think we are all trying for the same thing, and agree we maybe need a way to collectively discuss MP.

    I can do some pretty advanced things, but it really takes awhile to wrap my head around MP... I'm struggling - lol.

    I can write my own Multiplayer system, but I am determined to figure this beast out... the possibilities are huge with using webtrc.

    Just juggling to many things at the moment, so my focus is divided.

  • You can create instance variables for the whole family too

    Click on family, and in properties on left side you will see Add/Edit Family Instance variables <---- that is where you can add instance variables that effect whole family.

    So off top of head.... if family is overlapping area then send family.instancevariable

    I don't use UID, I rather create a special UID I can understand.

    instance var UniqueID=boxredinstance30 or something like that.

    I usually load an array on start of layout that builds everything for me... so array has all x,y and instance variables etc.

  • part12studios

    I'm not sure. I would suspect the counter is on their side. They get a trigger video started, then it locks mobile till video is ended. I know, you can't exit - lol.

    Airplane mode, no video plays, it just says check internet connection or something then goes back to game.

    Haven't looked at admob, been busy with leadbolt, but client not happy with them. So will be looking for other ways. Currently, I don't know if advertising can make much money. Sure 1000,000 plays, but even 50,000 not much revenue.

    Monetizing via ads I have ZERO EXPERIENCE, but I hope to branch out and stop doing NDA work so might have to learn soon.

  • Salt

    recieved = data&salt

    salt2=right(recieved, count)

    salt=salt passed



    DuckfaceNinja is lightyears ahead of everyone when it comes to multiplayer. Whatever he says, he has good reason for saying it. So go with his expertise

  • Of the top of my head...

    Use functions, and make the param the action... then pass the array data retrieved with action to the function and execute accordingling...

    damn that made no sense - lol.

    If you know how to retrieve data from array, then Check the tutorial section for callbacks, advanced callbacks.

    Function 1 gets the action

    and returns the action

    Function2 executes the action

    You'll have to play around. But functions are just that, a way for you to write your own functions... They are by far the BEST feature in construct2.

  • I'm not sure how that works. IIRC I bought the paid version (if there is even a distinction anymore) but i've never seen ads in it. how are they unique?

    Skyline Skater for iOS is a great example of really using all social media hooks to generate posts, tweets and ad views.

    You'll have to ask my son, lol. No what I understand, or rather what I saw, is as you progress in game, you get a tv spot, you can watch a ad and get whatever it is you get. Sometimes to move on requires you to watch ad (video or full page - i think)

    I haven't looked for awhile. I put kids tablet into flight mode. Disables ads - shht, you aren't supposed to know.

    But some of these big games really make use of every avenue, and they do it in style.

  • Thanks for your contribution, 'much appreciated !

    Very instructional tutorial & videos, btw I have little first hand experience of databases and connectivity, so that'll definitely be useful !

    That being said, I don't think this solution satisfies the "secure" criteria I am after. Storing scores in a shared location the developer controls is one thing, but there is no safety or control on the game logic itself.

    As long as the game logic is running on the player's machine, and not a developer-controller server/host, there is nothing preventing a cheating user to hack the gameplay logic locally to submit bogus scores and feed the database with random values.

    Hence the need for all players to be clients/peers, i.e. only displaying the state of the game sessions, but not running any actual critical game logic.

    I guess for very simple games with few updates it would be possible to have that logic running as a php module on an actual server and query things via http requests, but while I'm no web-tech expert this sounds clunky and inefficient.

    Obviously the solution to this problem is known, and has been used in games for ages : use a server/client architecture ; but since Construct 2 has a host/peer architecture built-it, I am trying to see if there is a way to mimic and reproduce that behaviour in an "easy" and practical way with the tools that are already available.

    You will never be able to stop cheats or hacks. No system is secure.

    There is no solution to this problem, and since people started cheating, the only solution is to adapt.

    It isn't feasible to stop cheating. You can just put in place some basics (salt everything) to discourage the majority, but you will get a few who just gotta hack it.

    Sorry, haven't got a solution - shrugs

    But peer talks to host, have server run chrome and let server be host, when peers join, let host add peers data to database.

  • No experience in it sorry, but the way cut the rope 2 incorporates it into the game itself is brilliant. Definitely would love to do the same, in some form or another.

  • That's why it's not included, it's obfuscated at export-time to help prevent reverse engineering of your projects.

    Just use an instance variable with the object name.

    That's what I do, also makes it easier to use one sprite, multiple image frames and name them multiple things...

    Blue, red, green, etc etc and can do it via array or start of layout... much more flexible.