DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • well, object event is probably an object, so we could/should have looked at what it actually contained.

    but yes, it would be nice to know in advance when we are having downtime on the signalling server and for how long.


  • HI, i can't seem to buy the construct 2 personal lisence with a credit card, it doesn't show any success or fail alert when paying. I'm from Indonesia by the way. Can you help me with that?

    Thank You

  • jabedbd,

    As LittleStain said above

    [quote:2lrx5otk]Textbox-object is meant for entering text, text-object is meant for displaying text..

    If you want it to function like textarea then you are going to have to pull some rabbits out of your sleeve as you are making it do what it isn't intended to do.

    The issue is the scrollbar, if you want to put a up down button you can move the text up and down using an array. Check the multiplayer chat box for source.

    But the easiest is to use the TextBox Object and textarea as this is what is is ment for.

  • Thanks Tom, nice to have you back. I'm sure you not so happy to have to come back running at full pace lol.

  • Signalling server is free. You can buy your own, but scirra provides it for free.

    If you buy it, then you need to host it and have SSL etc etc etc.

    Scirra has a state of the art server and can handle anything you through at it, and it is free to use.

    This would be your cheapest option really. And If you hit new in C2 and search multiplayer you have a few examples right there. And in the tutorial section ashley and a few others have put together some in depth tutorials.

    If you still can't grasp it after that, and lots of banging your head against the keyboard, then it might be too advanced for you.

    There is also a cool multiplayer tutorial using mysql and php and of course as you've stated you can use socket.IO, but seriously, I would invest my time using the multiplayer functionality of C2.

  • Not perfect, but close enough

    I would also use params, but I didn't have the time About to get loadshed (Our South African Idea of Fun)

  • > I don't develop games at a pace that would benefit from presets, but I guess as a starting point it would be nice. You can always add your own to c2, programfiles/construct2/examples/iOsPortraitTemplate.capx etc etc


    Actually DUTOIT, it is in the "templates" folder.

  • I don't develop games at a pace that would benefit from presets, but I guess as a starting point it would be nice. You can always add your own to c2, programfiles/construct2/examples/iOsPortraitTemplate.capx etc etc

  • That escalated quickly...

    Yip. lol.

    Nesteris has been steam rolling c2 and taking his frustrations out on members.

    I presume he will just move on, because GM is bug free and so much better than C2 because of (insert bla bla bla here).

    GM is so good I have the entire master collection and I can't remember when I used it last.

    A hammer is a hammer, a spade a spade. How you use it makes all the difference...

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • >

    > >

    > > Construct 2 can't make games for consoles.

    > >

    > Yes it can!

    > The only 2 it can't is Xbox and Playstation the rest it can.


    > sidenote; and soon they will support html5 games. But consoles are being overtaken by phones etc. Heck why use a console when my tv does the same thing????


    "The rest it can", what flippin rest? The Wii U? That barely event counts.

    "Soon they will support HTML5 games" Sure, and NodeWebkit will give bug-free native level performance, all android wrapper bugs are going to disappear overnight. Everything Construct2 is about is "soon", might as well change it's wikipedia entry to the singular word "soon".

    Consoles are not being overtaken by phones, I don't see big budget productions for Android or iOS, you're not going to see any Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain's or The Last of Us type games coming to mobile any time soon.

    [quote:wm81f51x]Heck why use a console when my tv does the same thing????

    I am never bothering to reply to you again, bask in your ignorance.

    Why bother breaking air when seawater has a higher oxygen content?

    Wow, really. Seriously really????

    The dilemma is do I educate you, do I attempt to explain myself and blow your mind or do I just let you sink yourself deeper into that little world that you seem to be stuck in.

    Good luck. GM will make all your dreams come true. It is the missing element, we've been holding you back. Go forth and build blockbuster games, rack in millions, and do it all without ever actually learning anything, then write the book and I will buy it.

  • When the mods come online they will delete it. This is a new attack, same as yesterday. Either a bot, or cheap human labor. It will pass.

  • Put event 1 into a group and disable that group, then enable/disable group using event 2 based on inputs

  • simple solution is to format you computer & re-download the new version of C2 and give it a try .....

    Hell no lol


    Are you using scirra version or steam version.

    Steam version, this is common and happened to me repeatedly. It is the steam authoring layer over construct2 and "they(steam) refuse to fix it"

    Non steam. Registry files can cause issues.

    formating a pc is last last last resort. Try windows all repair it is free, it works miricles, and yes it sorts out the registry files etc etc.

  • C3 is C2 but with additional features that could only be added with a rewrite. So there should be no issues continuing your project. I think this would be a number one priority for scirra.