DrGreenThumbCAN's Forum Posts

  • so in answer to question it'd be the memory of

    30*mem of orig sprite not 30*mem of displayed image


  • +1

    would like to see the pathfinding ability have an option to display the path it takes before moving - pre much what this is

  • will start new topic if needed to get response but it is related to original question

    if sprite is 128x32 in creation but using on screen at 64*32 or something that is less than the original

    will memory be based on each instance at 64*32 or each instance at 128*32?

    Expecting to have 30 or so instances near the 64*32 mark but creating at 128*32

    so will memory usage be 30*mem of orig sprite or 30*mem of instance size

  • on scaling point

    I don't find this is a C2 isolated issue my computer seems to have improved performance when windowed and shrinked

    Amnesia is example of this

    Mirror's Edge

    so I don't think is something can FIX in C2 but can optimize to decrease difference - which is something C2 probably does since Ashley seems pretty on it

  • k thanks for response that's what I figured probably using 256x64 as byte size is much smaller than 512x128

  • Wondering if I create sprites at size 512x128 in Paint.NET etc. and import to C2 and use it in game at size 64x16 will the memory amount of game be based on larger image?

    Will export size be larger based on using larger original images?

  • ghostwheel

    As blackhornet said your move path was incorrectly placed.

    After find path to...

    need new trigger On PATH found

    then place move along and animation changes

    editted the capx accordingly

    also REALLY like the art style and atmosphere

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86190469/C2Help/IDreamofGhostsCOR.png" border="0">

    IDreamOfGhosts-EDIT r132

    --only disabled the wait because not sure if you are using it for a game mechanic - the wait isn't necessary so can just delete if don't need~~

  • The powers at be have spoken

    Thanks :)

  • GeometriX

    Thanks for spreading the knowledge you've cleared my ignorance :)

    had no idea about the format for South Africa

  • why change what is going on?

    when did we suddenly feel needed a change?

    They update more frequently than many others.

    If a breaking change occurs (other than recent alt issue) they do a x.x beta.

    And were doing all that with the current model they've raised the one time price from what I got it at but it is still great for value but part of the value is the fact of what has been listed above in this and other posts for C2

    They have expanded to education with subscription, yes.

    Keep it for education.

  • please DO NOT turn to a yearly or monthly subscription

    I'm busy with my real job and don't have lots of spare time

    I've bought personal license so when I have time I use C2

    if it becomes monthly/yearly then the value of this software has decreased as I don't make any $ back from C2 at this moment so I'm down price of personal license and that is fine with me because I can use it whenever/wherever I want.

  • aroh

    to be honest I'm a Construct n00b

    I've added a FPS txt so if you redownload my capx example it'll have a FPS reading

    was testing it in firefox stayed around 45-60

    chrome worked for me well in beginning but then dipped to around 25-30 fps once it hits your wait function when get the correct ans or go over your goal. Maybe rather than use WAIT make a end level notice and set timescale = 0 so it pauses game and then have user hit R to restart or a dif button

    not sure exactly what mean by feels heavy?

    I haven't really experimented with C2 as much as I'd like yet

    real job and life gets in the way.

    As for the tongue retract just make addtl action when tongue hits fly to destroy tongue

    but with your coding right now unsure if that'd work

  • EncryptedCow

    ya only the ingame dialog for me the menus were crisp

    mineet says working for them so could be on my end


    tried using firefox and it's crisp must be my chrome Version 27.0.1453.116 m says Google Chrome is up to date.

  • You can keep getting +5 points if you just fly back and forth between those fire balls.

    not happening for me

    only get +5 once a fireball has exited layout

    perhaps you are going in and out of fireballs while others are exiting giving appearance of endless +5


    however, I'm unable to read any of the ingame text popups that come up after each round

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86190469/C2Help/A7txtBlur.png" border="0" />

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  • ghostwheel

    sorry can't help and this is why

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86190469/C2Help/IDreamofGhostsERR.png" border="0" />

    if wanting help with ongoing projects I'd suggest not using 3rd party plugins or recreate a .capx without the 3rd party plugins so you can be helped then you can implement into your .capx with your 3rd party plugins