DrGreenThumbCAN's Forum Posts

  • just was wondering how you are exporting to android

    like what service using since C2 doesn't have a native exporter yet

    Glad to hear that you figured out the issues :)

  • was I really just a shark eating my fellow humans?


    Looks great.

    about speed "As the link is an older version of the game, there is small bug with speed for shark." - if up arrow was to make faster then it didn't work at all - but this you said is older so probably fixed.

    I'm currently at work where it is running XP and stock graphics with 2 yr old drivers (work pc so can't update)

    that being said game was consistent speed throughout and the humans falling moved steadily and much quicker than shark. The mine also was quick and didn't look like had framedrop.

    can you say where frame drop happens? Like have you moved far on layout? Many humans?

    Do you have webGL enabled in settings?

    perhaps a screenshot of properties?


    I see you are looking for Android export. how?

  • > <img src="http://blues-brothers.biz/img.php/2013/10/1c0493_autosave-no.png" border="0" />

    > is this not autosave??

    > in preferences

    this doesn't help when c2 crashes


    how doesn't this help if C2 were to crash? (which I haven't had happen)

    if you have it on autobackup then the most lost work could be 15 minutes.

    Maybe have the minimum interval lowered to 1 min or 5 min, even a text field to write in own value.

  • <img src="http://blues-brothers.biz/img.php/2013/10/1c0493_autosave-no.png" border="0" />

    is this not autosave??

    in preferences

  • I haven't tried anchor in conjunction with physics sorry

    but using anchor with scale inner has worked in my prelim tests


    1) properties

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86190469/prop0.png" border="0" />

    left edge = window left because you want your platform to be the same distance from edge regardless of size

    top edge = window bottom because you want the TOP of your platform to be the same distance from bottom regardless of screen size

    bottom edge & right edge leave NONE

    works for me and my text see


    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86190469/prop1.png" border="0" />

    *EDIT* in PHYSICS properties prevent rotation set to no so when item hits with physics your platform would start spinning around the origin(imagepoint0)

    set prevent rotation to yes to ensure staying at 0degrees

  • downloading a new release doesn't cost anything just download from below.

    the mirror/flip is an action that is made on sprite under appearance from the event sheet.

    set mirrored for horizontal

    set flipped for vertical

  • Screen sizes make sure you have read this

    for your anchor properties what are they?

    even a screenshot from in C2 showing your properties will be sufficient however .capx would be best

    "...Scale inner shows less. Since it prefers to cut off parts of the view, it never accidentally shows content outside the window... but you still have the opposite problem - it might cut off something that you want to be seen!"

  • do you have .capx to show?

    also are you using fullscreen?

  • LittleStain

    I certainly agree with your OP and actually enjoyed the read

    <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • sounds interesting

    please update with deadline details

    if you could DrGreenThumbCAN in your deadline update it'd be appreciated

  • tulamide

    I agree with you the gif was great to go with blossom

    wish could have seen what 7Soul had concocted

  • Cast my vote

    best of luck to all

    perhaps the victor will allow Blossom to remain free to use, that way Blossom can see much of the world from many perspectives

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  • yes I'd say a week for voting.

  • ChrisAlgoo

    believe it is Oct 1st, 2013 not January 10th, 2014

  • sadly my laptop died on me yesterday so my attempt will remain in its infancy and not submitted.

    Great music track and great ideas

    Can't wait to see all the other creations tho