DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • I think your example is good enough, so I would not worry about it too much. Just polish it up and finish the game.

    All physics engines, although they help, have things missing. One of the most annoying things with box2D is if something moves too fast it will go through objects.

    Guess what happened the first time I used physics in Unity and threw a soccer ball a little faster. It went straight through the net and through ad boards behind the goal. If you ask a question about this, you will get an answer along the lines of: "you have to use raycasting, bla, bla, bla, code it yourself"

    Shouldn't that already be a part of the ^%$9ing physics engine, yeah it should, but look at the bright side, at least it allows you not to have to code all the other parts that actually do work.

    that speed glitch happens on objects that has is bullet not selected once u tick that u can blast them at really high speed. if u compare the rack smashing in the beginning of both games i linked, the seconds one spreads all balls in a nice little pattern as physics makes sense there from collisions that happen, in my version after first impact all balls move the same direction doesn't matter what is the elasticity weight speed etc. however i found a sort of a solution but its still not fixing it, but is a bit better. anyway ty for input, but i didn't wanted to make another sliding ice hokey game.

    i ended up making the pool game using Q3D in the end. the physics in Q3d react as they should it might be cause of the gravity on Z axis that pulls the balls down and give them extra elastic power and friction+inertia and takes ball spin in calculation also, anyway, i was trying to create a 3d roll i think with a 2d physics and that probably isn't gonna happen unless i tweak the plugin itself. which would be much easier to just make the physics i need by using Construct events.

  • if you mean the official capx files they are inside Construct by default check starter page in the editor and look at left menu for examples and guides. there should be a left side menu

    if you mean community tutorials made by users, those are only available on Construct 2 and the new ones for Construct 3 are having some capx files but not all of them, depending on each user how he writes the tutorial/shares files.

  • If tried example and put elastic to maximus, the effect is correct for pool game. Is there something else you looking for?

    i made a lot of tweaks with the elasticity on my capx, and it requires elasticity very close to 1 which is capped at that by default from the physics plugin, but .... what i did different is i changed the density of the ball from being 1 or less than 1 to 50++ u can't do that in the example i shared but while they break in a similar pattern they bounce to much, and that is not what i was looking for the elasticy.

    the example shows the construct version when hitting with cueball the rack of balls pushing the entire rack with the same amount of speed, which in pool that doesn't happen since every ball hits the other ball bouncing back the opposite direction and so on until it stops, however i think im close to find my answer, is not the physics limitation ... is the way i was thinking the powers to be used are capped based on the description they had between 1 and 0 between 0 and 1 and so on... i was thinkin 1 is max... but it turns out for friction and other elements is not... so now is time for fine tuning the right pattern for my balls diameter/collision masks i also seen a very huge difference in buoyancy from circle mask from physics and my own hand made collision mask, which strangely enough is acting much better than the smoother surface, probably cause having corners helps with the ricochet at random angles.

    this is i guess solved, as i said was probably limiting the math/physics of object size and how much weight they should have with the actual elasticity ....

    so the solution is u can go 1 elasticity but make sure u do density double your balls diameter 2 x diameter * pi friction, 1/pi*2 linear damping and angular damping linear damping and angular damping equal to linear damping always since we don't have a Z rotation of the ball. and walls need match balls -90% elasticity drawn back

    my bad, sorry for exaggerating Nepeo thanks once more for taking your time with me ...

  • I'm going to be honest here I know relatively little about Physics engines, they are pretty complex and I've never had to do anything complicated with one. We're embedding a port of Box2D here so my best guess is that your just looking at the properties that Box2D exposes. Ashley will know more, as he wrote the wrapper code for the behaviour, but his answer is probably the same.

    I imagine the reason why you can't see the module in the construct 3 version is that we've swapped from using a JS based port to one done in WASM which is a binary bytecode format. Chrome should still show you a human readable format for the module, but you won't be able to breakpoint it and it will appear as a relatively complex language.

    I understand now ok makes sense, thanks for taking your time on this issue i was having.

    Maybe this is one of those things to consider in future then for expanding the physics plugin or polish it a bit more, i'll forward it to the ideas/requests sections.

    The bullet behavior has the reflect from object pretty good (as angle reflecting not the power at which it reflects cause it should be equal to half of the initial contact +- spin force but who cares as long as angle is good for reflection) on this issue ... i wonder if maybe that is a possible hint to what might be that physics is missing or is dimmed down cause of gravity set to 0.

  • lol, that slow jitter down hill.. i can't replicate the 2nd bug u shown, but i replaced the objects i was thinking it was cause of the tiledbackground type object, so i replaced them with sprites, i got the same result as shown 1st time by you, also i tested on 138-2 so the bug persisted further to other versions also.

    additionally i tweaked the gravity to be a bit more stronger, and see if maybe is cause of the low gravity u had there... but it is not... the platform to platform ghost stepping is still happening.

    was actually looking at where would we report a bug, i would file this report on github page supported by scirra here submit c3 bug

    also read this before posting there more information about links regarding C3 bugs etc

  • We have no plans to open source the C2 engine.

    Ah awesome :D i got scared a bit thanks for clarifying :D

  • that looks promising, but wait what happened with construct 2 is it really open source now, i been missing the blogs on that? can we get access to the core engine as we could ask for the construct classic version?

    or is it like"community modular expanding open source"?

  • just checked your file, seems isn't a feature from what i seen in the file c3p, is more of delay in logic vs what is displayed, something is asynchronous you could say is lazy jerking. id wait for one of the scirra developers to look at it and explain it in more detail or guide you to the process of filling a bug.

    but i'd say is a bug. or is just how the calculation of things happen it might need a tweak ... or two... tested on chrome and c2 c3 runtime same result.

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  • you can redownload once more the file, i commented in detail each event and condition+action

    localstorage + levelmenu v3

    have fun.

  • redownload the file localstorage+levelselect

    i had a event error on the selecting menu.

    you should also look at the official localstorage example for hiscores

    hiscore localstorage

    just my example is made for levels.

  • yea your file is not doing well.... lol (localsaving mentioning .... ) is just setting a variable but on the start of loading screen after that it just goes from level to level ... and increments the openingvariable but u need to also save it... on the same level change.

    take a look at my example that i sent, and try make sense of it, i tried to comment it and keep it as simple as possible.

    also on levels, when u increment the openinglevel ,set item openinglevel in the localstorage, before u go to the next layout.

    you need to follow, the order of reading, from top to bottom, if you reset before u save, there might be a save done.

    don't worry it's nice to see new people joining the community though, we all been there learning.

  • Hi there, i been playing for the last 7 days trying to figure out what is the problem with my pool game, why is it so ice like slippery in here.... did someone else experience this?

    the problem can be seen at the rack break when u shoot the pile of the balls first after that there are quirks here and there but overall collision/deflection fail is always present, the balls kinda tend to be attracted to walls even though walls have elasticity set as any normal pool table edge ... is rubery ... but the balls aren't, so in construct physics is missing one key component that is elastic collision ... don't confuse it with elasticity of the object is different, the elastic collision is the force at which the ball reflect upon on impact, where elasticity is the how "fluffy it is" or a secondary state of density which while has some effects on rubbery balls for solid like 8 pool balls makes no sense on having high elasticity mixed with the elastic collision. the balls in construct demo is using the physics circle as collision i can share capx if needed.

    this one is the Construct project where im trying to replicate the pool physics

    Construct html5 pool reconstruction - debugging

    and this is what i want to achieve as pool physics for pool reaction time on impact in construct

    CodeCamp html5 Pool

    notice the difference? or am i the only person seeing it? i feel im going insane trying to "fix" something that isn't even present.

    Ashley or Nepeo sorry for bothering lads, but i snoop a bit in the plugin for Physics of C2, i can't seem to find the kinetic push is using for movement after collision. there is definitely some collision reflection even if i turn all elasticity down and lineardumping to 0, is just it seems to have been corrected to be like a very small fraction if to many objects collide... anyway to fix this issue im having?

    and i followed the collision math in the plugin vs the collision math on the tutorial and they match almost the same minus the extra functions trough which C2physics is working.

    i know this is posted in C3 i tested the same project in C3 running using C3 physics and is still the same result... i looked at the c2 physics cause i don't know where the c3 physics plugin is located we just don't have that type of access anymore... i guess...

  • Edited:

    here is a file example to make u better understand what i mean, u have done 90% of the work though :D

    localstorage+level selection menu

    at the start of game event on my example, i have a erase storage... u can remove that line action was there for my own saving locals to erase to check some event errors i was getting.

  • cjbruce Agree there, it's a matter of design acceptance between the implemented 3d script and Construct, if you want to make it technical so you as the developer / porter of the plugin to only understand it and a few others that are programmers, or is it for everyone that never has come near the word "array" or "mesh". (and that is where Q3D shined over Babylon from my opinion also, however i did found that the Babylon js was way way faster than the Q3D mainly cause of the separated way of doing things and not using the C2 array/picking)

    Also i remember some questions Quazi had about the c2runtime but i can't recall what that had to do back when he was developing the plugins and behaviors, was probably figuring out compatibility, but C3 runtime might be a different possible easier match.

    Edit: cjbruce is the game using any 3d assets? or features that C3 doesn't have?

    macube that is nice can't wait to see ur achievement, would love to see your events structure though more than the three.js suzanne model spinning or eating a banana lol

    cause in theory, you can load the three.js file in any Construct project and use the browser object to build up/execute the js functions, but then that wouldn't make it construct dependent anymore, but js dependent ... and using Construct to only port to different devices.

  • that is because u have to save the item first in localsaving plugin, and to do that u have to go to a game layout and trigger the save level item value to localsaving, once that is done, you can then move to the main screen and trigger the event that you show in your screenshot.

    it looks good the way you set it up. is just it doesn't work, cause ur item doesn't exist in localstorage yet, so your item.get returns NaN and sets value of level to NaN. i presume also the buttons don't play anything not even the level 1?