DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Exactly what I need, thank you guys!

    c2 now is a 3d engine and easy to use

  • tested your pool game, its actually very good, but i was thinking you managed to solve the "3d front spinning of the ball" i did a pool game a few months ago, a test actually, the problem was the physics engine was faulty as hell seems you figured out for balls not to pass through each other when hit at high speed, however, a front spinning stripesheet, and playing the animation based on ball speed will make it more 3dish, cause will have a front spinning, however, you wold need to change angle and another stripe of frames, for each angle ( 45 75 etc the diagonals, not the horizontals or vertical axes, the diagonal are the pain on this types of game, im doing a 3d pool game test using Q3Dpluygin with the new 3d physics engine and starts too look good il have a demo soon enough hopefully tomorrow or after that ! but great job, really like your game, its very good done, for 2d in the limit of C2,

    p.s when your saying webgl what do you mean? is it made in c2 classic? or just the webgl effects?

    btw if you want i can give the code events for the stick to drag and release and apply force based on the distance pulled cue back, from my old c2 pool its useless for me now that will make your game more interesting, to get rid of the chubby power line

    here is the demo i did back then, and the code for pull cuestick power


    has a lot of sound issues, the events even where triggered on once the system back then i think r198 had some really bad sound problem, and the physics engine, if you notice sometimes, faults and the balls pass through each other, however the pull stick to power works flawless

    noticed a bug on your game , when you shoot the ball , and then change the rotation if hits rail of another ball , its going to get a small push rotational force!

    here is a sandbox demo of the q3d physics, in construct 2 its a work in progress, hopefully kong, will recache the version to see the full game, and not integer scale mode

    Q3d Pool Test

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    Another Game By GamecorpStudio

    Drawing Game Template , contains 5 characters ready to use,2 styles, 4 shapes, 5 brush sizes, 3 tools, 32 colors pallet.

    Full commented events, no custom plugins, 200 events. optimized for mobile, and desktop, reusable events for other drawing apps if needed.

    Hopefully soon in Store !

    here is a demo also ... mplate-199

  • if your using the free version you wont be able to export for mobile, only html5 i think and arcade or pc for mobile or other exports you need to upgrade, atleast that how it was last time i checked, on no license version

  • thanks, solved it, thanks to you, found the worms.capx you shared, but it wasnt diferent from pasting an object over another, however, i did switched the eraser blend option to destination out, and its doing exactly the thing in picture, now i need to adapt it and hopefully will work, with my drawing game, (thats like a paint program, made with events, not using canvas object cause its weird in shape creation ,so i use images, and spawn in some parts, so i think will solved my issue) thanks alot

  • hey guys , i was wandering is there a default plugin or a custom plugin or a system reference for C2 that could enable me do to images what the image bellow does? (destroying parts of object and automatically creating collision mask?) without tilemap

  • Demo link?

  • Wow , awesome thanks for sharing

  • my first idea was to use bbox's but then i figure out that it will still do it, and you be over complicating yourself, what you could do is , add another thin line, under and when the basketball hits it push the basketball back, towards ground, if basketball hits the upper line disable collision on the bottom line, so it doesn't push it anymore, then wait 0.5 and enable collision back on,

  • Actually im wrong, still doing the jumping thing you talking about, tried with a tx ty but cant really figure it out now gluck

  • the easy way to do, is to make the enemy character move automatically, once it hits object (pipe lets say) change the angle of movement opposite ( 0 is right . 180 is left, 270 is up 90 is down) try doing it with bullet behavior and switch set angle from yes to no ,and add platformer behavior so it stays on ground, the platformer behavior of enemy should have controls set on custom, if you leave them on default when u press keys arrows, will move as a normal character you don't want that.

    make sure the floor or ground has solid behavior.

    when layout starts set angle of motion from bullet behavior of the enemy to 0 so it starts toward right side, then you add the collision detection and change movement direction from bullet behavior of the enemy to 180-self.bullet.directionangle ( that means if enemy has current angle 180 minus 180 from the front will be 0 if the current angle is 0 minus 180 from the front is 180 ) gluck hope it helped you!

    i doubt you'd manage to understand so i made a capx for you Download

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  • changed the name a few times, and its not released on my name, so i don't know if the guy that published it, is still selling it in store! i know last time he had it there, but forgot the right link, if i find it, il send a link, but i think he switched it to paid app!

  • nice if you solved it was the RegexMatchAt(RegexMatchAt(UnknownTexT.Text,"[([^\]\r\n]+)\]","gi",0),"[([^\]]+)\]","i",1) thing forgot to mention )

  • thats because the gun spawns the bullet on any touch end , whenever the mouse or touch is unclicked the gun will start to spawn bullets try making the gun spawn bullets when is in touch

  • the colision system is already there, you can set a condition on the fish, that says,

    ( arm or bat) if you have it pinned, if not i guess the bear animation has a box boundry autodetected, and the fish will automatically detect it when it hits it on the first edge of that.

    On collison with object bear

    then you trigger your events for flyng fish in chest!

    i can do a capx for you but you have to wait a moment!

    here is a capx from meDOWNLOAD

    and here are some demos that might help you (lost and found on internet)