DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • globalvariables are global that means are usable in all event sheets, however if you don't include the right code for it they wont update, its a matter how you link the events inside your event sheets don't you think so? the same way goes for global objects

    for example i can have 1 scene with 10 event sheets and 5 scenes with 1 event sheet, the only thing i have to do is right click and include event sheet, or clone the event sheet for N times for each scene which is tedious and messy, that's why people tends to use as a general system the function object.

  • hey Beav,

    2.yes, there is just people don't rate i guess!

    3. reputation based on sales and reviews, that wold be cool, and people will have a decent information to buy or not the assets.

    4. have the same problem i noticed that the approved asset is always on top, and the duplicate that is waiting for approval its under it .

    6.additional to that,

    maybe could be point NR 8, sale collaborators

    for games lets say, if a guy makes the engine, and an artist the graphics and another the sound, to have a possibility to get revenue share % based on the work they did, and based on their agreement, same way works advertising revenue share from newgrounds, just it wold need like a general organization group, with a different format where every1 in the seller group will get even shares automatically, and not the insecure way that newgrounds works, so lets say i decide to team up with 1 sound artist and 1 graphic artist, we make a request on forum for a seller account named AwesomeGroup

    now the account should be set so all the collaborators that requested to join will get 1 of 3 parts in % of the total share if someone else joins in (the 4th member then the sale revenue will split in 4 ),

    when an item is submitted by the leader of the group witch is going to be mentioned upon agreement of all people in the forum request, all the members will get a message alert asking to detail the info of their contribution or opt-out if they did not,

    not sure if this is going to be easy, but for sure its a good future to have, for those who want to bundle things, and collaborate to do some cool quality assets!

    the price of the asset sold by the 4 guys or 3 , wold be calculated as a bundle, if the guy with audio, says its worth 3 $ and the game 10$ and the graphics another 5$ and so on will be summed up, and discounted if the case.

    and this way people can co-op and increase the quality of the assets in the store, and also why not, making a good living going more noticed, and raising into a indie team, that builds trust in time

    also no member of that group will have the ability to change the % or remove a team member unless its voted by the rest of the group!

    this way we fix the newgrounds flaw system, in their system, they allow the publisher to assign and change whenever they want % of the revenue share, so what stops me to add u as audio guy for 10% and then after i get revenue to cut you off! ?

    also point nr 9 is there a way to sell the assets for resell license, like 1 time price for sounds or graphics or games, buy it once at 99$ license and your able to sell the same product unaltered further to some other markets?

    not sure if you guys will understand my point!:) but hopefully i made a bit of sense ok back to work ... cheers

  • i suggest using this? and making different placements of the power-ups? i mean its all depending on how you want to build the game, and how complex the levels should be

  • If you want the objects to stay constrained to the table you could try putting a frictionless immovable invisible box above the table that prevents this.

    the demo already has the top lid placed on top, and is still passing through, i increased a lot the gravity , and the height of the invisible lid, and the borders are actually huge and still sometimes, the white ball only, because when i click applies force to the raycaster pos. and for some reason its acting like the vertical axe is higher then normal il try fix it, thanks for the tips really helpful

    i did a condition to keep the vertical position of the balls on table at everytick but that also doesn't work, for some reason sometimes the ball just jumps up and i have a very terrible well balanced density and elasticity!

    i think its a raycaster issue, the collision its detected higher then normal, and also wanted to ask what does the pass through allow function of the physics , and penetration things actually are? i increased allow penetration to 10 and the other 1 under left it at small as possible, its kinda working well now, but still guess its because of the c2 frame overriding the 3d plugin.

  • if your doing your game as html5 and export with intelxdk you wold have access to the files and then you could integrate their code manual in the offline Apache or JavaScript or where it needs to go if its a short embeddable code such as HTML it wold work by adding the JavaScript in the proper file using <script> code</script> usually in beginning of an HTML index or smth but the idea you have its good, more networks to gain ECPM but i doubt they pay more then actually admob which gives you around 66% of the revenue even if its lower on other things, has a good fill rate.

    with this kind of networks is penny upon dollars, the right way to go is admob plugin and that's it its a matter of how popular your app is, and how you place the ads, interstitial or normals

    here is a linkfor admob plugins for cordova and ejecta and other useful stuff if you need them

  • hey got this error, to the arcade when i was trying to share a game screenshot today, and my tweet account wasn't linked to the arcade application, so it asked me for the permission to tweet through the platform, once i did that it should redirect me back to the screenshot tweet page where you insert the tweet message and then post it but instead of that i got this error Click To View

    but after i closed the error page and tried again it worked, so this is a error for the non-authorized tweet accounts, that are 1st giving rights for the arcade to use the tweeter post and then callback to the preview's page, not sure if makes sense... im kinda a bad at explaining ... hope you can understand

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  • reminds me of the game Mougly , where you have to jump and get to monkeys snakes and other cool characters , so awesome thanks for this small game, made me reminded the good times i had when i was a kid playng this kind of games

  • Download the capx and you will see the easy way to do it and keep the legs arms body head having a natural shake on movement its easy Download capx

  • the bug your talking is not from the ball hitting it, but when you drag the brown block and with it try push in the blue block the ball then its getting stuck, for some reason the physics engine has serious problems from way back, so i wold try see what wold that be but im pretty sure that's a physics object bug, on some other games i have, the balls or circle bounded objects, if they move to fast can pass through any object on screen even if it has 1000 height and width and has immovable physics, i see your Romanian i can talk with you in private if you want on skype gamecorp[dot]tm

    fixed your problem, what i did is basically creating a gravity point for the scene, the actual gravity seems to fail, when you push the ball against any object and not only that 1, so i applied a force of 10 everytick at towards the bottom of the screen , so that way if the physics will fail to pull down the ball then the ball itself will try push itself downwards here is the capx, and also avoid using solid behavior and physics both on the same object, once you have physics there is no need for solid, solid behavior works best with platformer behavior witch doesn't recognizes physics immovable objects as being solid that's why the solid behavior its there, placing solid and physics on (solid state objects) its going to create glitches

    here is the new capx fixed Download

  • this issue i think i encountered 4 months ago or more when i was doing a jumping game, and used webgl effects for lava heat temperature inside a volcano, and if i remember correctly the webgl glass effects where not affected by the pause (timescale) . however not sure if they are good to be stopped on pause, no game pauses the effects as it make it look more cool, unless its a effect on some character and not on some environmental object(as water, room temperature, sun heat)

    dident think'd was actually a bug

    the game was on old arcade, some weird title volcano escape on this account or the other1 that was linked to this mail i have maybe it helps if there is a backup of the arcade, from back then and check the actually release of the game and time of bug, for sure was a beta c2 version il try search my computer if wold help in anyway

  • Oops, I don't know if it's a typo or an oversight XD

    at any rate, thank you very much it's comments like this that make me want to continue.

    Do you have any suggestions on pixel art objects that people will want to buy?

    not sure what other people tastes are like, but from my personal taste as 8 pixel graphics and what i wold love to buy now, is some fish characters sprite sheet

    and as for pixel graphics , in general, most people use it, to bring back old NES games back, so that's a starter for your assets what you could design

    graphics such as Hudson's adventure island, and others like it, and the old Prince of Persia, where you go into dungeons and kill skeletons, had so much fun playing those games, and i bet most people on scirra forums did, so for sure if you'd be selling something like those(not 100% clones cause then you'd be in the infringement area), people wold buy.... some people.... atleast ... and retro games are the new game theme like this days!

  • you mean lower the FPS ? try intensive spam of objects and delete them after 5 /10 seconds, or events that will slow it down

    or maybe see the fps function maybe you can limited it from c2! actually let me check that! )

    you can also slowdown the game by playing around with timescale function but for the FPS to change it to a surtain play rate i cant really see an action for it, unless there is a .asjson or some external coding to be added

  • have you tried with normal sprites (give them a 60 70 % opacity on creation) (having bullet behavior or physics ?) and on collision with smth to spawn 4 more sprites of the same type having fadeout behavior enabled? so they get vanish and destroyed after creation? at (random scale from 0.6 to 0.3?)

    that way you don't need webgl or other things enabled if you want to release for mobiles, that is very gpu/cpu intensive if you use webgl and may crack down your game

    here is a capx i did really quick download

  • like how the title says 43 and the image 42 nice pixel graphics though

  • Hello, new user here! I'm looking to contribute to the market, but I'm not sure what image size works best. If all my assets are 32 bit PNG and 256x256, will that be alright or do game developers prefer multiple sizes? Thanks for the help!

    preferable wold be to upload full AI/PSD formats so the people that purchase it can customize it and if the size is bigger then 512x512 even better

    Currently working on a tower defense template game Coming soon!

    the explosions look delicious

    Coming soon with a few more game templates and a new version for Frenzy Fish Template (improving AI system)