— the uvmap problem you have it might be because your previewing the model in debug mode, try disable debug mode, or q3dphysics debug model view,that worked on me
and also for your angle problem read this Topic
QuaziGNRLnose can i ask if you go to the topic above and test the demo inside, there is a problem with it, when u click multiple times, and the force is applied on the white ball, sometimes, tends to jump in Y axes and go over other balls or over the table outside, is there a way to disable the y movement on the balls and stick to the table? i tried with gravity higher, instead of the default 9.8 i changed it to 200 same thing happens, i added platformer behavior, so it has a fall behavior and a harder gravity on Y axes, doesn't want to stick there,
Also wanted to ask from long time ago, so,... i made a 3d pool table object, that has pockets with holes, and a container labyrinth under it, that is supposed to drive the pocketed balls to a visible area like outer side of the pool table, i imported it, in my project, but the model doesn't work, do i do something wrong? or even better, if that wont work, since has to many polys i guess, and c2 is going to read it as being a box colider, is there a way to import a torus with a hole into it (doughnut shape) ? and and object to fall through it? but colide with the edges?