DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Great stuff ! Thanks for sharing ! My first big step will be making a completed and polished game to online hosts like Kongregate , NewGrounds , GameJolt and what not! Let's hope this will work! I don't know how someone can count his fan base. is it based on social network followers or it is based on views and play ? till now I actually don't know

    no problem, is my pleasure to share the experience, it makes me release some tension and frustration im gathering on time passing, i wasn't sure if you'd be understanding a word i said cause i have a few typos.

    however newgrounds and other websites are a good starting point, personally i dident got a good experience with kongregate, not sure why, maybe the content was the fault i mostly uploaded demos there ) low quality crap cause the community isnt interacting with new games. but on newgrounds, i can tell you as soon as i submit a new game even though im not even active for the past few months, in 2,3 days after posting the game im gathering around 500-2000 views, then starts to drop, the biggest views i got was from a contest from stencyl , i think its 1 year from that time, i got around 25000 views on it, some ninja fruit slashing clone, my first game actually, then i just uploaded free ads demos, for scirra store, and other websites im using. not sure what is going on there anymore, but if your new to building your crowd i say again its a good starting point, also make sure that you threat all reviews good or bad high or low the same, dont apreciate the good and blam the low, since people will notice, and youl get to be the one to suffer, becoming neutral its the best thing. since majority of the people on this platforms, are kids(6-10), or teenagers (12-17), just a few that are doing art will be actually legal age.

  • this is the eternal question, which doesn't apply only to games in my opinion but to anything related to internet.

    I noticed 1 major fact and i can say its a law of internet, if you want to become successfully or popular for that meanings, since popularity=success on internet, with your app or blog or whatever it is that you do online, you need to have a good idea of how to market the crap out of the thing you do. so the law of internet in end can be call marketing or exposure or whatever word can come into your mind that resembles getting mapped and noticed.

    a few easy tricks for games since its our main concern here, if you dont have a prebuilt plan for it, i mean like selling it for specific companys or marketing it for surtain type of stores, and you want to keep your game for yourself as a free developer, and to let people know u do games, and gather more followers, id suggest spread all over community's that offers free game hosting, hell, you can even create your own arcade blog, and post your own, but lets say you dont have the patience so youl just have a few choice, one is spread your game to all websites as newgrounds, kongregate, google chrome store games which is free to submit to , opera store, and many others... i cant really tell right now all of them, but i have over 100 bookmarks for this types of spreading websites. so that might bring u some pretty cash, if ... you have lets say newgrounds ads incorporated which will sum up on your main account, even if you upload in kongregate. other websites have their own api if you want to make a different api version advertising you can do it, depends all on you.

    so basically there is no easy way, since involves marketing and sometimes marketing isn't meaning just a **** on twitter or a YouTube Video, those help, if you have active subscribers or followers, if you dont have you can ask a friend that has a built social follower group and give him a threat. marketing is a tedious work, its not that hard to do, but takes time, you always have to be in touch with people, posting new content, original content, facts, etc depends on what type of crowd you want to build. thats why i kinda quite'd game dev for a while and im researching marketing, and ways to build a good arcade website and social network around it.

    (also there is a trick for those who have patience, creating arcade blog clones with free hosting will increase ur google indexing on the specific game, its a matter of copy pasting same blog on different domains/sub-domains and so on, also embedding your main source files into the cloned website will bring u more views on your main website which will grow a natural traffic on it, but then its a lot of work, and all major succesfull bussiness like kongregate, newgrounds, arcadegames,armorgames,mochimedia, codemonkeys, etc done it untill the point they dont need to do it anymore-but then there is a downside to it having a lot of accounts free hosting's and blogs, youl need to check in on all each week add new content, but if you have a script that allows u to push notifications or content to all websites from a main administration board will save you a lot of time.)

    i can write an entire book based on my experiences with this thing, which eventually cracked me open, and made me quit all this ********* its not easy work, and im kinda searching ways to find that golden goose but seems there is no way, unless you got lucky and get viral by no reason at all. hitting that 1% chance in 1 billion and make a hit .. even though going viral is a long process in internet, some big viral games toked even years to reach it.

    however i went into another direction and that is growing small, and bit by bit. its the best way in my opinion. dont try to hunt the big bull, but go for small little potatoes, that will help you reach your goals, bit by bit, till eventually you have enough followers and content to work with.

    if your going to build your own community or arcadewebsite 1 type i suggest you avoid is those rating websites. those like wow badges and many others, where kids have power to rate your content. i got made a mistake on one of my old domains which ruined my pr from page 9 to 0 just because i was hosting a arcadewebsite with embedded games from unity... so i got a flag saying i got corrupted files, or such things, which i dident.. and then google started indexed that and my website went down and down. so i just pulled the plug off. after 1 year and smth of building it.

    which now seems to be bought by a japanese or chinesse company , that i wanted to sell the domain to but i just dident bothered. anyway i got the main domain still... which i have to search ideas in building it at the moment i think is still redirecting to but eh.. who cares anymore.

  • If you could clone many Ashley for those native exporters, then it might be possible to have them.

    challenge accepted .. Calling GRU

  • lol try this... maximum ray counts, maximum speed, add texture watch ... XD psychedelic effect! XD

  • u just open the backup file or autosave with c2 thats how it work for me

  • lol... i suggest use i dident understood a word from what you said!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • dident heard of it, but who ever is going to enter it will build a pretty nice reputation for themselves with PewDiePie's advertising powers! waw! dident seen that coming! what is the term of entering the jam?

    P. S you written Pewd's name wrong

  • droxon

    --- never mind...

    as for the stencyl=scratch read stencyl license and terms of conditions ul see its source code is from scratch ... from day 1, there for it has limitations. unless they redo it entirely in some new framework not using scratch mit source code anymore which limits the compatibilities with so many platforms, outside web content.

  • ... Performance issues

    never mind... someone else answered u.. and for the game u showed,

    it is possible in c2 yes it is and runs even better, check for Penumbra Alpha v2 its similar....

  • "Our goal is to make Construct 3 the best game making editor ever" more like the best prototyping tool ever

    Construct 2 has the potential of making small, and big games, if people tends to do prototypes, just because its using cross platform exporters that doesn't mean you cant create actually great games with it. and 90% of the time in a game all that matters is the graphics. so.. c2 is the tool of freedom for game artists, ... and enhances the abilities of a advanced programmer, you can create ur own plugins that can do anything, even a serious game engine function that will save u a lot of events and make it run very smooth, but then u need to know JavaScript and to work with the SDK that scirra offers, the quote u said its just a poor opinion i say no offense intended.

    you can make from 2d to even fast 3d games with c2 in the current stage, i can only imagine the performance enhancements that C3 will bring, im guessing no more cross platform exporters that will be the most useful thing in my opinion and a 3d viewer for 3d games, maybe default implement the q3d functionalities and make it more simplistic to use, but the rest is just perfect as it is.

  • take a look at the pin behavior rope style .. and youl have to search for the snake arcade game to see the code for adding stuff at end...

  • Is this not a bug? Does anyone from Scirra even read this posts? It's been a week now and no one reponded. Isn't my description of the "bug" detailed enough?

    there is no problem on my side.. both of them scrolls perfect... there is a slight miss alignment of the background but that can be fixed i think from the project.. the rest i see works perfect .. it may be ur browsers. since u encountered it and it may be stuck in the cache. try eliminating cache on your browsers and retest them.. there is no issue here ....

    for the clicking before press any key maybe be because the game is in pause mode or smth.. it also maybe cause of the firefox itself.. they are consistently upgrading.. regardless of google (which forgot to update lately)

    as for IE who uses it anymore?

  • Yeah!

    There is always angry users, like: this game is s... so I had just curiosity about that topic

    I think it's not a good idea to reply to them, like lower to their level :/

    having a troll reviews isn't always a bad thing.. if you got a troll review... the guy who made it... either dident felt right in that moment... so he disliked ur app.. just cause... ehhrghhh.. he felt like it...

    however answering to it... depends where u having the app.. if the community on the store.. is active. answering it may make ur app go viral... by sharing trough other people... interest in funny things... however can also blam ur app.. its ur decision in the end...

  • why u using speed to change angle of motion which bullet behavior has.... on x pressed set angle of motion to 0 on z pressed set angle of motion to 180 that way only the movement direction will change.. and not the actor angle if you have the set angle deselected... its not a bug ... its wrong using of the variables..

  • Problem Description

    Observed Result

    Sprite inverts it's direction when X is pressed.

    Expected Result

    Sprite should only move to the Left, repeatedly setting the speed to a negative number should not change the movement once the sprite is moving.

    not a bug! ....

    steps to fix it... click on your project object.. in the left side... on the object properties you have under bounce of solids set angle... if youl deselect that... your problem is solved Construct2 works like that from beginning! if u want ur angle of the character to change with the movement to be facing right direction u have to set its default angle to the first direction will move that is 180 having the set angle set to yes

    i wold upload u the fixed capx.. but im using r208 ..