dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Ah, you are adding ▐ symbol to the end of the string. So you need to change the condition:

    System: right(Message.Text,2) = ".▐"

  • There's no simple solution. Just combine everything manually in the editor.

  • The support in Construct 3 is amazing.

    It is. Unless something like this happens on a weekend. Then you have to wait several days.

  • If they are different objects, then it's easy - you pick the parent instance, pick children. You can filter the picked children further, for example by animation name:

    SpriteA pick by IID
    SpriteA pick children SpriteB
    SpriteB animation "foo" is playing

    If the parent and children are instances of the same sprite, you need to use a family:

    Family pick by IID
    Family pick children Sprite

    You do need to pick children explicitly. You don't need to store child IID/UID.

    By the way, picking by IID is not recommended, as this value can change in runtime.

  • Press F12 in preview and check for error messages in the console.

  • Maybe there are some invisible characters like tabs added to the price. Try using trim(text) expression. Or there are characters not supported in your spritefont.

    You can as an experiment add something to the end of the text and see what happens.

    SpriteFond append "!"

  • Do you mean mobile dialogue? No, it won't work in preview.

  • Change it to 2D array - set its height to 2. Then split the results with tokenat() moving the scores to Y0 and names to Y1.

    For "x" from 0 to array.width-1
    .. // Extracting name
    .. Array set at (loopindex, 1) value tokenat(,0), 1, " ----- ")
    .. // Extracting score
    .. Array set at (loopindex, 0) value tokenat(,0), 0, " ----- ")

    After that if you sort the array, it will be sorted by scores.

  • It's been several hours now. ("Working (0%)...")

    It's clearly a bug. If this happens again, press F12 and check the last error message in console log.

  • Ah, I see what's going on. Your event runs on every tick and creating many copies of this sprite.

    Run the game in debug mode (Shift+F4) and find this object in the list on the left - you will see it has many instances.

    Make sure to only create one instance! Use a triggered event, for example "On start of layout"

  • This is pretty weird. Are there any effects on this sprite? Perhaps "Alpha clamp", or something similar?

    Can you still see the shadow in Construct editor?

  • Maybe the typeInterval is not set correctly, move it to "On Created" event.

    If it doesn't help, run the project in debug mode (Shift+F4) and check Message object - how many instances are there, what values are in instance variables etc.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • There are a few addons you can try:

    But it may be easier to create these shadows in Photoshop.

  • But I’d also like to configure a specific number of bullets per shot.

    You can add another nested loop:

    On turret shoot
     for 1 to numberOfShots
     for 1 to numberOfBullets
     -->create bullet object

    Also use instance variables on turrets.

    You can spread shots and bullets, for example:

    On turret shoot
    ..for 1 to numberOfShots 
    -->Wait (loopindex-1)*0.3
    ....for 1 to numberOfBullets 
    ----->create bullet object
    ----->Set bullet angle to self.angle+random(-5,5) degrees

    The shots will be fired with 0.3s delay between them, and bullets will fly in 10 degrees cone.

  • The last event on your screenshot (every tick) is not needed, delete it.