Danwood's Forum Posts

  • Thanks!

  • What do you mean "open a folder". Are you implying displaying it in the windows explorer ?

    Are you using NW.JS and its dialogs or are you attempting a browser to open a folder on the local hard drive ?

    Please be more specific on what you are wanting to exactly achieve and under which circumstances.

    NW.JS can open a folder using the "Show folder dialog" action for example.

    I need to open a specific folder in NW.js, showing the actual folder content directly from the windows browser. Or if the dialog is the only option, is there a way to tell it to use a "default" place?

  • I just need to make a button that open a specific folder (Documents/MyGame)

    Is it possible? And how?

    It happened to me JUST with the NW.js live build released 6 jan 2016. Seems like Roger added this feature as a test and decided to remove it straight away.

  • You should use For Each if there are multiple items (and slots).

    so, before event 2, ad -> For each item

    Then put event 2 and 3 under it as sub events

    Also, ad "pick top instance" Slot for event 2, if an item can overlap more than one slot at the same time

    Also, the every tick of the event 3 is redundant.

  • Wait.. maybe you're running NW, try ctrl+alt+canc and see if there's NW.exe running, and shut it down.

  • Try removing the NW object from your project and see if it was causing the issue? I have no idea otherwise, seems strange, but it's probably a minor thing.

  • Try the latest version of NW.js

    http://dl.nwjs.io/live-build/12-29-2015 ... 3.0-beta1/

  • We got 9700 events, using plenty of functions and families.

  • Yeaaaaaaa and grats to me for making that report


  • My game has 9000 events just in one sheet (other 700 spread out in few other sheets) and i can guarantee it is irrelevant to the performance.

  • Danwood, are you able to debug your game with this new version of NW? I keep getting an uncaught typer error that app isn't defined in preview.js

    Seems like debug can't be accessed with this NW version, hope it will be sorted out when out of alpha.

  • In my game ctrl is used to sneak and W to walk forward. You can guess the result

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  • Problem Description

    Pressing Ctrl+W closes the game.

    Attach a Capx

    No need

    Description of Capx

    No need

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Press Ctrl+W

    Observed Result

    Game closes

    Expected Result

    Game shouldn't close

    Affected Browsers

    • NW.js v0.13.0 alpha 7: (YES) Operating System and Service Pack Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Construct 2 Version ID 218
  • Great stuff Ashley

    Our game, which is a massive open world, runs better with NW 0.13, and alpha7 is a pinnacle.