Danwood's Forum Posts

  • Danwood

    You could test this little app (64b) to test center position if you want.

    Works on Win7 64b, I don't trest on win8.1/win10 atm.

    That works! how to integrate it in my project?

  • If you're talking about your game in a window centered on the users screen/desktop

    Yes that is my issue. The prblem is whenever the window changes from NW.js it is no longer centered on the desktop, so the user must manually reposition it, and that's what i want to prevent. It's a minor thing, i now xD

  • Are you talking about centering in a browser? Phone?

    Do you have an example/screenshot?

    Centering the game window (in windows)

  • I've set up a system that remember and sets a custom window width/height every time you start the game, the only problem is that when it triggers, the game window is not centered on my screen. Is there some java code allowing me to do that?

  • Thanks for fixing that!

  • Problem Description

    Changing a layer effect doesn't make C2 save / undo

    Attach a Capx

    No need for it, very simple issue

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Add a layer w/ an effect
    • Save
    • Change an effect parameter from the editor

    Observed Result

    C2 doesnt allow you to save or undo the parameter change, and in some cases, even if you change something else in the editor and save, the layer effect change is not saved as well.

    Expected Result

    Layer effect change should be identified as a change, allowing you to save/undo

    Affected Browsers

    • Editor

    Operating System and Service Pack

    win 10

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Thanks for the clafirifcation, i'm very optimistic, as the technology is evolving very fast!

  • Yeeee so we were not allucinating

  • After many testing sessions, my partener Giulio reported our game beneficts from nw 0.14 in terms of CPU load, around 20-30% less load!

    I tested as well and found the same on my i5 laptop.

    Guess Chrome 50 made some improvements

  • But i don't want the whole game to slow down xD

  • I think that would improve performance on some weaker rigs, can i do it with C2?

  • NW.js updates now just follow Chrome updates. 0.13 was a new architecture but I think the 0.14 release is just more of the same and nowhere near the jump 0.12 to 0.13 was.

    At least it doesn't require C2 to change for the new architecture, let's see the bright side

  • Ok, i tested the nacl version of NW.js 0.14 RC1, removed the nacl related files and it works fine, didn't made extensive performance test, but looks like there is a performance improvement for my game (that is very CPU demanding).

    PS: or maybe it's just like a placebo? pls someone make a proper test

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  • http://dl.nwjs.io/live-build/03-27-2016 ... e-13916ba/

    OMG, going to refresh this page all nite long! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • I saw your game on Steam a while ago and immediately knew it was a Construct game I was also a bit jealous/motivated. That being said, congratulations on pumping out a game, and getting it out there! It's not easy, we all know that.

    I'm working on a different kind of simulation, closer to sim tower and I'm wondering how you managed performance so well? I'm assuming from the amount of detail in the dinosaurs (stat wise) that they probably don't just disappear when off screen. How much did you utilize the timer behavior, if it all?

    Your experience with many variables and optimization is invaluable. I'm just wondering if you'd like to share any optimization tips not found in the manual, especially for handling large amounts of variables and different kinds of persistent objects which (presumably continue to exist and develop while not on screen) if in fact that is the case.

    Hey! You guessed right, dinosaurs don't just disappear when off-screen, just like everything else (except rain/snow or decals/effects), this because everything is permanent and emergent (it's the main concept of the game!).

    Performance are not so well compared to what a native, non html5 export would do, but it is relatively well because it can scale depending on computer power: i've added tons of game creation options to reduce the number of objects in the game (such as island size, terrain quality, fertility etc). The main performance killer is, in fact, the number of objects rendered, and DinoSystem has plenty, from terrain "patches" to seeds, plants and animals.

    My main performance tip would be to avoid the engine to perform work on every instance every frame (by applying timers wherever possible), and to know and control how many objects the game has to draw and calculate in the layout.

    Also, creating an instance is less performant than just moving one, so if you need to use a sprite for collision check or other things, it is advised to use just 1 sprite that is moved to whatever position is needed (using for each where needed, but try to avoid doing it every frame).