Cyberphaze's Forum Posts

  • Please check out our freshly released production: Colour Matcher

    Play at ... tcher-4748

    Feedback and comments are welcome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • An update. Recompiled without the "Minify Script" option and re-uploaded and game now is available again (had to clear browsing data from android but that would be normal). Then re-compiled without minify option (no update to the code whatsoever) and re-uploaded and it worked again.

    Don't know if it is a co-incidence. Pretty scary though. Still don't know what happened coz it suddenly stopped working. It would be nice to know if this was something from the back-end or whether it is expected to happen again.

  • Hi,

    We have uploaded Cyberstacker ( ... acker-4419) and are working hard to redirect traffic and plays to this site. Up until an hour or so ago the game was working fine but now suddenly the game does not load and a black blank frame is shown instead (the size of the game screen) - not even the loading icon is displayed.

    We have tried to update the game just in case some file got corrupted but the same thing still happens. Tried from four different devices (Windows / Android) with a variety of browsers (clearing history / cookies as well) using two different ISPs but no luck.

    Any ideas / help please?


  • I now it is a blind shot (not seeing your code) ... maybe you've got animation that is ending with a blank frame and not looping? Or having a blank first frame and animation is off?

  • I agree with Plinkie, also keeping in mind the collision polygon. If you want detailed collision that varies with whatever armour / clothes the character is wearing then I would go for a single sprite. However if you can have multiple layers of clothing at the same time (e.g. both armour and pink high heels shown at the same time) then you cannot have a single sprite.

  • Maybe it is on the wrong layer? I.E. there is a layer on top of your sprite player that is hiding it and making it invisible?

  • I prefer CTR against other players any time.

  • Interesting effects if CPU is not tasked too much,

    Games that used to make me spend my last coin just to play them one more time.

  • Good luck, it seems nice!

  • Graphics look nice. Adopting the script (Game Design Document) approach is good to keep you focused on what you started - you can always modify it as your game progresses if you need to.

  • This is an interesting thread. Although no experience with publishers for C2 games, I understand there are limitations brought about by the same principle that makes C2 easy to use.

  • Came across something similar to this.

  • Hiya guys,

    Cyberphaze Productions is an independent software development team. Our aim is to release high quality freeware and shareware productions, focusing on casual games.

    We are currently using Construct 2 due to its flexibility / ease of use and cross-platform features.

    Cyberphaze Productions team.

  • Updated with some more refinement and removed a creepy bug.