cmr333's Forum Posts

  • I just recently bought C2 and for the life of me I'm trying to figure out how to make the camera bigger (I've done the 2 basic tutorials, shooter and platform one) but none of them mentioned about the camera size.


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  • Design for iPad 2, resolution might be different but quality would look the same for ipad 3 and 2 if designed for ipad 2.

  • Hello everyone :D

    I'm 19 years old and always wanted to become a video game developer/designer but to be more specific I want to become a Level designer/editor and then hopefully game producer at an AAA company like Naughty Dog etc.

    I haven't started using C2 yet because I'm at holiday and I hope to purchase the standard edition as soon as I get back home in mid July :D

  • Ah thanks, I've heard about phonegap but I heard that it's really "sh*t", low frame rate and sound problems with multi touch problems etc.

    I'm waiting for CocoonJS :D

  • The way I done it for my platformer was, at the beginning the character toggles a text bubble telling the player the controls for movement, and then as the player continues, at the edge of the platform the player toggles another text bubble telling him/her the jump button. etc.

    If your game is farmville like, I guess what you could do is the same way I done it as in using toggle chat bubbles but it would only activate once.

    For example; Player clicks first building for first time *pops up chat bubble telling him next stage* and then player clicks second building for first time *pops up chat bubble telling him next stage* etc.

  • Wow, It's really great! :D

    Quick question: I've noticed you also have one for the android store, what did you use to convert your html5 game onto android?