Chris PlaysOldGames's Forum Posts

  • Your current events are changing the line position but instantly changing them back because every tick your putting line back to line.X and line.Y+2...

    If its either/or like taximan pointed out.. either overlapped or not then his method would work.. otherwise you will need to use a variable that you flip when a collision occurs.. if line normal lineVal=1 upon collision lineVal=0.

  • Why not store the variants as additional frames if the buildings aren't already animated.

    Then you could use on touch - change frame.

  • My bad I misunderstood the problem. I saw "bounces off solids" and assumed it was a problem detecting the collisions on the bullet instance due to physics behaviors.

    Short of putting everything your bullet could "bounce" off of into a family... I got nothing.

  • If all else fails pin an invisible circle sprite to each bullet, make it just a little wider than bullet sprite and use an on-overlapping with anything condition. When it detects an overlap or collision (if you choose) then have it play/generate an invisible particle player set to play then delete and to act on the "closest" bullet instance to change speed.

  • Give them a bullet behavior and then set them in motion in the right directions/speed when whatever event you like tells them to...

  • You need to give all the sprites you might want to be centered the "scroll to" behavior set to disabled at start.

    Then you would test objects to see if they are in center using compare X and compare Y conditions in an event.

    Whichever object is closest to center would have the action "enable scroll to" activated.

  • Can you provide a screenshot of your events or the .capx file of your project?

    Your forum level won't allow you to post the link but you can paste the link in notepad and then put spaces between the letters... h t t p : / / e t c

  • Neat game. One thing you need to add is keyboard controls too if you plan on ever putting it on a web browser or Construct2 arcade. Just add keyboard object, right click your touch conditions and add the appropriate arrow key then right click the tiny space to the left of one of the conditions and choose "make -OR- block"

    I finally got it to do what your were referring to, it doesn't do it all the time.

    Most likely this is being caused by one of the animation frames not having a collison bound setup.

    My recommendation is to make a player control sprite that is set to invisible, all your movement options, collisons, and damage options etc should use this invisible sprite. Then pin your actual player graphic sprite that has animations to this invisible sprite. Now you don't have to worry about animation frame collisions since all this is being handled behind the "graphics". It also makes tweaking collision bounds soo much easier since you only have to do it once!

  • In your spawning condition you can use "not inside layout" condition to allow a valid spawn. It will then keep trying to place until it was outside layout. I have used this method on several projects and even with quite a few spawning objects its pretty fast with little overhead.

    Otherwise you will have to determine the x,y values for your screen size and manually spawn outside these values.

    You could cheat a little as well.. you could place "spawner" sprites outside your screen area and then randomly choose one of them to spawn from. I use this method when I want the enemy to randomly come from off screen but control their entry more precisely..

  • If the variable is always either 0-1-2-or 3 then just use the System condition compare variable value to see what it is at anytime.

    If you need to know what the original value was then save it in another variable and then compare the two.

  • no... but you can pin other sprites to it using image points and the pin behavior and then use their collision bounds.

  • Damn... I wasted a bunch of time playing that game.. its quite fun..

    Looks to me like its simply a really long layout/level the back grounds were simply repeating parallax layers.

    The problem with space shooters is space is basically endless so you can't simply repeat the same cruise ship over and over like that game does on the beach scenes.

    1. You can do it several ways, dynamically generate stars and heavenly bodies randomly that move on a black background using a bullet behavior.

    2. Or you can use a repeating starfield background (this method is tricky as you will run into the white line issue of repeating backgrounds in construct2).

    3. You can do like I did in my space shooter (linked in sig), I simply used a wiiiide .png and timed its speed to last until wave 100. Since my game wasn't infinite this works.

    If your making a level that the player beats after going only so far then this would work for you too.

    If you question was really about parallax layer behavior.. there are lots of tutorials and a manual topic explaining it using Construct2.

  • Like this? (use download arrow in upper right corner)

    You could use an instance variable attached to one of the sprites as well, I just used global for simplicity.

  • Are you referring to both characters being at the start when the game begins... both the blue cube and the viking guy?

    The reason for this is simple... you drop both when the scene begins regardless of which the player chooses.

    You will need to either start them off the screen (below ground level) and "spawn" the chosen one at the start point or set them both to invisible at start and set the chosen one to visible when they are selected.

    If that is not what you are referring too... please be more specific.

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  • Try this: (click the download arrow in the upper right corner of the screen)

    My example uses spacebar to fire, I didn't add the destroy, and the damage sprites are visible so you can see their spacing... otherwise the art work is spectacular...