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  • Thanks. Good to know that's the decent way.

  • Ashley

    Do you want one property that other plugins can read

    This is exactly it. I wanted to know the C2Runtime way to handle this too, just for backwards compatibility.

  • What exactly are you trying to do? Do you want one property that other plugins can read, or every plugin to have a property that is synchronised with other plugins? Why do you need this and what is it for?

    I am using a backend service with an API that lets you use a key for that client application. Instead of inserting each plugin with that key, I wanted to let the Main API Single Object Plugin to hold the key for the other dependent plugins.

  • I wanted to share a Property from one main plugin to be used by other dependent plugins.

    Ashley, your advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • What's the decent way to share a property of a single object plugin to all other single object plugins?

    So, I don't have to include the same property to each plugin.

    Thanks a lot in advance for the time.

  • I recently bought an startup business license, but unfortunately I vinculate it with the personal account of my employee. It's possible to transfer the license to the company account?

    You can get that fixed by contacting Tom or the Construct Team through email via

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  • Rable

    I emailed Toby R about a possible update of MM_Preloader.

    By the way, I think you are wrong and MM_Preloader can actually preload items which aren't on target layout. Just use "Add object", start preloading and you can preload any object from the project. Tell me if I missed something but I'm quite confident that's how it is working.

    No, I am not wrong. I used that addon a lot of times and used all the possible combinations I could think of. What you are referring is a workaround, which is messy as it includes the use of a Global Layer and both side of layouts that have to handle it.

    I already replicated the MM_Preloader through events except the Get Object Class from the target layout. It is actually more responsive and preloads faster through events.

    As I said, TobyR knows he can't port it, he already said that. Well, at least he can't do it without doing some hacks, which he knows is not recommended in a volatile software like Construct 3. It's not recommended by the Construct Team.

    Although, as I said, you can make a basic version of the MM_Preloader currently with the SDK, just without the Get Object Class from another layout. But that is not ideal, you can just make it through events and you'd have a more responsive effect. And that is just a workaround in the first place, not the real preloader support.

    What I am suggesting is a better solution to MM_Preloader. That does not only let us preload objects from a target layout but also introduce and preload a new object to the target layout.

    And this isn't a experimental thing. Most Game Engines have some kind of support for this since it is supposed to be a basic need for asset loading. But Construct seem to have missed this because of the layout-by-layout preloading, which was suppose to solve everything. But didn't take into account larger and dynamic grouped assets.


    Oh no... These addons are such a mess in the long run! :(

    No SCML, no LiteTween, no MM_preloader, none of Rexrainbow's addons...

    Hopefully someone will show up and port these.

    Not really... The SCML plugin is not a problem since it can be ported soon. Some of Rexrainbow's addons are compatible and can be ported to the C3Runtime, a lot are already ported. And we have a few Tween plugins for Construct 3 Runtime.

    For example, Tweeen :

  • Upvoted +3.

    In the meantime, the plug-in MM_Preloader by Toby R allows to do so.

    I used it for Healer's Quest and it is awesome.

    No idea if it works with the new C3 runtime though. And it only preloads, no unloads.

    Thanks a lot for voting, that could help.

    The MM_Preloader can't be ported to the C3 Runtime though, that is the point. Unless, we dig up the Construct 3 Runtime for the references, but even still then, the assurance of its continuous compatibility can't be assured. So, an official one is the most viable.

    Especially when even the MM_Preloader has its own limitations. For example, Preloading objects that aren't on the target layout, which is useful if you want to load assets depending on the users input. This likely requires core implementation to achieve.

    Though, we could make a simple C3 Preloader plugin but that would just be similar as using the event sheet as I do currently, which is individually preloading/create object from an array. It is hard to manage it through layers and events compared to letting the core manage it.

  • I spent a while profiling the Endless Runner template on a Win10 x64 system with a GTX 1060 card and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. A profile showed it did occasionally skip a single frame.

    > Runner template on a Win10 x64 system with a GTX 1060 card

    Same except I have a 1070. But isn't the CPU playing more of a role than the GPU in this case? Unless I'm confusing something the cpu usage spikes whenever a jank happens, right?

    I can see how those are normal for a GTX 1060 and GTX 1070. But at those level... Guys, mind you we are talking about simple game templates here.

  • I can't download the public addons "You can't access this website"...any idea why?

    It seems the URL Shortener service I used is down. For the meantime, here are the original links.

    Photon :!AjcW2ueud6qpgZ1Ap1IMvHlUn5P3xg

    Josek Cordova Native Dialogs :!AjcW2ueud6qpgZ1CyOdckFxIrzf5tA

    CranberryGame Grid :!AjcW2ueud6qpgZ0-x9krBz47xh5L_Q

    hmmg Layout Transition :!AjcW2ueud6qpgZ1B1KmKmj50_J-nMA

    Rex Comment :!AjcW2ueud6qpgZ0_fWcDQtUYPBjNUA

    Rex_MoveTo :!AjcW2ueud6qpgZ09El6WPQ9Bl0XG3g

    Bounded Drag n Drop :

  • Here we go again... No, honestly the Original Poster (OP) has a good point... But still, here we go again.

    Anyway, yeah it's even worse on mobile. I personally experience the janks, but at the end of the day, it comes to.

    1. Can you prove it?
    2. Do you have time and resources to make a case?

    I'm thankful someone addressed this though. Because we really need proof and a test case right now.

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