Chadori's Forum Posts

  • I believe "collisions" refers to the collisions onto other sprite or objects and not touch. I THINK, I may be right though.

    Yes you might be right. But If that is the case with touch, why did they make the Collision Polygon as a base of touch. I think it would be better to make a Touch(disabled) condition & action and if there is time a Touch Polygon.

  • Actually I had 30 collision checks per second, so 3 checks per tick. This is highly reasonable amount So I won't go for further optimizations in terms of collision. Will find the culprit in another area.

    If that is the case. Check in the debugger -->> Profiler Tab for any high usage of events. You must have an event that isn't optimized yet. But that is very unlikely.

    So I think, this might be the cause of high GPU usage now. Try to see the Ram Usage during gameplay.

  • Wow, are you sure that the objects stored in a separated layout are not preloaded? I was almost sure that they are... and it would be much more organized.

    How do you know that they aren't?

    I exactly did what you did. I made a Separate layout to put all my objects and load them secretly on startup (loader layout) but when I tested it, it was very poor in performance. That was in my previous game and it became a complete fail. And I then realized my mistake when I read Ashley's optimization posts.

  • i have this 2 game that i work with...i want to link my project to another project so that if i play i have a choice that what game i would like to me URGENT

    Why not make the two games inside one project?

  • I have some buttons that I change the text of and use newline as part of that.

    It was working fine last night, but this morning newline doesn't seem to be working? What happened? It kind of screws up all my buttons? I'm on chrome - did it update somehow without notifying me?

    I checked it and Newline seems to be working. Did you update in what version? Beta? or Stable? Do you have a .capx to show us?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello last weeks I am little confused in settings of loading screen / splash screen etc, on mobile export using Intel XDK.

    I want to know how can I make only 1 loading screen and that will be fully editable, is it possible?

    I read and tried many things about that and this is my problem:

    In Construct 2 you can set one type of loading screen from these pre-created (like: percentage, logo, progress bar etc...), but you cannot edit it.

    In Construct 2 you can also make loader layout where you can create any loading screen you want.

    Finally at the end when you are making build in Intel XDK you can set there some image for splash screen.

    Intel XDK is the first (during the loading) you can do not add permission for splash screen and then there will be a white screen for a while (if I am right).

    During the loading second one is the pre-created loading screen from C2, okey you can set there nothing but there will still be a little moment with black screen for this phase.

    Last thing is the loader layout you can use it or not...

    I want to achieve only one phrase of loading is it possible or how can I improve that? Now on start of game screen flashing (white, black, loading with black background and then finally game) it is not very nice . I will really glad for any help or suggestion.

    If you see it through. You will find it as an advantage actually. Imagine 3 Splascreens for your Branding, it is actually nice.

    My suggestion would be to:

    1) Choose the Progressbar & Logo option and change the icons in the (Project Bar --> Files --> Icons) into your Game App Icon. This will be the 2nd Splascreen

    2) Enable Loader Layout

    3) Make a cool Loader Layout with effects(not necessary the WebGL effects) because this will be the 3rd Splascreen of your game and this time you can already tap into the features of Construct 2.

    3) Make the 1st SplashScreen. It should be a PNG Image. And this will be shown first in your game loading.

    4) Import the 1st Splashscreen PNG Image with the required size into IntelXDK in the samefolder of the IntelXDK Project Folder and input it in the Project Build.

    Trust me if you do these procedures properly and make the splashcreen great then you will not regret it. It will make your game look professional. Look at the splashscreen of Gamevil and you will see what I mean. They have 2-3 splashcreens and it makes their game look professional.

  • I would like to know what is more interesting...

    Put the objects that will appear only with the 'create object' action in a separated layout, or just put outside the layout that it will appear?


    The best practice would be is to put everything that the Layout needs including the objects that will be created using "System ->Create Object(X,Y)". And on start of layout, if the object is not needed yet , destroy it.

    Because if you don't have the object in the layout and create it using "System ->Create Object(X,Y)" it will make a laggy pause because the object isn't preloaded.

    Only the objects present in the layout during editing will be preloaded. It is still okay if you put it outside the Layout White Paper as long it is on the Layout Page.

    Note: Do not put your objects in a separate layout that isn't run during gameplay.

    (Example of a bad practice!!! is to make a Layout where the game happens and make a separate layout for storage of the objects that will be created by "System ->Create Object(X,Y)" for the reason of not making the Main Game Layout look messy. ) - Wrong! The objects will not be preloaded and plus a Layout that is not used and made a storage for objects makes it worse.

    For more info, read Ashley's Optimization tips below:

    Ashley's posts: ... -your-time ... bile-games

  • My game is getting hot. Not too hot so I can't hold the phone, but quite hot. I haven't seen a 2D game on iOS that does this.

    What causes this CPU overload or GPU? VRAM overload?

    What should I focus on, reducing number of objects (100 objects for now), reducing number of events running constantly? Reduce VRAM (25mb as of now)?

    Which would cause most problems in terms of heat?

    BTW Game is running oh so smooth at 60+ FPS 99.9% of the time.

    Thank you

    HTML5 is already known as heavy load to mobile devices and one of the biggest load known that can be optimized is the collisions. I believe CPU causes more heat on Iphone's than GPU's. So this will be your first step in great optimization.

    I suggest you follow this tutorial. ... ance-boost

  • Hello,

    Are you:

    - hiring artists to create your assets,

    - do you make them by yourself,

    - do you purchase them from assets platforms,

    - do you find them for free on free assets platforms,

    - do you use what you find on google (whatever the license)?

    Just curious. I have seen games with very nice graphics in the completed games sections and I am really wondering.


    1) Some Yes, Some No. I don't, and some draw it themselves.

    2) Some People.

    3) Visit the Scirra Store and you'll find out that many do.

    4) So many sites give assets for free, for example provides free assets or Scirra Bundle provides it if you purchase a license. (Also is popular for free assets.)

    5)Absolutely not. What I mean, we don't just download anything on google with just any license. There are some procedures to make it legal.

    You need to find the right license for assets. It is free if:

    (I am not a lawyer and this is just based on my opinion and I am not liable for anything and the reader may choose to believe me or not. It is up to them!)

    1) It is a Public Domain or Open source (then you can do anything with it as long as you don't break the publisher's own rules.)

    2) If it is within the CC License then I believe it is likely to be free and can be used commercially if it doesn't break any rules. (depends on the kind of license) ... 3&ie=UTF-8

    3) It is free if you credit the maker and you come to an agreement. More likely a CC License.

  • I made a sample test experiment to see if the Touch input is detected by Collisions for it requires Collision Polygons but when I try to disable the collision, the touch input still works!

    Ashley can you justify this please.

    .Capx File

  • Well the first rule is that you should think about that long before release, but anyway you might find this useful 25 Creative Ways to Promote Your App for Free

    Thanks, I'll try this now.

  • >

    > > Help?

    > >


    > No. Sorry but it doesn't work with IntelXDK but you can use this Phonegap IAP by Cranberry. It works but cranberrygame doesn't provide .capx if you buy in Scirra Store :/


    Can you use phonegap with XDK?

    Yes I believe so. But If you are talking about Plugins like Phonegap IAP then I am sure of it.

  • Hi! I got a problem, I want to save the global variable highscore even exiting the app and I When I enter the game again show me the highscore I did before. I'm using localstorage to save the highscore. I using too for the apk.

    Thank you!

    Use this event:

    This event is taking place in a single layout (example)

    Add 1 Global Variable named "HighScore"

    Note: In the event On item missing (We will create a LocalStorage key named "Highscore")

    On start of layout..

    ---->Local Storage Check for item ("Highscore")

    On Item found ("Highscore")

    • ---->Set value Highscore to (LocalStorage.Itemvalue)

    On Item missing ("Highscore")

    ------>Set LocalStorage Item ("Highscore") to 0

    On end of layout

    ------>Set LocalStorage item ("Highscore") to Highscore

  • I made a "play sound event", always when the player press the "up arrow".

    This is a bad idea to do. You should not use touch controllers as much as possible as a base of things not relating to the player's actions.

    Because in some cases especially in mobile games or high cpu or graphic use games in pc, controllers tends to get glitchy or buggy sometimes. Just to be safe.

    This is based on my experience and experimentations XD.

  • Nefaru

    Many complicated ways but 1 very simple way:

    Player "On Jump" then


    There you have it. It will only sound when you jump 1st and 2nd(while in the air also known as DoubleJump)