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  • Example chrome.desktopcapture api

  • Ashley How does construct 3 screen recorder plugin record screen? I mean which API/chrome inbuilt (or something like that)

    Because screen recorder is buggy slow. And it is absolutely not related to machine performance:- because by recording through plugin:6-9 FPS and by recording through mobile inbuilt screen recorder:- 30 FPS

    I am pretty much sure that it's performance can be increased. And I guess that I will have to do that through JavaScript

  • set text to mid(str(variable1),0,2)&","&mid(str(variable1),2,3)

  • I understood everything

    Nothing can be done regarding that. It is a fundamental part and compared to earlier (when black screen used to be there) it is much better

    For more details you can directly contact Ashley

  • > When you make an APK,there is no concept of loading screen because all files are already present and it loads instantly

    > Loading screen is useful when you export html project. Then it will show loading screen which will tell how much project has been downloaded

    Thank you, but I only want to export it as an app, I don't use html5. My issue is that the logo shows up for like 0.5 seconds or so but I don't want that to be there.

    You got me wrong.I am not saying to export it as html.I was telling why loading screen appears

    Regarding your logo, I guess it is a fundamental feature which was implemented around 4 months back ( Earlier when apk used to be loaded on mobile, initially black screen used to be there.Now in place of black screen, now game logo is shown.And it is better than black screen)

    By the way,why do you want to remove logo?

  • > Second question

    > When you create objects,they are made in that order (provided if you use same layer)

    > So if you create a pot first and then flower then flower will be over pot

    however I should make sure that the objects are always at the edge of the upper object, that is, if the planet is there, the UFO should be under the planet, but half at the edge and half visible. Also I might want to put a non-round object in place of the planet

    first create ufo,then planet,then any thing over planet

  • Second question

    When you create objects,they are made in that order (provided if you use same layer)

    So if you create a pot first and then flower then flower will be over pot

  • No idea why you are comparing layout name

    For first question

    Repeat 10 times (you can replace 10 with a variable)(repeat is a condition)

    Create object.....(same thing which you have wrote). And delete "add" command. It is now not needed

  • When you make an APK,there is no concept of loading screen because all files are already present and it loads instantly

    Loading screen is useful when you export html project. Then it will show loading screen which will tell how much project has been downloaded

  • Here's my "noob" reply:

    From what I know about construct, data is saved on the user's device only as long as not specified otherwise. What you ask aren't security related question but more the question: "Can others copy my project?" Short answer: Of course.

    Even the biggest companies games have been "cracked" sooner or later, there's nothing you can do about it. In the end a project worth isn't really decided depending on it's code but more on it's company and what users associate with it.

    So try to focus on that and build a great product or project. Don't waste time on thoughts about making it non-copyable because that's impossible.

    Your answer is not noob. It's brilliant. Thanks for the reply

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  • You can use the browser object to check the URL of the browser and do some simple domain locking


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  • Hi,

    I am using Construct 3 for making a service web app (And I am VERY SERIOUS regarding it). Users will open the website and use it,just like we use Construct 3. But I am stumbled upon some security doubts. I want to fulfill some points regarding it

    1.) Advanced minification is great but still is there any other way to make reverse engineer more complicated (something like encryption)

    2.) Super best:- Is there any way to prevent downloading of the project.

    I know that html export is basically combination of html,css,images etc and it is even foolishness to think about that but still is there any other complex way

    3.) Suppose if someone manages to download my project, is there any way which my project can detect that and stops launching

    Many of you have html games online.How do you protect your game from getting stolen and being used on their websites?

    Or if you have even more ideas then please share

  • Which software you are using for zipping them?

    For compression level,select "store" (there will be other levels like best,good,fast etc). I use 7z and I select "store"

    Or fine ,let's go by better road.

    Step 1:- open construct 3

    Step 2.:- create a "new project" and download it in form of .c3p

    Step 3:- open that .c3p using your compressing software. To do this, right click on it and select "open archive". REMEMBER, I am saying open,not extract

    Step 4:- add any small random file (like any small text file). To do this, drag the file into the compression window. It will get added

    Step 5:- Then select all files (excluding that file you just added ) and delete them.

    Why I said to add a random file:- if you will not add it then in this step, your .c3p file will get delete

    Step 6:- open your project folder. You will see many things like event folder,fonts folder media folder etc. Select all and drag into the compressing software's window. All files will get added into our .c3p file

    Step 7:- now you can delete that 'random' file which you added. It is now not needed.

    Step 8 :- close the compressing software's window. It will give an alert :- the contenta of the archive has changed. Do you want that? (" Something like that") . Select yes

    Step 9:- hurray, now test your file in construct 3

    If this also doesn't works then don't worry. Your problem is very,very easy. Just relax

  • Or even better,can I upload a video (something like Ajax or browser..) and use it with video plugin.

    In short,I want to upload the video when the game runs,not during development of game (in video folder)