Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    I can confirm that. Ditto same project was running smoothly in android but now it is getting very laggy in android. Same game,same platform,even android version is same too. And the performance on chrome is same what was before. (Now when I change layout it takes more time than what it used to take earlier)

    Try to figure out what has been changed sinced r210 which had an impact on android performance. And I am really worried about it

  • Idea is really great. And you demo was also very good. It will be time saver for many developers.

    But I hope that the system is flexible enough to be modified accordingly. In my opinion,besides the demo you should make a video/documentation on how to use this template. In this way,it would be easy for others to figure out more about it

  • I did not understood the doubt itself. I have very less knowledge regarding apps development.

    What is the role of APK signer here? I mean what I do:-

    1.) Do what I want to create in construct 3

    2.) Then go to export option and select "android"

    3.) Then upload key and password whatever is required

    4.) Project gets upload and after few minutes I get my game

    dop2000 can you please explain what the doubt is about? Seems very important

  • I guess you are using 3rd party add-on

    Try to remove it and then try with the latest version of construct 3

  • It does not use concept of array. And in my opinion it is quite flexible to use.

  • I just made an example for you. Maybe it may help

    (Remember drag the black box quite slowly)

  • Just jumping in between. Regarding your main question:-

    1.) I have no issues in maintaining 2 arrays. When life is easy with 2 arrays then why to go with 1 array

    2.) DEFINITELY YES. There is a limit on the length of the array. And it will surely have impact on performance.So try to make such a mechanism that useless data is also getting deleted

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Wow, I was just about to post this very question! I save a backup of a game, but now I'm testing this feature on an iPad and it will save it to a slot, but then I invoke a download (where I usually can select where to save it) and it won't do it.

    I am not sure but give a shot with share plugin (I am not sure whether it will work in app export or not). Infact it is even better than what you are currently doing right now

    Construct 3 will usually save the data in usual way. For the backup you can "share" the save file :- like in Google drive (or share somewhere else). It is much better than "download" as construct 3 is already doing it.

    But unfortunately in my case it would be disastrous 😂. Why to use a app which can't even simply download an image?

  • Just learned that it is not possible to download files in app export

    Extremely disappointed. Downloading a "simple file" is a basic thing which a game engine can do

    I was making a gradients generator app. In it gradients of different types can be generated. And then user can download it. Whole hard work got trashed.

    Does anyone know any other magical way to download files in app export (I know about share plugin but it is useless)

  • In my project, I take a Snapshot and download it. It works fine on my pc and web version but in android app, nothing happens. I even selected "ask permission for external write storage" while export but still no help

    Can please someone help me

    Yeah, I agree. The reason I haven't gotten into C3 yet is because the limitations. I'm thinking about getting it but I don't know. I do know that if they simply took away publishing, exporting and upped the event limits, it would make more people get into C3.

    Nobody will commit to it if they only have 25/50 events. You can't really make crap with that, so why bother? The thing is, if the free version had 500 events, by the time a dev is THAT DEEP in the program, they're not turning back.

    I can write 25 events in a game, and not even be started... there's no need for me to continue, I'm not invested. If i'm 500 events deep in a game, I'm fully invested and I'm not switching engines, I would buy.

    I'm flirting with getting a C3 paid license, because I'm coming over from GDevelop. I think C3 has better interface and quality of life improvements, but I'm not sure.

    Simply it's this, I know I can't build really build anything inside 25/50 events except the most rudimentary prototype so I don't even get started. If that limit was raised I know for a fact I would have already sunk a month into the engine, and I would have sprung for the paid account because I'm already a month deep, there's no going back, I'm not gonna duplicate a month of work somewhere else.

    The trial version features feel very arbitrary tbh, like limitations for the sake of limitations. I fully agree with OP, it should be rebalanced so people can actually dive in and drown in it. I feel right now it's like selling a very nice swimming pool, by offering people to step in a tiny puddle.

    Again, I signed up and poked around the demos, and even the simple ones when loaded exceed the limit. So, that right there turned me off and I didn't even bother getting started.

    My recommendation would be to remove any publishing tools from the trial, any kind of exporting, and up those existing limits. If someone can't publish the game, and they can't export it, then it's totally worthless to steal.

    The current trial model makes no sense and creates a bar for entry. I don't think it's a good model right now simply because of open-source engines like GDevelop that use almost a 1:1 event system to C3 but are FREE with no limits.

    So, I would raise the limits so give away only a month or so free of dev time, I think that's about 500 events. Anyone that will sink that time will pay for it. And again, I would probably be a paying customer, but I don't know, I can only do like a few hours of development in it before I hit the pay wall. That's how I found GDevelop, I signed up for C3 bc i've been looking Scirra since C2, but found GDevelop which had no limits so I went there because I knew I could give it a fair shot. I have no idea what I can make in C3 because the trial is setup so you can never find out.

    I don't understand the meaning of such posts. Just simply buy a monthly license and give a shot to it.

    And regarding more than 50 events,it would be disastrous and catastrophic from company's point of view. Many would break their project into pieces and complete them in free version. Then at the end everything would be combined into main project by purchasing a month's license. 50 events are more than enough to check engine's capability but not enough to complete whole projects. Just few minutes back I made a minesweeper game in less than 50 events (and many more things). If asked then I will link it

    Instead of asking for more events,you should give other ways and ideas. Like revenue sharing, showing ads before someone uses free version so that company can earn money etc.

    Users should realise that engine developers don't mint money from air

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  • I have a spritesheet (one png file with all the assets in it). But I don't know how to separate it into individual images.I searched a lot on internet but I didn't got my solution

    And also the images are randomly scattered in the file

  • While export,try simple minification/no minification