calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • Best to refer to the manual for basic questions

  • This could be caused by anything. You will need to share a link to your project file and include a detailed description of the issue in your post if you want someone to help

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  • Just checking that you have set the 'first layout' property to your title screen layout?

  • Thanks Dop. But no i was looking at some complex system to control the rotation of moving objects around another moving point but keeping the objects movement independent. It was for creating a First person perspective in a spaceship cockpit that could move an all axis. I ended up finding an easier solution using layout rotation and some events and keeping the cockpit pinned to the centre of the layout

  • Probably because the condition relies on you continuing to touch the fret board and be swiping at the right angle to be met. If your angle goes outside of the 155-205°, or you move off the fret board, the Move To action will stop as it's conditions are not being met.

  • Yes that's normal behaviour the timeline needs an instance to exist in order for it to effect that instance, then you add other instances to the track as required.

    Back to the inherit thing. If you are generating instances at runtime and do not have any in the layout editor is common practice to place an instance of an object outside of the layout (this can be destroyed at start of layout if necessary). Any instances created will inherit the instance variables that this original instance had when the layout started regardless of if it is destroyed or not.

    Once you get used to it is is really handy. Also if you want to change instance variables of a newly created instance, simply make those changes in the same event after the creation action.

  • Hi All,

    I'm trying to work out how to rotate objects around a moving position, while keeping the objects relative to their original positions.

    Currently I can rotate objects around a fixed position on the layout, and around a moving position but cannot get the objects to rotate around a moving position while maintaining their independent positions

    The effect I am trying to achieve is that of a First Person cockpit view, with objects in front of it at different angles, while the cockpit is moving on the X/Y axis and also rotating.

    Would a better option be to centre the object to the layout and rotate the layer while simulating the moving cockpit by moving everything else? Would this have the same problem but just in reverse?

    Demo here:!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIcjbZELzltqHErc6g

    EDIT: Turns out it's way easier to centre and use layout rotation.

  • Hey, I'm not quite sure I understand your first issue. However, instance variables are independent, but can be set individually or for all depending on how you set up your events. If you haven't already have a read of these.

  • Link to Feature Request page:

  • Ashley Thanks for sharing some of the technical issues around this. I assumed it would not be a simple thing to do but you haven't said it is impossible. I'm still not sure if it would be a benefit to others but for me the improvement to workflow would be huge. Being able to quickly create a separate project to nut out some particular issue and then copy it straight into your main project, or having the ability to quickly merge your templates together when starting a new project.

    I'll add the feature request and hope for the best. And thank you for all your work on developing Construct into what it is.

  • You'll want to post this in the "How Do I" forum and including a more detailed description of your issue or some pictures to demonstrate will help

  • Would there be support among users if we were able to copy and paste events from one project to another, and rather than be told that it references objects not available in this project, you would be prompted to create the missing variables/objects at that point?

    I know that you can create the objects/variables in advance but it can be difficult with larger projects to remember all of them. This way you would be presented with a list of the missing elements and you could simply choose to create those element with a button press.

    I will submit a feature request if others think it would be useful.

  • If I were doing this in javascript, i'd have a condition after those two like so:

    if (this.Hovered != this.LastHovered) {

    // Do Stuff


    How would I replicate this comparison as a condition?

    You can use the system condition "evaluate expression" and use variableA=1 & VariableB=1 or any combination of true or false.

    For the boolean state 1 is true & 0 is false.

    **EDIT sorry read to quick. You want Evaluate Expression (A=1 & B=0) | (A=0& B=1) that will give you not equals to for your booleans

  • If it is top down then you would be simulating the speed/direction changes of a hill. Definitely possible