boulerzzz's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound I should have explained my problem better. So I've got dictionaries that contain all 3 letter, 4 letter, 5 letter and 6 letter words in the English language. Now I wanted to check how many of these words that can be created with the 6 characters the computer randomly generates.

    For example if I have these letters: [E,c,r,s,u,i] I could spell "cruise" or "rise".

    Originally I made a loop that generated all possible combinations. I then checked how many matches this list would get in each dictionary. (obviously removing letters from right when checking the dictionaries with words fewer than 6 letters.)

    The problem with that solution was that it generated combinations like eeeeec,eeeeer and so on. Basically it used every character more than once so I ended up with about 40k combinations. Naturally that resulted in too many matches because the player can use every character only once.

    I figured out that there are 720 combinations if you use every letter only once.

    If you have these 6 letters. [abcdef] you can create 720 6 character combinations

    (ab) (ba) then add third character

    [(cab) (acb) (ABC)] [(cba) (bca) (bac)] then add 4th character

    (dcab) (cdab) (cadb) (cabd).... The last line would be 720 combinations. I wanted to take these combinations and replace the characters with whatever letters the computer gave me and check how many matches that would give me in the dictionaries with English words.

    Then when the letters change it would automatically check how many words that can be created with the new set of letters.

    korbaach I will look at the capx and see what I can make of it when I get home tommorow or later this week. I only got access to my cellphone now so I can't open construct for a while.

    I hope you understand what I am trying to do. I'm not very used to producing text in English since its not my first or even second language but I tried to the best of my ability.

    Thank you for the help!

    Edit: ... generator/ found this on internet while browsing! This is what I'm talking about. Generate a dictionary with all combinations of 6 characters by using every character only once.

  • R0J0hound The thing is the values of l1-l6 changes every now and then, which generates new combinations. The dictionary must automatically be updated with the new combinations.

    I still dont really understand why the dictionary recognizes the values of global variables l1-l6 when I add "l1&l2&l3&l4&l5&l6" into the dictionary manually but when I load from a json file it remains as just "l1&l2&l3&l4&l5&l6"

    It would work if I add all 720 combinations manually into the dictionary but that would take forever! (not really but almost).

  • I got a json file with 720 values that I load into my dictionary.

    Problem is: I would like the dictionary to recognize the values that l1,l2,l3,l4,l5 and l6 are.

    so l1&l2&l3&l4 should be abcd

    Never used dictionaries or json files before so I dont know if this even is possible

    Anyone know how to get the values that the global variables for l1-l6 have into the dictionary ?

  • Im trying to make the computer automatically check for how many words that can be created with 6 letters.

    I have dictionaries that contain 3 letter, 4 letter, 5 letter and 6 letter words. The computer randomly gives 6 letters and I would like to automatically check how many of the words in my dictionaries that can be created with those 6 letters.

    What would be a good way to do this? Ive tried to make a loop that creates all possible combinations that can be made with the 6 letters and find matches in the dictionaries, but i dont know if that is a very good solution.

    Any ideas or tips are welcome!

  • Hi!

    I have made a game for windows phone 8.1 and I would like some advice on how to know if I setup the IAPs correct or not.

    I export my project as universal 8.1 and open it in visual studios. I then try to test if my IAPs work. I can test the windows 8.1 IAPs on my laptop (windows 8.1) and they seem to work fine. But when I try to start the game on my windows phone 8.1 device I get an error message about amazon IAP or something and the game chrashes (I dont remember what it said but something about amazon)

    Anyone know something about this error and how to solve it

    Edit: i am using the built in IAP object and no third party plugins.

  • My first game ever! I created the game in C2 and compiled it with XDK. I get some warning from Google about something but I dont care as long as the game works.

    2 months ago I knew nothing about creating games and I am very proud to have a game on the store now!

    Dropping Don is a puzzle game that really test your problem solving ability. Try it out and see how far you can get.

  • Hi!

    I used "is overlapping" earlier but now I realized I need to change that after I gave both objects a physics behavior. (they are solid now so they wont overlap each other)

    I might have figured this out now!

    I looked up the is "overlapping at offset" command you mentioned. And according to the manual it seems to work so that it checks if an object is within the range you set in the event sheet.

    I set "is overlapping at offset x=0 and y=1" and it seems to work the way i want (when object is on top of another object it triggers an action)

    yeh so problem solved

  • Hello!

    I cant seem to figure this out, nor can i find the answer on the web. But maybe someone here can help me out?

    I would like to make a condition that triggers an action when an object is on top of another object. Both objects have physics behavior attached to them and move around the screen before they eventually slow down. Then if object1 is ON TOP of object2 i would like to trigger an action.

    Anyone got ideas of how to achieve this? So frustrated i cant figure it out!

  • I was so stupid!

    Obviously the velocity is not 0 when the collision occurs!

    How could I not figure that out?

    But I got this working now! Thank you LittleStain!

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  • Hi!

    I started using this program earlier this week to have something to do after school.

    I went trought a couple tutorials and it feels like i am making progress learning this every day.

    Yesterday i started making a really simple game but i got stuck when i wanted to add a condition for proceeding to the layout (level).

    The game consists of a box that is being dropped. The goal is to hit a small platform on the ground to proceed to the next level.

    I got everything working just fine but when i try to add a condition that the box cant move when on the platform the game wont move on the the next level.

    What i did:

    This works:

    Event: BOX on collision with GOAL

    Action: System Go to next layout

    Trying to add the condition that the box cant move while on platform:

    Event: BOX on collision with GOAL

    Sub-event: BOX Physics overall velocity = 0

    Action: SYSTEM Go to next layout

    When i open the game with my firefox browser in the debugger mode i can see that both X and Y velocities are both 0. Anyone know why the game wont go to the next layout?

    Ive been trying to figure out whats wrong but cant seem to get it working properly.