boulerzzz's Forum Posts

  • Use the correct app id that admob gives you when you create an app.

    Theres a pinned post about this.

    Below "test mode" in the properties bar your android id looks wrong and that causes the app to crash at start.

  • Why is the logic bad? He preloads an ad and then waits 4 rounds/levels before he shows it to the user.

  • They can also be added in Android Studio if you use that.

    1. Right click App->new->image asset

    2. Add your foreground and background layer

    3. Add


    to your androidmanifest after android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"

  • Nepeo I can now confirm 100% the lambda$queryPurchases$1$PurchasePlugin errors are fixed. Thanks!

  • Nepeo awesome. I know you guys had/have winter holidays now but it's super nice to hear it's being looked at!

    I have an update ready for a game so I can test when you have looked at the issue, and report back if the crash reports disappear.

  • DavidA13 Sorry for my late response. Maybe you updated the game recently but I saw a button at the bottom left corner that said "NO ADS" but was unable to use it. Your game is really nice and it is a good idea! :)

    I ended up using Chadoris IAP plugin (uses and it works but it also causes alot of crashes and warnings in my android vitals. Nepeo any ETA on forking the fix from they fixed the lambda$queryPurchases$1$PurchasePlugin errors in v.10.0?

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  • Great news! I personally like Onesignal MUCH more than Pushwoosh so this is awesome news for me! Thank you for this Christmas gift Chadori. :)

    Have a nice holiday!

  • I used to make a quite a bit of money from IAP:s in my games. I checked my reports a few days ago and I had made nothing from my IAPs in several weeks and I had a ton of crash reports regarding the IAP plugin. Not sure whats going on but if there is an issue it has to be solved asap!

    It works for me when I testing. I need to investigate this tomorrow.

    Edit: Maybe it's just a coincidence that I got these crash reports and much less IAP revenue but it's interesting many people seem to have a problem with the IAP plugin at the same time.

    Edit2: Nepeo Do you know of any changes made to the IAP plugin in the recent weeks? Does this prohibit people from buying our in app products? This needs to work (like it did before) cause when you run ad campaigns you count on IAPs to work to make a profit!

  • What a mess! Now this is going to be quite confusing for the affected users if the "new" save disappears and the "old" one returns. Thanks for informing us about this Nepeo!

  • No I use only C3s own plugins. Only standard admob in this game (no mediation).

    It's worth noticing I did test on multiple devices and could not find any loss of saves but a few users did contact me about it. But I have not seen it myself.

  • I released an update 3 days ago and some people claim they lost their saves.

    I could not reproduce it myself though so I don't know whats going on...

  • Ok, so after a bit of research I found that the reason READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_PHONE_STATE was added was because I didn't to do the "automatic refactoring" to get rid of the error ("The minSdk version should not be declared in the[...]" issue) in android studio.

    I just deleted the lines that caused the error and never added them to the correct place. Android studio therefore added extra permissions because there was no minsdk defined.

    That's what I think was happening at least. Anyways "automatic refactoring" to solve the first error in android studio removed the permissions from the app bundle.

    This bug report is about the error you get when you export to android studio and how you can solve it.

  • Thanks for the help!

    I could only find <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> in the AndroidManifest.xml file. So that would be easy to edit out.

    I searched for "Read_External_Storage" and could find a few references to that in a file called ""

    I could not find any reference to "Read_Phone_State". I use "gameanalytics" addon in my game. Perhaps I could ask them if their plugin uses the this permission?

    Is it possible to remove a permission that's not in the manifest?

    Edit: I just realized you can click "merged manifest" to find out more about the permissions. I can now see the permissions and where they come from.

    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE -> "Merging Log" Added from the app main manifest (this file), line 26

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

    READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE -> "Merging Log" Implied from the app main manifest (this file), line 1; reason: org.apache.cordova requested WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

    READ_PHONE_STATE -> "Merging Log" Implied from the app main manifest (this file), line 1; reason: org.apache.cordova has a targetSdkVersion < 4

    Edit2: I also used firebase plugin. Maybe they require some permissions?

  • Hi,

    So I received a mail from google play review team today that said my game was nominated for a feature in the google play store.

    They listed a few things that they wanted me to fix. Most were easy things to solve but they also asked me about the permissions the app requests.

    "Please remove any unnecessary permissions and/or explain how the permissions are being used. Additionally, make sure that when making use of these permissions, prompts follow the proper flow at run time."

    They wrote that the following permissions seems not necessary.




    Could someone from Scirra team explain a bit what these are used for and how/if they can be deleted.

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