Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • In regards to the Mobile Advert plugin - in the properties panel there are boxes to enter Application ID, Publisher ID, Show AD free option and Privacy Policy URL.

    However, when you add the Mobile Advert action there are also boxes for Application ID, Publisher ID, and Privacy Policy URL.

    Do you need to fill both in or can I just fill in the boxes in the Mobile Advert action?

    Reason being, I have the following:

    System > On start of layout

    ----------- > System > is on platform Android > MobileAdvert > Android specific details...

    ----------- > System > is on platform iOS > MobileAdvert > iOS specific details...

    And I'd rather not have to edit the app when exporting for Android then iOS if I don't have to.

    Thanks all :)

  • > In regards to the privacy policy url - does this mean we need to host our own url? And is there a standard privacy policy we can access or do we need to write our own?

    I just have a generic Policy with a url link to a page on my website, with the Privacy policy and Terms & Conditions.

    I republished one of my small apps yesterday, all seems to be working as it should, If you are in the eea and want to test it for me its here, let me know if there are any problems with it.


    Just checked your privacy policy - in regards to the Children's Policy you say if you have any details you'll delete them from your servers. Do you actually have servers and are able to delete any stored info, or have you simply used a generic privacy policy and covered all your bases?

  • In regards to the privacy policy url - does this mean we need to host our own url? And is there a standard privacy policy we can access or do we need to write our own?

  • Just to add I also have ‘Hide status bar’ checked when doing the initial export from Construct too.

  • I've exported my app as an XCode project and then archived it via XCode as a .ipa file and installed it on my iphone.

    I have 'Hide status bar' selected in XCode but the status bar still displays:

    Is there something else I need to check or is there code I need to alter to hide the status bar from the build?

    Thanks all

  • Will this consent functionality be available on iOS or Android only?

  • Occasionally happens on my iPhone. Empty your safari browser cache on your phone and try it again - usually sorts it.

  • > OK - so how do we go about using Unity ads in our apps? The Mobile Advert plugin only allows for AdMob ads doesn’t it?


    There is a c3 add on, but I have not tried it, so I can't comment on the functionality of it, or if it complies.

    Ok great - but just looked at that plugin and it mentions video ads only. Does it work for banner ads and interstitials? Does Unity only provide video ads?

  • OK - so how do we go about using Unity ads in our apps? The Mobile Advert plugin only allows for AdMob ads doesn’t it?

  • I think Google must be working on something as if they don’t produce a new SDK that covers this then their profits from banner app revenue will plummet, although why the largest tech company in the world still hasn’t done it already this late in the game is a head scratcher.

    Also app/game creation software companies such as Scirra would also benefit from producing something that allows app devs to create apps with smooth and easy to implement compliance functionality, as the vast majority of casual and hobbiest app devs implement banner ads to make an extra bit of cash (some a full-time income) and chase the dream of a breakout hit, and if the have to jump through hoops to implement banner ads they’ll go elsewhere and find software that does supply this functionality. Whichever app dev software company cracks this will see devs flocking to them and their software. It would be a massive coup if Scirra got there first ahead of, for example Buildbox.

  • Nepeo - any chance you could expand on your comments on how to implement the native social sharing plugin as your example seems to have been cut off?

    Perhaps supply a screenshot or a .c3p?

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  • Is it possible to live stream your mobile games - basically take a live feed of what’s happening on your mobile screen and show it to the world as it’s happening?

    I think it might be a good way to gain traction for our games.

  • Yes I saw that - an unsigned or debug .apk

    I exported as an Android Studio project and imported it into AS then exported it as a signed release .apk - the only issue with this is it doesn’t seem to export the full range or correct icons. I think I have to edit the list of file paths to the icons to include the full list as Construct only links to a handful on export.

  • I've exported it as an Android Studio project then imported it into AS.

    I then generated a signed APK and installed that on my test Android phone.

    I press the button that points to the social share events/actions and nothing happens.


    Just tried it with a debug .apk also - still not working.

    Are the following events/actions correct:

    Touch > On touched Button > SocialSharingPlugin > Share Subject: "Subject here" Text: "Text here &Highscore&" URL: ""

    Are there other events/actions that need to added alongside these to make it work? Are there other plugins I need to add?

  • Up until now when building my app I've had to build via Phonegap Build as I was using third party plugins. As of now I no longer need to use these third party plugins so can build without PGB - except I don't know how to do this.

    I have both Android Studio and XCode installed so I can build for both Android and iOS.

    Can anyone show me which export builds I need, plus which files to open in Android Studio and XCode and how to export final .apk and .ipa files?

    Thanks all