Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • On the Android Core app quality page ( there is the following guideline:

    Visual design and user interaction


    • UX-N1 - The app supports standard system Back button navigation and does not make use of any custom, on-screen "Back button" prompts.

    I've just checked my app and the back button on my phone doesn't return the user back - I'm not familiar with Android devices, but I'm guessing that a 'back' button in a game app would act in a similar way to the home button and return user to the home screen. The back button only returns me to my home screen if i press it about 15 times in rapid succession.

    Des the back button work for anyone else in their Construct apps?

  • The Construct team are well aware of it not working. When the revised plugin was released we were told the Android version was working but the iOS version would be a little longer. Since then, nothing.

  • Well the plugin works fine for Android, but it’s the iOS version (and us) that seems to have been left to hang.

  • Ah yeah - I forgot about the icons etc - it's somethig I had to work out for myself also - now you know what to do it will become second nature.

    Going forward, rather than replacing the icons and launch screens each time you update your app, simply go into the folder that Construct exports (YOURAPPNAME.ios.project) and ther'll be a folder with the same name as your app - go into this folder and just replace the graphics in:

    • Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset - your app icons
    • Images.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage - your launch images

    You can also copy your existing Images.xcassets folder and overwrite any subsequent updates with that folder. The images will auto update once you then open Xcode.

    To create the graphics themselves I'd suggest using a graphics application that can batch process single images into multiple files - for this I use Sketch App (

  • Can someone please give me a 1, 2, 3 breakdown of the actions/events required to get Google Leaderboards to sign in on startup.

    I've added my application ID and my Client ID to the Google Play plugin. I've tried it several ways on he event sheet but I either get nothing happening or the layout continually tries to sign in, fails, tries to sign in, fails, repeat to infinity...

    Can someone post a screengrab of their successful actions/events?

    Thanks all :)

  • - just tried this and yes it works - good stuff - thanks for this.

    One question though - when I reimport the zip then export as a signed .apk - rather than being named appname.signed.apk it appears as appname.multiple.apk

    Any idea why this is or if it will make any difference down the road?

  • No you can’t build with errors - the red hexagons.

    You can build when there are warnings - the yellow triangles.

    If you have red hexagons try finding them in the left hand file column and search for them in google to see how they are resolved.

    To be honest though you shouldn’t have red hexagons if you’ve done everything right in Construct. Perhaps submit a report ticket to see in the Construct Devs can replicate the issues.

    Submit a support ticket here: - remember to attach your project file c3p.

  • I've just tried this - when I try to upload my new zip file via the Export Manager I get the following error:

    Unable to import file. Only cordova projects exported from C2 or C3 can be imported.

    Any ideas? Do you think it's because I'm working on a Mac rather than a PC?

  • Still repeating myself...

    > Have you tried filing an issue with Google like I previously suggested?

    Ashley - have you tried filing an issue with Google? Why is it left to your customers to do this? Many of us have chosen to use Construct because we don’t understand things at a technical level. Is this issue affecting your competitors? Have they looked into implementing fixes or are they also relying on their customer base to do the work for them also?

    Edit: never mind - just seen your reply above.

  • Same issue here...

  • Don’t hold your breath.

  • I have a sprite that I want to display on my game over screen.

    But I only want that sprite to appear at random, let’s say 1 time out of every 20, other times (19 out of 20) it just doesn’t display.

    How would I go about this?

    Thanks all :)

  • I’d just like an answer whether this is being looked into or worked on or hoping it will just go away.

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  • Well I’ve tried it with WebGL turned off but that just makes all the graphics lose their anti-aliasing and everything looks jagged.

    In regards to the manual WebGL workaround - I’m not exactly comfortable digging around in code files - that was the whole point of choosing Construct, you didn’t need coding experience to produce industry-standard games.

    And as far as the fix by Google and other brands, is this an issue they’re aware of and have acknowledged or are we just hoping they have?

  • Aaaaanyone?