Dependencies aren't supported yet. We need the SDK to be flushed out more still.
Need /data
This works: xml.StringValue("/data/enemies/enemy—/animation")
You missing the equals-sign:
<?xml version='1.0'
You need a single root element also:
<?xml version='1.0' ?> <data> <enemies> <enemy id='1'> <animation>cat</animation> <health>2</health> <jumping>false</jumping> <targetplayer>false</targetplayer> <speed>150</speed> <jump>600</jump> </enemy> <enemy id='2'> <animation>bat</animation> <health>1</health> <jumping>true</jumping> <targetplayer>true</targetplayer> <speed>250</speed> <jump>600</jump> </enemy> </enemies> <levels> <level id='1'> <enemy id='1'>1</enemy> </level> <level id='2'> <enemy id='1'>2</enemy> <enemy id='2'>1</enemy> </level> </levels> </data> [/code:1w73j53a]
That's the easiest/cleanest way, but you can also use System.LayoutName to get the current layouts name, to do specific code that way.
The tint effect can be used. Here's a sample with lerp adjusting the Green and Blue channels, to get Red. You can adjust LerpScale to change the timing.
I like LiteTween for more lerp-like options.
Event 2 doesn't pick a Sprite, so it affects all Sprites. Either move the random action to event 5 and skip the function, or pass in the UID of Sprite to the function and Pick by UID first, to get the correct instance.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yes, the video shows how to add https to the current localhost site.
v1.0.0.7 available.
LiteTween is a behavior. Move it from Plugins to Behaviors.
This is working now! You have to setup https properly in Windows 10/IIS. This link explains what to do. Due to Chrome's drop of SHA-1, not all documented methods will work. This one did for me.
You should be using "Check item exists" first, then using "On item exists" and "On item missing" to get or initialize your value.
It's been done, look at the post from cristianofromagio :
/r32/main.js:2 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http://localhost/C3Plugins/demoplugin/addon.json'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
s /r32/main.js:2