please someone
i cant convert c2 plugin to c3 plugin coz i dont understand SDK
i have just one plugin to convert it is rex_moveto
can somebody help me..
rex_moveto is a behaviour. C3 doesn't support 3rd-party behaviours yet, or any drawing plugins, so we are all stuck waiting.
It's available now it seems.
Yes - I'd be interested in this as well. Does anyone have this plugin converted?
The Behavior SDK has not been released yet.
I suppose these things will all come when the GameJam is over. 28 May.
I guess back to bullet behavior it is :p
Old school lerp it.
Instance variable canMove =1, Object set position to lerp(self.x,targetx,yourspeed*dt), lerp(self.y,targety,yourspeed*dt)
Tks everyone
Tks newt its very helpful
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Behavior SDK is released now.
Document of rex_moveTo, behavior and sample c3p files are included.
rexrainbow tks a lot
Thank you!
can anybody convert litetween behavior for C3
and only developers can convert behaviors and plugins ? or can others convert it ??
It's been done, look at the post from cristianofromagio :