blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • System:(General):Set group active

  • Yes, Groups is what you want!

  • The report does specify Firefox, and it does disappear after a short period!

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  • From the manual:

    On collision with another object

    Triggered upon the first time any instance starts overlapping any instance of another object. The collision polygons are taken in to account if set, as well as the object's size and rotation.

    'Is overlapping' might be better, but even then it doesn't prevent movement. You may have to add some extra logic to bump the player back, or use some of the available behaviours for blocking movement.

  • The Stop command uses a Tag, not a Name. Set the tag on the Play command then Stop with the same tag. Tags let you use generic names, regardless of the actual file name, so you can change the file if you need, but as long as you use the same tag, all of the other actions don't need to be edited.

  • FWIW, I'm not seeing the refresh issue in Firefox. Also, it's not necessary to call Unmuted constantly as the key is down. You could separate it out and use trigger once with 'Up arrow is down' to unmute on the initial keydown.

  • You can use the Array.Delete call. This deletes as you go.


  • This has been asked before: selecting-the-correct-uid

  • My first published game, written in assembler, published in Rainbow magazine, in Basic, that Poked the bytes into memory before running! (Nov 1984)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Now there's Construct 2...

  • Click on the View tab to see grid options.

  • Finally, the Valentine's edition!


  • Stopping is done by TAG, not name. Go back and set the tag value to the sound name and it will work.

  • You can set the color on the Layer (Layer 0), not the Layout.

  • You can always remove the object at the last minute, and it will remove all of the references. You can debug other ways too, this is just the easiest that I've found so far. Many of my games had a Debug layer with a Text object that I would print data to. ChromeConsole is much simpler and better (and hidden).

  • You need to add some debugging to your system. I added some ChromeConsole (plugin) logging and found your main problem. Making your menu buttons invisible does not disable them. What is happening is the player is randomly hitting invisible buttons, activating them, and causing you to jump to the various layouts.

    Using your current scheme, tidy up the Groups and active/deactivate the groups based on the menus being visible/active or not.

    If you correct this, I'm guessing the crashes won't appear. I suspect they are related to the excessive layout switching, that shouldn't be occurring anyway.

    <img src="" border="0" />