blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • I like to use the fade behavior for this. Set the wait time, set the fade time, if any, leave Destroy='After fade out'. All self contained.

  • Read this for the official explanation. It's not the next 'tick', it's the next 'top-level event'.

  • Ashley

    There's a second confirmation, for the same OS version. I didn't see an OS version requirement in the release notes.

  • Match 3 - Fish 'n Chips - getting closer - engine mostly done.

  • Disable the Pause group and the platformer.

  • You should be able to scale the layout (Set layout scale), but set the "Scale rate" on the fixed layers to 0. This will scale all of your layers together, except the ones flagged as disabled (0).

  • You could use 'Set enabled' on your platformer object to stop it from moving while paused, instead of changing the time scale.

  • Don't confuse 'confusing' with 'hard'. As is, the game is confusing, but it can be fixed easily. As is, a new user can only go with what they see. I?m going to give you roughly my thought process as I tried this game, as I think it will help ? you have to step back now and then and think like a new user.

    Right from the title screen, it says tap to continue, which to a C2 user, means click the mouse. But the mouse doesn?t work - you have to press a key.

    The first level is pretty straight forward - you are bound by the gray blocks, and have to avoid the brownish moving block, and touch the flag. I immediately wanted to use the arrow keys, but they didn't work, so I tried clicking on the dark NSEW blocks, and hey I'm moving. I avoid the blocks and touch the flag, and sit there for a few seconds with nothing happening. Then the next screen pops up.

    Level two - I had exactly the same thought process as labithiotis. I see a black hole, but no flag, so I try going into the black hole, but nothing happens. At this point I actually gave up when I tried this a few days ago because there was nothing to do - no flag - must be broken. It was only today when I saw your new thread that I assumed you?d fixed things so I decided to try again. But guess what, nothing had changed, so I decided to go near the rotating block and see if something happens. It was only by accident that I touched the block and saw that it moved. So fine, now I get that I need to move the block to the black hole. At this point I?m finding the mouse controls annoying, so I try the arrow keys again (because I?d actually forgotten they didn?t work on level one). Hey, now they work, BUT they don?t always allow me to push the block! This needs to be fixed. So I push the block and there?s the flag. The critical issue here is, the player is surrounded by all of these gray immovable blocks, but they are somehow supposed to guess that that one gray block can move. This is a mistake. Remember, at least two of us gave up at this point, and couldn?t be bothered to play the game. It should be (somewhat) obvious that that block is different.

    Now I?ve popped to this weird tight rope, but the there?s no movement controls, and the arrow keys don?t work again. I randomly click the mouse, and get a nasty red flash, and the level seems to reset. Fine I?ll click again, 'oh too hard', resets again. OK, let?s do small clicks and I manage to touch the flag. This makes no sense, and has nothing to do with the two levels we?ve just played. Back to the ?confusing? comment(s).

    Level 3 ? OK, so now there are two black holes. I try to move the block to one or the other, but I?m having trouble with the controls again, and quite frankly give up, as I have no desire to play anymore.

    Please take this for what it is ? constructive feedback. I think the basic premise is fine, but you need to clean up the interface, and give a minimal amount of help on what the user is expected to do. Angry Birds always shows you what each bird does differently. That doesn?t make it any easier to clear a level, but at least gives the player the minimal amount of knowledge they need to play the game.

  • You'e posted a link, not the actual capx.

  • Ah, I understand the issue now. No, I can't explain why it would behave differently. I think you should report this as a bug.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sorry. Try again.

  • Fixed the link.

  • Try this:


  • You don't want to use Wait, as there is no way to cancel it. You need to use your own timer, in combination with your combo/state variable so you can reset the timer on the second combo. There are plenty of threads that discuss timers.

  • Simplified: When you play the sound, give it a tag. To stop the sound, use that same tag, not the name.