Bl4ckSh33p's Forum Posts

  • If I try to preview in Internet Explorer I get this error - It works fine in Chrome:


    Meldung von Webseite


    Javascript error!

    Zugriff verweigert, line 189 (col 2)

    This is likely a bug in Construct 2 or a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer. Subsequent errors will be logged to the console.




    It seems the very fast multiple triggering of events like on D-Pad left or on Button Press are only happening in Internet Explorer or on Xbox One. When I use the D-Pad controls on PC in Chrome it only increments by 1 when I press down. Is it possible to fix this in IE or IE on Xbox somehow?

  • You mean with a normal textobject, right? Instead of setting Y position every tick just simulate pressing up/down.

    It does not seem to work to scroll a multiline textbox.

    Thanks for the hint! I will give it a try.

  • Hi. It seems only "Scroll to bottom" is possible right now but it would be great if you could control scrolling with keys/gamepads. So if you press UP the text scrolls up and down if you press down. Without this you need to add a normal Textobject and scroll it (change Y position).

  • I had the same problem a whil ago and there was another topic about it. It seems to be possible to use a Server with multiple layouts if you create something like a shortcut (on key down) to recognize you as server (or loginpw) and then switch to the server layout. There you can have several buttons to open the "maps". Now open the game on multiple tabs and each tab klicks on another map button so multiple maps can be open at once. But it may have some issues if a browser tab has no focus and I did not have time to test this yet.

  • Hi. I tried to create my first menu for a gamepad where the selection marker moves up/down between menu items. I used an array to store the Y position of the marker and this works fine so far. But I wanted to allow the user to hold down to scroll down the menu items and tap multiple times to scroll faster. I came up with the following solution. Its not perfect and sometimes it moves 2 entries at once because the timer and single trigger happen at the same time. But I was surprised how good it works for now.

    Does anyone have already made such a menu and has an idea how to change it to fix this?

    Here is the code:

  • 2. Problem

    And when you use On Dpad pressed it does trigger multiple times even if you just hit it once very quickly and not hold it down.

    The same applies to other buttons like "On Button A pressed". I used it to select an menu item but when it switches to another layout the Button A pressed action from there is immediately executed even if I did not hit the button again.

    instead of +1 it adds it multiple times. Any ideas how to prevent this?

    When I use the left stick with a "trigger once" it works fine. But the DPad is triggered way too fast and too often.

    Is this a bug?

  • 1. Problem

    Hi. I used the Gamepad: On Right Shoulder Button Pressed action and it has an green arrow which means it should be triggered once. To make a toggle I added a local variable and added it to the condition. So when the var is 0 and the button is pressed some sprites are shown/animated and the var is set to 1. If you press the button again when the var is 1 the items should be hidden again. But it did not work until I added a short delay (wait 0.5 sec). With the delay it works as expected.

    Any ideas why this is happening and not working without the delay? I tried to move the line with "Set GeldHinweisSichtbar to 0" to different locations but it did not affect it. It seems as soon as I press the button the other event which has "GeldHinweisSichtbar=0" is triggered. But I pressed the button only once.

    This calls a function once which does this:

    And this is to hide it again:

  • Looks awesome! May I ask how you made the start menu with start/options? I am looking for a good/easy solution to make a menu controllable with a gamepad. If you hit up/down the menu elements should be selected. How did you make the menu with cursor controls?

  • Hi. It seems when you add the "Gamepad" object you cant use your pad as cursor anymore. (I tried disabling all gamepad actions but this did not fix it). In the past I had the normal cursor shown to navigate and click on buttons and sprites. But now the cursor is not displayed along with a message on the bottom of the screen that I need to use my controller to navigate. But I use my controller. I added scrolling with the right stick but still want to use the cursor for some other things. Does anyone know if/how I can enable the cursor again?

    Is it possible to disable the Gamepad object on runtime somehow or enable the cursor but allow gamepad actions at the same time?

  • It may be enough to just add the "Persistent" Behavior to the sprite so it retains its properties when you change layouts and come back.

    I try to do as much as possible without plugins so I am safe if it is discontinued or not working after an update anymore.

    You could try to use instance Variables. Something like Strenght, Life, Armor, IsEquipped and each item has different values for it. And then you can check if "IsEquipped" is 1/true you take the other variables and add them to your player stats. So leather armor has Armor of 1, Plate armor has a value of 3 for example. And this would then be added to the character stats. Do you know what I mean?

  • Hi. I tried to make my app compatible with Xbox One (Internet Explorer) and most features seem to work fine so far. But is it possible to recognize the platform to execute different things or support another control scheme?

    The System "Is on Platform" does not have an "Xbox One" entry. Maybe its possible to add one?

    I tried to get the current platform and found the platform variable on the Browser object (why not System where the "Is on Platform" is in?). On my Windows 8.1 PC it says "Win32" and on my Xbox it returns "Win64" (but I have 64 Bit windows installed on PC). So is Windows on a PC always returned as "Win32"? Is there a way to let C2 recognize it runs on IE on Xbox One?

    /Update: I may have found something. The Browser "User Agent" string returns "Win64 - Mozilla blabla WinNT 6.2; Trident/6.0; Xbox; Xbox One". So it may work if I can get the last letters from the user string and check if it says "Xbox One".

    But adding "Is on Platform: Xbox One" would be really nice.

    PS: "Browser Language" returns nothing on Xbox One.

  • I use the latest drivers and browser (chrome). But I think I may have found what is causing this. I disabled "On Start of Layout > Set WebFont" which sets the font for 2 text objects (small load says google, font is Press Start 2P). I uploaded the version with disabled webfont on loading layout here: ... scapists1/

    Is this a bug which can be fixed somehow or is there any workaround?

    PS: In Firefox the loading layout works fine but the following page is black (every page has the SetWebFont on StartofLayout). But the version without the webfont on the loading layout works fine. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

  • Its the same on my brothers PC. It shows a black/blank screen most of the time and someone else on Steam confirmed it, too. Refreshing a few times sometimes resolves it but not always.

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  • Hi. When I click on a link or bookmark the page is just black but when I go to the address bar and hit Enter it shows up as expected (loader layout). Does anyone else have this issue?

    I tried IE and Chrome and cleared the cache, too.

    Here is an example:

  • Very nice!