Bl4ckSh33p's Forum Posts

  • Hi. Did someone already test if you can include banners from sites like with the iframe plugin?

  • Thank you very much.

    I came up with something similar recently with my "The Escapists Companion", but I stored the index in a global variable.

    In my first attempt I created an array filled with Y positions (on start of layout set 0,0=100;0,1=150;0,2=200 and so on) and then set the position of the cursor to the value from the array.

    But I think I will use something else like image points instead of a list of coordinates next time.

  • Hi. I added a search box to my app and want to let users search for things in an array. The array stores some recipe data (itemname, part1, part2, part3, requiredskill...).

    I tried to use "Array: For each XY Element" and "Current Value = Searchbox.Text" but this does only give results when you enter the exact names of the values.

    How can I return partial results for an entry like "Knife" when the user enters "Kn" or "fe"? Do I need to use the RegEx actions or is there some other/easier way to do this?

  • Would be nice to have it on WindowsPhone, too. You can create new mobile apps in pubCenter admin panel and I tried to use them in my C2 Project but it does not seem to work. Are they working on it?

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  • Thank you for your reply ASHLEY. So it seems Multiplayer is not possible as Win8 app or WinPhone app right now, only Android/Crosswalk may work and Node Webkit.

    I will test a few more things and hope everything works. If anyone knows how to fix WebFonts or use custom fonts in general, let me know please.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I just exported my The Escapists Companion app and run it on my Windows Phone (Debug mode in Visual Studio). It seems Set WebFont does not work on WinPhone.

    Visual Studio shows this message: "APPHOST9601: Can’t load <>. An app can’t load remote web content in the local context." Is there some kind of workaround to use custom fonts?

    Anyone else using Windows 8 exports and knows limitations/issues? If some features are not working maybe it should be added to the manual?

  • Ah! I think I got it!

    I used the string "newline" and not just newline as separator (was used to this from using "," and other chars). It returns 2 now and if I add -1 to the tokencountloop it seems to work fine. Or any other ideas to improve/change it?

    the loop:

  • Hi. Since the XML Plugin does not seem to work right now (says XPath needs to be string instead of number, but I entered a string) I tried to use a comma separated list with values like:

    a1, b1, c1

    a2, b2, c2

    I loaded the textfile with AJAX and tried the tokenat and tokencount system actions. I tried to use "newline" and "&newline" as separator and it returns a number for tokencount (1) but it does not seem to work. I make a For loop from 0 to tokencount and saved the result in a local variable. Then I used tokenat with "," as separator for the stored string to get the data for this entry (each line is one entry) but it returns both lines with the linebreak after c1. Any ideas how this might work?

    Example code:


    [quote:3lfdhmi0]Stored Data: a1,b1,c1


    Stored Data:

  • Hi. Until now I used Node Webkit to export for Windows but I am considering to make them Win8 Apps which run on Windows and Windows Phones.

    I searched a bit but could not find a list of limitations or issues, yet. Are all Plugins from C2 (Ajax, Multiplayer, XML, UserData for Cam/Audio) working on Win8 exports?

    I tried an example capx today and noticed problems with the Audio Plugin. The BG sound was gone after another soundeffect was played. Is this a general issue or maybe just one in the current 197 beta build of C2?

  • Hi. I downloaded a Win8 IAP demo and created my own demo and built it with Visual Studio to run it on my Windows Phone 8.1 but I noticed that the background music stops when a new sound is played. It seems only one sound can be played at a time.

    On my own demo I could touch a few times to make a sound but after a few touches the bg music was gone, too. Is this some kind of bug/limitation or how can you use more than 1 music/soundeffect at a time on Winphone?

    I cant attach the capx (2 mb limit and it has 6) -.-

    I upload one to my server when I am home.

  • Problem Description

    When I try to use different XPath expressions for XML.NodeCount it says it requires a string, not a number. But I entered a string!

    Attach a Capx

    It seems to be an C2 Editor bug and I can't add the action because it says it's a number.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Add XML.NodeCount(XPath) to an action like Set Text and enter a string for XPath.

    Observed Result

    Error message says it requires a string not a number even if a string is entered.

    Affected Browsers

    None, its an C2 editor issue

    Operating System and Service Pack

    latest Win 8.1 64 Bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • PS: Is it possible to use a WebFont for Textboxes, too?

  • Hi. I set the background color to dark grey with css and now the placeholder text is invisible. Is it possible to change the placeholder text color?

  • Hi. I used a Webfont for my textobjects and downloaded the font to use it in the editor. I used the same font and size but in Preview and after publishing the Font is displayed different and needs more space than shown in the editor. Does anyone know why this happens or how it can be fixed?

  • Hi. With input objects/textareas its easy to change if text is left/center/right aligned via CSS but the normal text object does not seem to support css or changing the aligment via actions (only font, size, color). Do you think this could be added? So you dont have to use different instances/objects and can use one for different texts with different aligments.